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Scorpius's POV

Rose... I'm so sorry... It's my fault, all my fault... "My fault..." I muttered. My eyes shot open and I felt a horrible pain in my head. "Fuck..." I mumbled groggily. I blinked a few times for my eyes to adjust to the darkness and when they did, I found myself in an oddly familiar place... I saw I was in a dark room with no windows, the floor was solid dark wood and there was dust everywhere... Am- am I- but how? I was laying on the floor- in the dungeon at Malfoy Manor... I quickly sat up and my heart began to speed up. Think damn it, think! Last thing I remember is being- with Rose... We- we had a fight, she was pissed... I had told her the truth, and- then I blacked out... How the hell did I get here!? And why am I in the dungeon!? I stood up and looked around the room, it was empty, I was alone. I couldn't help but feel relieved and worried at the same time, did that mean Rose was safe? Why was I knocked out? Better question, who the fuck knocked me out? I suddenly heard a door open and a small light flooded from above the stairs, I suddenly felt the urge to hide. It was pointless however, there wasn't anything in the room, so I backed into the wall and waited. Each step creaked slowly as the visitor made their way down to the cellar I was, for some unknown and creepy reason, in. The movement stopped and I froze still. I heard the shuffling footsteps move towards the wall, and soon the room was flooded by light from the oil lamp. I let my eyes adjust to the lighting and blinked a few times. When I opened my eyes I felt pure hatred burn trough my body. Jake Peck was leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face, staring at me. "You fucking bastard!" I bellowed before I lunged at him. He waved his wand lazily and I fell to my knees in pain. Blood stained the front of my white school shirt, and I saw there was a long gash around my midsection. "Put your wand down and fight me like a man, you coward!" I yelled, my eyes prickling at the pain. He raised his eyebrows and stood up strait. "If you insist." He sighed heavily, tucking his wand in his sleeve. He took two quick strides to where I was still sitting, gripping my gut in pain, but before I could stand up and retaliate, he kicked me in the chest so hard that I slid on the blood stained floor. "Shit!" I gasped, trying to catch my breath which had left me. "Was that better? Either way you get your ass kicked, right?" He began to laugh as he turned around and began to walk towards the wall again. I stood up and ran at him, he turned around with wide eyes before I slammed him into the wall. "What the fuck am I doing here, Peck?" I whispered dangerously. I had a hand on his throat and I was half tempted to give in and kill the fucker without a second thought, but I needed answers. And last I checked, dead bodies can't talk. His eyes were still wide with shock, but he gave a crooked smile and he looked almost deranged. "We decided to go through with our plans." He whispered, the smile never leaving his face. I tightened my grip around his neck and he choked. "What plans?" I growled. "We had to keep you down here so you wouldn't interfere, but we warned you, didn't we? But you went and told, and now-?" He sighed dramatically and had a mocking sad face. My heart dropped, "where is she?" I whispered, my eyes growing wide and my grip tightening. His face was growing purple, but I couldn't let go. The anger coursing through my body made me want to hold on until he stopped moving all together. But I suddenly felt a horrible pain around my midsection once again, and I flew backwards through the air as if I had been run over with fifty different cars at once. I gasped in pain as I watched my blood paint the floor. Jake was rubbing his neck as he twirled his wand in his fingers. "Not very friendly I see. And to answer your question, she's with my father at the moment. He's having a little- fun, I should say..." He said calmly, my head began to swim with morbid images of Rose on the floor, bleeding out. I wanted to reach her... And I was getting dizzy... So much blood was surrounding my body... "Don't- don't kill her... Please..." I whispered, too weak to stand up, my eyes shut tight, the mere idea of her being- no! Never... She would never leave you like that... "Kill her? No... Not anytime soon I think. You see, I asked my father for a favor... To keep her alive until I'm finished with her..." I heard him say, and I could hear his demented smile. That was the energy I needed to open my eyes. I tried to yell, but sound couldn't escape my lips. My lungs felt compressed almost. All I felt was anger, red, burning, hot anger... "What's wrong? Don't like the sound of that? Tell me, does she taste as good as she looks?" My body jolted, so ready to kill him! Fuck answers, the bastard was going to pay! "Oh my... That's a lot of blood, don't you agree? Maybe I should stop waving my wand so freely." He said simply. My breathing was shallow, stay awake, stay. Awake! "What do you want with her?" I whispered, and I hated myself for how pleading it sounded. I heard the bastard sigh heavily. "Well, you see, it's not really what I want, but what my father and yours wants with her." He said quietly, as if in deep thought. "What could Rose possibly have that they need?" I gasped, finding it hard to breath all of the sudden. "The start of it all." He whispered, and I grunted as I felt his heavy foot kick me, so I had rolled over. He was crouching so he was close to my bleeding body, smiling like a mad man. All I could do was grunt. "You see, my father was in Azkaban, for years... My father was away from his family, was away from magic for years... And as for your father, we can only guess why he hates that family... But my father, he wants revenge on the family who put him in that prison... Can you guess who put him in there?" He said, looking me straight in the eyes. He bent lower so he could whisper in my ear. But everything was becoming blurry, too much blood loss... I heard a high pitched scream come from upstairs before I heard, "Ronald Weasley..." And then I blacked out.

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