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The weeks that followed were quite easy, everyday Scorpius and I got to see each other. Yea we had to do rounds, but we were still together at least. Scorpius had decided we shouldn't tell people yet. He was so scared that Albus would never speak to him again, that he wasn't ready to tell. I told him that it was fine by me, it was up to him when he was ready to tell Albus the truth. Homework was getting heavier and heavier as the months flew closer to exam day. And I was more and more nervous. I would skip lunch and dinner and go straight to the library to study, of course Scorpius wasn't buying the whole "not hungry" thing, so during our rounds he would bring me food. As time flew by, I was starting to wonder why we shouldn't tell people. There were a few times where I almost said I loved him, but I caught myself, too scared to say those words out loud. Before I knew it, Scorpius and I had been dating for over five months. "So how about it?" He asked me one night while we were doing rounds on the eighth floor corridor. "Huh?" I mumbled, not looking up from my text book. I heard him sigh as he snatched my book from my hands. "Hey!" I whined as he held the book out of my reach. "You have been studying for months Rose, you even chose to not go home for Easter break because you needed the library! You could use a break." He said looking at me with worried eyes. "But I'm fine, honestly!" I said, still trying to reach my book. But Scorpius held it out of my reach with ease. "Rose, you have bags under your eyes, your eyes are blood shot to hell. And you skip meal times every day! This isn't healthy. You are done studying. And you are going to Hogsmead with me tomorrow." He said firmly. "But- but exams are in a month!" I said urgently. He shook his head and lifted my chin with his finger so we were eye to eye. "It's only a day off. You need it. And I miss my girlfriend to be honest. It's like you've dumped me for the library." He said with wide eyes. "Well maybe I will." I said grumpily, crossing my arms. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh really?" He said slowly. He started to walk closer towards me, making me back up into a wall. "And could your books do this for you?" He said softly, kissing me on the lips. He kissed me slowly, then kissed trails down my neck and along my collar bone. Shivers went up and down my spine. A moan escaped my throat and Scorpius began to laugh. He kissed me gently on my lips, grabbed my hand, and we began to walk down the corridors. He was right, I did miss him. Maybe a day off of studying wouldn't be so bad. As we walked, we passed a painting of a dancing troll. I stopped walking and walked back to the painting. "What is this?" I said with a laugh. Scorpius eyed the weird painting with interest. He shrugged his shoulders and we walked past it again. I heard a weird sound, and I turned around to see what had made it. "What's up?" Scorpius asked. "I thought I heard something..." I said quietly, grabbing my wand. "Rose..." I heard Scorpius say. "Hm." I mumbled quietly as I looked down the corridor, wand raised. "Was that door there before?" I heard him ask. I looked up at him, followed his gaze, and he was right. Where use to stand a blank wall, was now a giant oak door. Scorpius let go of my hand and began to walk up to the door. "Scorpius!" I whispered urgently. "It's fine, what could go wrong?" He said with a shoulder shrug. I sighed heavily and followed. He pulled open the door, and inside was nothing I knew was in the castle. There was a warm fire on the farthest wall, lighting up the room in a warm red glow. There was a large bed in the corner of the room, and table with candles all along it with food, a couch in front of the fire, and soft slow music playing, almost like it came through the walls. All in all, it was a beautiful and romantic setting. "Where did this place even come from?" I asked in awe as I began to walk around the large room. Scorpius shrugged his shoulders and stared at everything in amazement. "This is going to sound crazy." He began to say, "but I just thought about a place like this just a second ago." He said, looking at me, his silver eyes glowing. "What?" I asked, leaning against the couch. He nodded his head and looked around, "while we were walking, I thought of a place where you could relieve your stress you know? And just relax... And suddenly this pops up?" He said in disbelief. Suddenly a memory flew into my minds eye. "The room of requirement." I said aloud. "The what?" Scorpius asked. "My uncle told me stories of a place in the castle, that if you walk past it three times and think of something that you need, it will magically appear! Of course he never told us WHERE it was, of fear of what we would exactly "need". But this must be the place." I said as I looked around once more. I began to walk around while looking at the ceiling, and I ran into something. I looking away from the top of the room to see Scorpius was standing very close to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist. "So your telling me, all you have to do is think of something you need, and the room can do it for you?" He asked quietly. I blushed at his words and nodded my head, "I suppose." I whispered. Suddenly at that moment a shower with a blurred and transparent door appeared with a stack of towels and spare cloths on the wall next to the door. "Wait- what is-" I began to say, backing away slightly. "Relax, I just needed a shower. We had Quidditch practice today and I'd rather not smell like dirt right now." He said with a smirk. He kissed my forehead and walked over to she shower, opened the door, and stepped inside. The door was blurred, so I could see his figure, but nothing in detail. I watched as he began to throw the clothes he was wearing out of the shower and onto the floor. I felt my face heat up at his actions, "Your welcome to join if you wish Weasley, no need to only stare." He said through the shower mockingly. I felt myself squeak at his words and I quickly turned away and looked into the fire determinedly. I heard the spray of water turn on and I quickly started trying to think of something els. 'I should probably study the butt- ugh! Book!!! I should study the book!' I thought to myself. I began to quickly look for the book, trying to distract myself. 'Need a distraction!!!' I thought to myself urgently. At that moment I heard a pop, I turned around and saw a large bookshelf had appeared next to the fire, filled with text books. I sighed with relief and ran up to the book shelf. I began to pull out books and read. Determine not to let my mind wonder to the- the- ugh. I quickly shook my head and buried my nose in my book. At that moment I felt a prickle on my neck. I turned around and looked around the glowing room. I slowly turned my head back to my book, listening intently. I heard a glass shatter and I screamed. I turned around and started casting hexes randomly, not knowing what was happening. "ROSE!?" I heard Scorpius call. "What happened!? What are you doing?" I stopped firing hexes and opened my eyes. Nothing was there. A glass vase lay on the carpet shattered. "Someone- something- vase! It's knocked over see?" I said pointing at the vase with a shaky finger. "Rose, it just fell over. It's okay, breath." He said soothingly. I looked over at him and my heart stopped. He was standing out of the shower, wand in hand. That was it. Nothing. Zilch. I felt my face heat up and I threw my book at him and turned around. "Ah! Why arnt you wearing a towel or something!?" I squeaked. "because! I thought you were being attacked! The last thing I'm going to worry about is clothes Rose." I heard him say. I felt my blush creep onto my cheeks as I thought about what I saw. I couldn't get the image out of my head! How heroic he looked with his wet hair and worried eyes, and strong upper body. But he went from heroic to sexy in a matter of seconds. I closed my eyes tightly trying to remove the image, but it was impossible. "Are- are you wearing clothes yet?" I called after him, still not daring to look. "Sort of." He said quietly. And I jumped when I heard how close he was to me. I turned around and saw he was only a couple of inches away, only wearing a towel. I squeaked as I looked at his slender body, his muscles popping out as water made it shine in the fire light. "What- um-" I tried to speak but it came out cracking. I heard him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He rested his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. "What's wrong Weasley? Too hot for you?" He whispered jokingly. I started to look at his body closely, and was surprised to see scars along his torso and arms. "You wish..." I whispered as I examined the marks. "Scorpius..." I whispered. "Hm?" He said softly. "Where did these come from?" I asked, running a finger along the largest scar that was on his chest. His eyes snapped opened and he went a little stiff. "No where, don't worry about it." He coughed out. "You jumped out of a shower, naked, to save me from a clumsy vase. And you think that I'm not going to worry about this?" I said in disbelief. He didn't say anything. "Tell me." I said firmly. "Let's just say my father doesn't like it when I play coy." He said quietly. I gasped and backed away from him. "Your father did this!? Why?!" I said in shock, looking at all the markings on his body. Scorpius crossed his arms and sighed heavily, "it doesn't matter." He said with a blank face. "Can we just forget about it?" He said, turning around and walking away towards the clothes, revealing more scars on his back. "No we can't! Why the hell would he do something like this to you!?" I asked shrilly. No response. "When did this happen!" I asked, crossing my arms. "Easter break." He said casually as he put a shirt on. "That was two months ago! Why didn't you tell me!" I asked, feeling hurt and angry. "Because I knew this is how you would react!" He yelled back. "Damn straight this is how I'm going to react!" I yelled. I was so mad I wasn't even fazed as he took off the towel, revealing everything, and slipped on some sweatpants. He sighed heavily and leaned against the shower. "Why did he do this?" I asked in a shaky voice. "What do you mean 'when you play coy'?" I asked. He sighed and looked away from me. "On Easter Break I forgot to erase our messages on the parchment one day, and he saw them. He asked me if I was 'still seeing the Weasley girl'. I told him no, and then came lash number one." I gasped, he continued to look unaffected. "He asked again, I said no. Lash number two." He continued casually. "Well you can image that this went on for awhile, after about lash five I made a joke about his weak swing. So he stunned me, got the whip, and it went on for a couple of minutes. But it ended." He said looking at me with his silver eyes, his voice sounded normal, but his eyes looked pained. "Why didn't your mom-?" I began to ask, "please, my mother was in the cellar drinking our supply of wine." He said with a wave of the hand. I felt my eyes sting at his words, great! Now he's going to make me cry or something! I walked up to him at a fast pace and hit him across the chest. "You idiot! Why didn't you tell me!?" I yelled as I continued to hit him. He just stood there and let me hit him for awhile until he grabbed my wrist to stop me, and I felt a tear escape my eye. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. His arms circled around my waist as he held me firmly. "I'm so sorry." I whispered. I felt tears run down my eyes. "It's my fault-" his arms went stiff and he shook his head. "No! No no no! That is far from your fault." He mumbled into my shoulder. "But- if you never started to see me- this wouldn't have happened!" I said Into his neck as another tear escaped. He lowered me and looked into my eyes, "The hell it wouldn't have. He would have done it just for me thinking about you the way I do. If we never had started seeing each other, it wouldn't have been worth it." He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind me ear. "And how do you think of me, exactly?" I said quietly. His lips were only an inch away from mine. "I love you Weasley." He whispered. "I love you too Malfoy." I whispered back before kissing him. He pushed me against the wall and began to kiss me violently, only pulling away to breath. "We- should-- stop..." I gasped in between breaths. He began to kiss me again, my mind going foggy. Everything around us had disappeared, and all I knew about was Scorpius and I. I quickly pulled away. He groaned sadly and rested his forehead against mine. "I know I know..." He said sadly. I grabbed his hand and led him to the couch. He laid down and I laid down next to him. We simply stared into the fire, his arms wrapped around my waist. We didn't need to go farther right now, we just wanted to be in each other's company. Soon I felt his face burry inside my hair and I heard him breath softly. He had fallen asleep. It didn't take long for me to drift into a slumber as well, wrapped in the warmth of the person I had come to love.

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