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"Just kill me already... Please..." I whispered hoarsely, a tear escaping my lidded eyes and sliding down my scratched and bleeding face. I've lost count how long I've been here... My hands were chained together attached to some brick wall. My wrists were cut, from when I had been struggling against the steel trying to escape, I had cuts along my right cheek, and I could feel the crust from dried blood. I had bruises all along my body, and my head felt like it was splitting from pain. My back ached from sitting against this brick wall for what felt like forever, and I just wanted to die. The pain was unreal... "I promise I will kill you when the time comes, my dear. But I want to play a little first..." Dolohov whispered from somewhere in the dark. My chest constricted and shivers ran through my body. I couldn't see anything, and I'm sure if there was even light I couldn't see, my eyes were blurred from pain and tears.

"Why are you doing this?" I pleaded, shaking my head, not able to control my voice anymore, he was breaking me... "Your suppose to be smart! From what I heard about your mudblood mother, you should be able to have the brains to piece it together." He said with a cold, bitter chuckle. My heart ached and my body jolted against my restrains at his words. "Your right, I am smart. And I have come to the conclusion why your doing this.." I whispered, lifting my head and smiling through the dark. I heard him mutter a spell under his breath, and I winced when the dark, damp, cellar like room was engulfed with light. I blinked my eyes and groaned in pain as my head began to ache all over, with more force. I slowly opened my eyes, and looked around. There was a tiny puddle of blood where I was sitting, and specks of my blood were on the wall behind me, and I was mortified when I noticed how much blood was on my school uniform. I looked up and saw the ugly, yellow toothed, dark brown matted hair and deep brown, shinning eyes of Antonin Dolohov. He had a look of excitement etched on his fucked up face. "Finally! Care to explain for me?" He whispered excitedly, he was stepping closer, and I couldn't help but smile again. "Happily." I whispered. I leaned in towards him as much as my restraints would allow me, and continued to give him a wicked, toothy grin. "Your fucking insane." I whispered with a cocked eyebrow. His smile vanished the moment the words fell from my lips, and the excitement in his eyes were replaced with darkness and pure anger. "CRUCIO!" He bellowed, waving his wand once again. I began to scream in pain as I felt the horrible feeling again, and again, and again... All I could do was scream, and pull against my restraints waiting for the pain to end. Waiting for it all to end... "IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR SMART ASS ATTITUDE!" He bellowed, the torture coming to a stand still, but never really leaving my body. I began to pant heavily, my head drooping, feeling nothing but weakness. My mind began to drift, and I saw his face again... Scorpius... Please be safe... I took a gasping breath, and kept my eyes closed tightly. Kissing the memory of his face goodbye in my mind, positive I'll never see him again. Hugging all my family goodbye, kissing life goodbye. "I get it. My father put you in Azkaban, and you were taken away from your family. You want him to suffer. You want him to lose his family like you lost yours. But what does this have to do with me, specifically? What did it have to do with Scorpius?" I whispered, my heart feeling empty.

