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Scorpius's POV

I watched Rose walk to the Ravenclaw table and begin a conversation with Hugo's boyfriend. My eyes followed her when she ran out of the great hall. I stood up instinctively, and I felt a hand grab me by my shirt and tug me back down, it was Albus. "Don't follow her right now. If I'm not wrong, she went to go talk to Hugo. Her family has a lot to deal with right now.." Albus whispered, him and Harley sharing a sad look. But my chest tightened anyways. "I just-" "I know. You are scared she will get into even more trouble some how, but you need to trust she can handle herself. She isn't helpless, and if you treat her like she is, she will kill you one day." Harley said firmly, the corners of her lips lifting slightly.

I looked down the Gryffindor table, and I looked for all the faces and names I could recognize. It was so weird I knew more Gryffindors than Slytherins, just because of one family. A family who I've been apart of for so long now.. This feels normal, unlike being with my family.. I mean, my mother disappeared, not like I was a big fan to begin with.. Never said anything during the abuse.. Never tried to help.. Just drank all of the time.. And my dad.. Someone I had grown to despise, and never ever want to become, just to find out he's been in a curse for years.. I don't even remember if my family was ever happy to begin with..

"Scorp?" I snapped out of my head to hear Albus call my name. "Hm?" I mumbled, trying to shake my thoughts away. "You okay? You've been really quiet." Albus said, looking worried. I nodded my head, "yeah, of course!" I looked back at the door in the great hall, the one Rose had left through. "Um, actually Albus, where is your dad?" I asked suddenly, and Al looked confused. Him and Harley shared a look once more, "I'd imagine he's with the head mistress, doesn't he need to check on the prisoners every half hour or something?" Al asked, I nodded my head. "I have some things to take care of too, I'll see you guys around." I jumped out of my seat, and walked out of the great hall as fast as I could. My heart was beating out of my chest, I didn't know what I was going to say, I just knew I needed to say something to my father..

As I was about to turn the corner to the head mistresses office, I heard an all too familiar shriek. "Scorpius!" I rolled my eyes, and I swear it took so much energy not to run away. "Scorpius wait up!" I turned around, swearing under my breath. Daisy was running down the hall, waving towards me, trying to catch up. "What do you want?" I asked irritably once she was in ear shot. She looked taken aback by my rudeness, and pouted. "I just wanted to talk about what happened that one night." She said, sounding hopeful. My stomach lurched at the memory. The way Rose stared at me. How hurt she looked.. How harsh I had been treating her.. "There is nothing to talk about, Daisy. Now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be." I stated firmly, turning on my heal. I felt her hand on my shoulder, stopping me in place. "But Scorpius! You can't possibly be with that Weasley girl! I mean, she's a psychopath! She's so- so-"

"Shut. Up." I said while shoving her hand off me. She gasped at my roughness. I turned to look her in the eye. "You will stop following me. You will stop flirting with me. You will stop harassing Rose. You will leave us both in peace for the rest of the year. We have been through way too much in the last seven years to even deal with anymore of your shit. Me and you will never happen. I love Rose. And that is final." I whispered dangerously. She looked close to tears but I stopped caring. I turned and continued my fast pace to the office. I was finally in the corridor that lead to the gargoyles, but I watched the spiral staircase appear with the Headmistress and Mr. Potter following down the steps. When they saw me they looked a little surprised. "Scorpius? Is something wrong?" Mr. Potter asked, looking slightly worried. He looked so tired. I wonder when the last time him and mrs. Potter were together.. When he's had dinner with his sons and daughter.. When he last cried about mr. Weasley.. "Uh-no- yes- not really.. I was wondering if you could take me to see my dad.." I finished. Both of them shared a look, and looked very hesitant. "Are you sure that is a wise decision Mr. Malfoy? I mean you've been through so much trauma-" "I need to." I said firmly, cutting the headmistress off. She sighed heavily, gave a nod to Mr. Potter, and walked away.

Rose and Scorpius, A True Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें