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The third year of Hogwarts felt so much more different for me then anything. So much was going on, I was having a hard time keeping up to date with all the information plus my families lives. Lilly and Hugo had finally become first years at Hogwarts. As I watched my cousin and brother get sorted into Gryffindor I felt a swell of pride. The entire family was happy to have Lilly and Hugo finally arrive, Merlin knows it's all Lilly and Hugo ever talked about. To add onto family lives, my mother was a little less worried about my father and uncle Harry. No one has spotted the criminal in a year. In fact the story hasn't been mentioned in the daily prophet in months. My father told me Harry and him haven't gotten any leads in to where he is, or why he broke out. I mean yea the dementors are gone, but Azkaban isn't exactly fun. Trolls guard the cells of prisoners, meaning the smell is horrible enough. And all the death eaters in there had their wands snapped in half. So I don't know how Dolohov escaped or even why. But it's a little nerving if I think about it too much. To top off being a third year in Hogwarts, the perks. All third years are allowed to attend the Hogsmied trips the school has once a month. My cousin Fred was telling me about how awesome the village is, and how his favorite part is his fathers joke shop. Weasleys Wizard Wheezes use to only be in Diagon Alley, but the shop did so well my uncle George decided to open a couple more shops. He works in the original shop, in Diagon Alley. But he visits every so often to check up on us. The first visit was this weekend, and I was so excited nothing could ruin my mood, or so I thought. Harley and I were in the last class of the day. Care of Magical Creatures with the Slytherins. Today's lesson was little odd, even for Hagrid. "Al'righ kids! T'day we are gunna do somthin a lil different. Follow me!" He waved his giant dust bin sized hand as he started walking to the black lake. A million things ran through my mind. Are we going to speak to mermaids? Maybe learn there language? I vented out my excitement with Harley. "I've read about the creatures in the black lake! Do you think me might learn mermish? Or maybe the chief mermaid will speak to us!?" Harley rolled her eyes at me. Unlike my parents, I shared I great love for animals. This was my favorite class, and after Hogwarts I hoped to work as something similar to what Hagrid does. I could hear someone snort a laugh behind me. "Merlin give me patience." I muttered as I turned on my heal to face my dear cousin and his rodent of a best friend. "Is something funny?" I asked with raised eyebrows as I crossed my arms. Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Oh of 'course' not." Malfoy said in a long annoying drawl. I looked at Albus to see he was staring at his feet, kicking the grass. I spun on my heal and continued following the other students, Harley at my side. When we arrived at the lake I made sure to be in the front so Hagrid could see me. Just in case I need to answer any questions. "Alrigh' kids, today's lesson is a lil different. Can any of yeh tell me how long this giant squid has been here?" I was shocked at the question. I didn't know the answer. I've never really thought much about it, I just assumed it's been here forever. "I wouldn't of expected any of yeh to know the answer, I don't quite know me self. Squid was here before I was. Strange in't it? Well, today we are going to feed it something, a tonic. It's gotten itself sick, wether from old age, or somthin 'e ate I don know. I don reckon he has long-" Hagrid made a loud sound, like a trumpet into a table cloth sized hanki as he blew his nose. "And the Headmistress is worried 'e could pass on in pain, so we need to put him down. It won' hurt him, he won' feel anything. But he don' need to suffer anymore." Everyone made a murmur noise that confirmed their understanding. The giant squid lay near the shallow banks of the lake, quite still. It's red/brown skin looking moist, but like ruined leather. "Now, I will need one of yeh, to rest your hand on 'im. Fer comfert yeh know?" I raised my hand. It didn't sound very pleasant or fun, but it seemed important to Hagrid. Hagrid beamed at me through his greying black bush of hair through tearing beetle black eyes. "Damn sweet of yeh Rosie. I-" Hagrid broke of as I heard that familiar snort of laughter. Everyone turned to look at Malfoy, who seemed to find me volunteering to comfort a giant squid amusing. Hagrids face went red, I don't remembering him ever looking so angry. "You think it's funny do yeh?" He bellowed. Malfoys smirk disappeared and he paled, if it was even possible for him to get whiter. "If you think it's so funny, how about you go and help Miss Weasley!" He roared to my displeasure. Malfoy ran up to me, looking scared. Hagrid looking pleased he made Scorpius uncomfortable, continued with his instructions. "Now, while you two relax him, I'll inject him with the tonic. He will go righ' to sleep. And then slowly he will pass on." Hagrid said sniffing. Scorpius and I walked over to the squid and I started to pet him. His skin felt moist and leathery. It wasn't pleasant but I was happy to be helping him. "This is so gross." Scorpius muttered to himself as he poked the squid. I flared my eyes at him. "Deal with it! When ever you are dieing, I'll laugh when no one comforts you because it's "gross". I said coldly as I looked back at the squid. That seemed to shut him up. "This is 'servant' work though." Malfoy complained. I turned to the horrible boy and glared at him the best I could. He tried to look confident but I saw him shudder a little. "I don't care how SPOILED your father makes you. I don't care that you are the WORST human being I've ever met. And I don't care that you can't go a day without insulting me. But I do care that you stole my best friend away and turned him into someone els. And I REALLY care whenever you insult my family. So if you make fun of Hagrids life style ONE. MORE. TIME. You are going to regret it." I spat at him with as much venom as I could muster. Malfoy drew up to his full height, and I was sad to see he had grown over the year and was now taller than me. "Oh yea?" He said quietly, his silver eyes boring into mine. "And what are you going to do if I dont agree?" He whispered. He was really close now. By reflex I pulled my wand out and jinxed him. Malfoy flew back with such force he landed in a shallow part of the water. The class roared with laughter as he pulled himself out of the water, his face red with fury. Malfoy raised his wand but before he could utter his revenge curse, Hagrid came to my rescue. "OUI!!!! What do you two think yehre doin!?" The half giant came bounding past the squid towards us. "I was defending myself!" I yelled in protest as Hagrid started walking us towards the castle to speak to Mcgonagall. "Defending yourself? From what!" Malfoy yelled back. "From!-" I cut myself off. I'm not sure why I DID need defending. I just felt uncomfortable. "It don't matter why yeh did it. But I need to take yeh to the headmistress. It's the rules. You understand right Rosie?" Hagrid asked quickly, looking at me. "Of course Hagrid." I said sadly. It's just his job. And here is where my mood was ruined. Mcgonagall had told both Malfoy and I that we were going to spend our weekend in detention. And that we were not allowed to attend Hogsmeid this weekend. I was beyond angry, Malfoy had ruined something great for me once again.

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now