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I woke up that summer morning in one of the guest bedrooms at the Burrow feeling pitiful. Harley wasn't going to be able to come over till the last month of summer because she was in Russia for a family trip. Malfoy however? He was coming today to spend the rest of the summer with me and my family. Apparently the Malfoys didn't have a problem with their son being best friends with a Potter. It's been a week since we have returned from Hogwarts and last night we received a letter from Draco Malfoy saying,

"Dear reader,

Thank you for inviting my son Scorpius to stay with you this summer. My wife, Astoria, and I are going on a business trip for the ministry and won't be returning till September 4th. If he causes any problems at all please owl me and I will pick him up as soon as possible. We shall drop him off tomorrow. Thank you all again.

-Draco Malfoy"

That means the little rodent would be coming over to the Burrow today. I grumpily got out of bed and looked in the mirror. My hair is NOT that bushy thank you very much! It is simply wavy. I marched down stairs to enter the kitchen, which smelled wonderfully like bacon, eggs, and pancakes. "Morning Rosie!" "Hia Rosie!" "Hey Rose" "Sleep late enough?" I was greeted by my family as I entered the kitchen. Aunt Angie, Ginny, Fluer, and mother where cooking breakfast for the Weasley/Potter clan and the rest of my family was scattered through the house doing Merlin knows what. "Where's Grandma Molly?" I asked as I took a seat at the island in the middle of the kitchen while most of the females cooked. It was unlike Grandma to not be in charge of what goes on in her kitchen. "She's lecturing Fred and James right now, they where attempting to fly their brooms inside and knocked over one of her favorite pictures causing it to shatter." My aunt Ginny said as she turned the bacon over in the pan using her wand. "I mean don't get me wrong, Fred and James need a nice lecture, but it's just a picture frame it can easily be fixed." I said. Fred and James where annoying yea, but Grandma Molly was scary sometimes, especially when she's mad and all that over a picture frame? "The picture was of Fred." My Aunt Ginny said with a heavy sigh. Aunt Angie sniffed her nose and aunt Ginny wiped the corner of her eye. They always got awkward when my Uncle Fred was mentioned. Apparently he was my Uncle George's twin but died in the second war. My Uncle always told stories about him and his twin and all the trouble they got into, but sometimes I would here him cry at night in his room. "So um, what time is Scorpius getting here?" My mother asked awkwardly trying to break the cold air that had just formed when Fred was mentioned. Aunt Ginny looked at her watch and said, "He should be here in a few minutes." I groaned inwardly. My mother turned away from her cooking to look at me. "Now don't start anything when he gets here Rosie, understand? He is a guest and a friend of Als." I tried really hard not to roll my eyes. "Mother, we don't get along! Or do you not remember that the rodent got me detention for a month!" My mother shook her head at me. "Sometimes Rosie, you just need to let go of the past. That's what we all had to do." And with that she turned around and continued cooking. What did she mean they all had to let go of the past? Then to my horror, I heard a loud crack in the front yard. Malfoy was here. I could hear Albus running down the stairs to open the door, but his father beat him to it. I watched from the open kitchen door as Uncle Harry opened the front door, I saw him give a kurt nod, then look downward towards Scorpius. "Hey there Scorpius, wanna come inside?" I could here his voice from the other side of the door. "Yes please." The blonde rodent stepped into the Burrow carrying his trunk. Albus ran downstairs to meet his best friend "hey Scorp! Your bunking with James, Fred, and I upstairs." Scorpius raised his eyebrows at that. "Is there- well is there enough room?" Scorpius looked genially curious. "Course there is. It's an undetectable extension charm, my aunt Hermione is really good at them, the room is a lot bigger on the inside." Albus said as he started going upstairs, Malfoy tailing behind him. "Hey mum, where's dad?" I asked my mother. My dad wasn't exactly 'keen' on the whole Malfoy visiting thing. It would be nice to have someone on my side. "He's outside with your uncles, setting up the tent for breakfast." My mother said, her back still turned on me. "Couldz you tell your uncle Bill his vife wouldz like a verd with zim." My aunt Fluer told me before I left the kitchen. I ran outside to the backyard to see my uncles, well some of them, setting up the breakfast tent. We had so much family that we had to eat outside because we all couldn't fit in one room, no matter how many extension charms are used. "Hey uncle Bill! Aunt Fluer needs you!" I called to my uncle as I ran past him. My uncle Bill jumped and ran inside. "Morning Rose." My father said as he stifled a yawn while raising one end of the tent with his wand. "Just thought I should warn you. 'Its' here." I said as I sat criss cross on the grass next to me father. I saw him roll his eyes. "Your mother is right Rosie, try and be friendly?" "Why should I? The rodent gives me hell all year round! Summer was supposed to me my salvation and instead he ruined that too!" I said grumpily. "Rosie, he can't be that bad." My father said as he sat criss cross next to me. "Not that bad? You don't know how I got that detention do you?" I suddenly realized. That's why they are so understanding! They don't know! My father raised his eyebrows. "No, I just assumed you had a disagreement." I nodded my head. "You can say that." "Well what ever it was about doesn't matter now, your mother said we need to be polite to him." I laid on down on the grass, looking at the sunny clear blue sky and groaned. "But why!" I complained. "Because your mother said it isn't his fault who he's related to and that we need to move on." My father said standing up, handing out his hand to help me up. What do they all mean by 'move on'? "Fine" I mumbled as I took his hand and stood up. "Now let's set the table ok?" I sighed heavily "yea, okay."

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu