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It being my fourth year of Hogwarts, I need to be as mature and well mannered as possible if I want to be made a prefect next year. Meaning I was avoiding Malfoy as much as possible, if I run into him I know for a fact I'm going to do something I'll regret. I need to show the headmistress that I am responsible. It's been weeks since the first day back, and everyone was settled back into school. My plate was full due to Quidditch practice plus homework, I didn't have time to be annoyed with Scorpius anymore. James who was on his last year at Hogwarts has been working the Gryffindor quidditch team like crazy. All James can think about is making sure we beat Slytherin in the next match, and the weather isn't helping . It's been raining almost every day, I don't think I have been properly dry for two weeks. And it's hard to show I can take control of things and keep people under control whenever Fred and James keep breaking every rule they can, they say since it's their last year they need to leave with style. The only family members left of the Weasley/Potter clan is Me, Albus,Hugo, James, Fred, Roxanne, Dominique, Lucy, and Louis. We were slowly leaving the school, honestly if the entire family was in Gryffindor I think we would make up the Quidditch team. Only problem was that Louis, and Lucy where in Ravenclaw. And we know where Albus is. Tonight I was heading back up to Gryffindor tower from practice. It was raining like usual and because of an incident at practice I was covered in mud. My usual red hair, now dark red covered in filth and dirt. I was trudging down the corridor shivering slightly. It was freezing and the rain wasn't helping. As I turned a corner I was startled when I bumped into someone, no one should be out this late normally. "I'm sorr- wait." I stopped before I finished my sentence as I looked up at nun other than Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius seemed surprised to see me and his eyes were wide. "Wh-what are you doing here?" He stuttered. I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms. "IM getting back from practice, the question is what are YOU doing here Malfoy." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Well?" I asked annoyed. He dropped his hand and gave me a weird look. He seemed annoyed, but not his usual annoyed look. He shook his head at me. "What?" I asked curious by his behavior. He just shook his head again. "Nothing." And he started walking towards the exit. "Wait! Where are you going?" I yelled after him. He didn't stop or turn around but kept walking away. I stared after him for awhile but decided I shouldn't risk the trouble. I headed back up to Gryffindor tower. Whenever I was inside my dorm room, I saw Sarah, Hannah and Harley were all still awake. "What are you all doing still awake?" I asked as I started to get ready for a shower. "No reason..." Harley said with a very unconvincing tone of voice. I stopped and looked at my best friend. "Mhm. And who is no reason, and why are you staying awake to tell me?" I asked lifting an eyebrow. The three girls looked at each other than back at me. "We know someone who likes you!" Hannah blurted out. She must have not been suppose to tell me because she slapped a hand over her mouth. Harley and Sarah where protesting and slapped a hand on their forehead. "Way to not tell, Hannah." Sarah mumbled. I raised my eyebrows at my friends and stood in the middle of our room. "Um, ok?" I said. I was really confused. They had to be mistaken, I mean, who would like me? Harley was giving me a searching look, and whenever she didn't stop I asked, "what!" Harley gave me a look that said 'seriously?' "Arnt you going to ask who it is?" Harley asked. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Who is it?" I asked crossing my arms. "Can't tell you." Harley said with an apologetic look. Ok now I'm getting annoyed. I through my arms out in exasperation. "Fine! Since your only wanting to waste my time I think I'll get a shower." I stormed into the bathroom and got a shower. As I washed the mud off my body I thought about the practice we had just had.

"Alright team. We easily have the best team in Hogwarts, Fred and I as beaters. Dominique, Roxanne, and Annie as chasers." Annie Hathaway was a 6th year Gryffindor, I didn't no much about her except she could really throw a quaffle. And that she secretly had a crush on James. "Rose as keeper, and Brandon as seeker." Brandon Woods was a cute 5th year Gryffindor. He had straight long brown hair and bangs that swooped just above his crystal blue eyes. He was nice to look at, I can't lie. But I heard he got around with a lot of girls so he lost a lot of the cute level for being a player. But he could catch a snitch better than any other Gryffindor I've seen so that was a bonus. "We need to win this year, it's my last year an-" Fred had cut off James words. "OUR last year dear cousin." Fred corrected. James nodded his head and pointed to Fred for more drama. "It is our last year! We need to win this. So we are going to train harder no matter what!" We all murmured in understanding but Dominique had to say something. "Yes but at the rate you are training us, we are going to catch our death of cold first! It's pouring outside!" Roxanne, Annie and I yelled in agreement. The boys backed away a little. "Look, I'm with James. We need to win this, if Davids comes up to me one more time and says he's going to bash my head in with a beaters bat, I'm going to snap." Brandon said in a serious tone. Danny Davids was a Slytherin beater who got a bit too aggressive with quidditch. We all murmured and headed into the pouring rain. I kicked off hard on the ground and flew to the goal posts. As I hovered in the air I felt my hair plaster itself to my forehead and robes from the rain. Brandon was flying in a circle above me. "Alright!" James yelled through the loud rain. "Brandon, you look for the snitch! And Rose, Roxanne, Annie, Fred and I will throw the quaffle around! Rose! Try to block the throws!" James was yelling over the sound of the rain. I waved my hand in the air to show I understood. As they practiced throwing the quaffle around, I saw Brandon watching us. I looked up at him and caught his eye. "OI! Shouldn't you be looking for the snitch!" I yelled up at him. He jumped a little and started circling the field once more. But when I looked back at our little throwing circle, someone had thrown the quaffle right at me hitting me right in the face and the ball fell down lower and lower till it was on the grassy pitch. I rubbed my cheek where it hit. "Mmm" I grumbled. "Rose! Are you ok?" James was asking frantically. My cousins might be a bit over protective. "Yea yea I'm fine. My mistake." James nodded in understanding. "I'll get the ball." I said as I looked down to see the red ball lying in the middle of the field. I flew down and hopped off my broom. As I bent down to pick it up I hear a loud yell of, "ROSE! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" As I looked up I saw something gold flash past my head, and then I was tackled to the ground by Brandon and his broom. We lay in the rain in a crumbled heap. Brandon was already sitting up. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Are you ok? I couldn't stop fast enough!" Brandon was panicking. I don't know why I did it, but I started to laugh. I was in hysterics laughing. I rolled over grasping my stomach trying to breath. "Eh- Rose? Are you- are you ok?" Brandon asked uncertain. I nodded my head silently as I continued to laugh. The rest of the team had landed on the pitch as well, and I hear my cousins run to my shaking body. "Woods! I'll kill you!" James was yelling as I heard them run to me, I was still laughing. "Honestly! You could have!- what's wrong with her?" His voice dropped to a normal tone and became less murderous. I sat up as I slowly recovered from my laughter. I looked up at my team who were looking at me worried. "What? I'm fine!" I said as I stood up, now covered in mud from head to toe. Fred shook his head in disbelief. "Honesty woman, your confusing." A few of us laughed. "Alright, I think that's enough practice for one day. Anymore and I think we might kill Rose." The team headed back to the changing room but Brandon stopped me. "Rose, I really am sorry." He really did look sorry too. I smiled at him. "Am I bleeding?" He looked at me and then shook his head. "Am I alive?" I asked. He nodded his head, a confused expression on his face. "Then I think it's safe to say everything is ok." I said smiling. Brandon rolled his eyes. We put our brooms away and I headed back to the castle before everyone els. The rest of the team wanted to talk strategies but I got out of it because I told them I had homework. And now I'm here.

I turned off the water as I awoke out of my memories of this evening. 'Where was Scorpius going? Why is he out so late?' I asked myself. I got dressed and dried my hair. Whenever I got out of the bathroom it was to see all three of my friends had passed out in their beds. I smiled at the sight. I shook my head and got under my coveres. I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep and had dreams of crashing brooms and mysterious places.

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