I looked up to see Dolohov standing in the shadows, looking at me with a wicked smirk. My stomach lurched at the sight, but I continued to look him in the eye. He raised his eyebrows and began to breathe very slowly. "Your father gave me hell. You see, after I killed that damned half breed, werewolf teacher he was more than a little upset. Now when I helped bring that wall down on his pesky red headed brother he really lost it... He made sure I'd spend life in Azkaban-" "AS YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I screeched after hearing his morbid words of truth. "HOW DARE YOU KILL THOSE INNOCENT-" Dolohov waved his wand and suddenly it was impossible for me to speak. I could only murmur, as if something had physically zipped my mouth shut. My heart was racing and I was pulling on my restraints all over again. How dare he! "Be silent you wench!" He whispered angrily, beginning to pace around the stone, cold room. "As I was saying, I was sentenced to life in Azkaban. Never to see my family, never to see my unborn son for years to come. I was not even the slightest bit surprised when I found out that blood traitor married a mudblood. And he had a family... Two children, a wife, the whole world falling to his feet. While I rotted in prison!" He began to yell and shake with anger. Your insane... Of course you were rotting in prison! You killed and tortured people! "I escaped! And I went to the one person I knew would take me in... Malfoy." My body shuddered as he hissed that name. I felt hatred boil through my blood and radiate off my battered body. Dolohov stepped closer towards me, and I felt my body stiffen. "I bet you hate his father, don't you..? The man who would torture your little boyfriend.. The man who literally chained your boyfriend to a bed for three months, and tortured him daily..." As he whispered these things, I felt tears well up in my puffy, sore eyes. I pictured Scorpius screaming for help, but never getting any... I wish I could speak. I wish I could cry. But I can't even open my mouth due to whatever spell that bastard has used. His brown, ragged eyes widened with excitement, and his bared, yellowed teeth seemed to clench tighter. "But I'm not done yet, dearie.. Oh no.. I arrived at Draco Malfoys oh so great manor, thin, ill, practically dying.. And you know what that bastard did? He threatened to call the aurors if I didn't, and I quote, "get off his lawn within five seconds". Well, once the bastard turned his back, I pulled his wand out of his back pocket and imperioused him then and there..." My heart stopped. What was he saying? My thoughts must have been etched on my face due to his widening smile. "You all thought Draco Malfoy was a naturally sick bastard... Didn't you..? Well, he was cruel regardless, but truth be told... I'm the one who was truly torturing your little boyfriend for the last few years.. I've been hiding in the shadows, watching every step he made... When I noticed you and him were "well aquatinted", I sent my son to do a little snooping. Of course he never did anything, fear of being caught, who could blame him..." Dolohov was now pacing the cellar brick floor once again, and a memory of me and Scorpius in the room of requirement came to my mind. The vase shattering... It was Jake... He was watching us the whole time... Shivers ran through my body once again at the thought of Jake Peck, or whatever his name was. The thought of knowing he truly was watching me all these years... Like the sick bastard he is... "Now, I'm sure your wondering how I got into Hogwarts? Well, my dear... I'm going to show you." He whispered the last words, waved his wand silently, and before I knew it I was unchained from the wall, but my entire body was bound together tightly, and I was floating in midair. My bones and joints cracked as my limbs changed positions, and I groaned in pain. I opened my eyes and glared at Dolohov, he was staring at my body, and I felt the need to vomit then and there. "No... This won't due.. Your clothes are destroyed beyond compare..." He waved his want once again, and I was terrified when I felt the clothes on my body leave, and felt something long and flowy drape around my body. I looked down as much as I could and could see I was in a Slytherin green dress. The fabric was scratching my skin making me wince in pain as it touched my bleeding wounds. "Much better... I think it will make quite a statement for your family to find your rotting corps in this, don't you?" He whispered with a wide grin. He began to walk out of the cellar, my floating, stiff body following him. We began to glide up a spiral staircase, the hall was dimly lit by candle light, and I could hear rats squeaking when our shadows flicked against the damp dark walls. Finally we came to a door, once he opened it and walked through, my stomach dropped. I'm in Borgin and Burkes... The last time I was in this shop, was right before my second year, when Scorpius had said the wrong words, and ended up in the wrong chimney. The cupboard in which we hid was still in the shop actually... Dolohov waved his wand and my body dropped to the floor with a sickening thud, and I noticed I was able to move my mouth again as well. But my freedom was short lived, as the next thing I knew I was once again, bound with chains. My wrists and ankles were bound tightly by magic, as I lay on the dusty wooden floor in knocktern alley. I was suddenly very light headed, and I noticed blood was already seeping through the dress. My wounds were open and still flooding with my blood. "Where is Draco Malfoy." I asked, my voice cracking from lack of use. Dolohov was looking at the black cupboard in which I had hid in oh so many years ago with an expression of fondness.. As if he was meeting an old friend etched on his face. His eyes darted at me and back at the cupboard. "He's... Busy, I guess you could say..." He whispered, now walking away from the cupboard and striding towards my body. I gasped in pain as he grabbed me by my hair and started to drag me towards the cupboard. "Ow! Let. Me. Go!" I screeched as I felt my scalp ripping in his filthy hands. He dropped my shaking and whimpering body near the large, black, door. "Time to get this over with." He pulled out a pocket watch, and smiled once more. I closed my eyes tightly, and held back the tears that wished to escape. It's time... Don't show weakness, Rose... We all die eventually... Just a matter of when and how... It was time to die. One by one my family members swam into my minds eye. My mother... Hugo, my father... Albus... My uncles, my aunts, and finally Harley and Scorpius... All the people that I love that I will never see again... That I never got to have a true goodbye.. But then I remembered the way Harley would laugh... How happy Albus would be when he held that camera of his... I never noticed how many pictures he use to take... It's almost as if he never did, and the fact I never noticed is selfish... I began to think of the way Scorpius would kiss me... The way my mother would finish books within hours... And I felt a small smile spread on my face at these memories. If I was going to die, I was going to die with memories of all I love in life. I will not wallow in self pity. But the curse never came... I didn't hear Dolohov yell anything at all. I didn't feel any different. I was still aching in pain all over.. I opened my eyes and saw Dolohov was still staring at his watch. "Are you going to kill me, or can you not even do that right..?" I whispered. He didn't acknowledge or show any sign I had spoken. He was still staring at his watch. Every second a gleam would show in his eyes. It was almost maddening, waiting for death... Finally he put his watch away and was smiling widely, looking behind me at the cupboard door. I heard a small click, and heard the door creek open. "Nice to see you again, Father..." I heard a familiar voice whisper. My heart stopped. I watched as a pair of feet stepped over my body and my eyes widened as I saw a bruised and battered looking Jake Peck, embrace his father. But I saw another pair of feet step over my body, and I gasped when I saw Draco Malfoy. "Is it done?" Dolohov asked. "Yes." Draco said dully. "When will they be here!?" He whispered excitedly. I heard the ring of a bell and wished I could turn my head to see who it was. Draco Malfoy knew who it was... Cause I watched any color drain from his face. "Hello. Father, mother..." He whispered. Oh. My. God. I heard footsteps walk slowly behind me, getting closer and closer. And suddenly, a very ragged looking Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were staring down at me. Oh I'm so confused... "So this is the half blood...?" Lucius sneered. Narcissa however, was staring at Draco. "My baby boy..." She whispered, as she reached out a hand to touch his face. He jerked away from her hand and backed away, looking... Ashamed? Scared? I couldn't tell... "Are you positive they will come?" Lucius asked, still looking at me with disgust. "Yes." Dolohov said. I was speechless. Were they going to kill me together? Did they want to watch? Who is they? Why are they coming? Who ever they was? Suddenly I heard glass shatter, and I watched as red sparks began to fly and the looks on the former death eaters faces become stony. "Get the hell away from my daughter." I heard a very familiar voice boom through the shops walls. My heart filled with something it hasn't had in so long... Hope.

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