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Scorpius's POV

"Scorpius you can tell me, your father can't hurt you if I take you away from him. I can keep you safe." Mr. Potter said softly. I don't care about me! It's Rose you need to worry about! I shook his hand off my shoulder and looked away from his eyes. Remember what he said, tell anyone and he hurts her, play clueless! "I'm not sure who told you I was being abused, but I can assure you I'm not abused." I said simply. "Will that be all, Mr. Potter?" I asked. Please just leave, this would be so much easier if you weren't here! He nodded his head slowly, and I saw this as my chance to return to my room. I walked slowly up the stairs, each step feeling heavier than the last. Merlin I miss her... No! Don't think about her! You know what he will do. I walked into my room and stood in the door way, he said if someone ever requested me to leave my room, when I return I must wait for him here. This is fucking stupid, Mr. Potter could have taken you away and you could protect Rose.... Yea but he always finds a way, doesn't he? I then fell forward, my face hitting the hard wooden floor in pain. "WHY THE HELL WOULD HARRY POTTER BE IN MY HOUSE TO SPEAK TO YOU!" I heard my father bellow, and I felt a horrible pain run through my body, like fire was licking my insides and burning me from the inside. I couldn't stop the scream that escaped my mouth. The pain was slowly dying down, but I continued to twitch on the ground soundlessly. "WELL!? ANSWER ME BOY!" He screamed, kicking me in the ribs. I rolled away and stood up on my feet, my legs were shaking, but I held my ground. "I'm not sure, father." I spat out with as much venom I could muster. He waved his wand and I was doubled over in pain once more. Damn him! "A better question, I think, would be who the hell have you told?" He whispered, watching my twitching body with interest. I was panting, trying to catch my breath. "No one!" I gasped. I heard him chuckle, sick bastard! "Well someone knows, and that can't be good." He said, still chuckling. "But don't worry. All in good time, I'll have that nosey little family out of our lives forever." He whispered. My eyes shot open and my heart stopped. Anger filled my lungs, I sat up and swung, but he flicked his wand and my entire body went rigid and froze. I found I could still move my mouth however. "DONT YOU DARE THREATEN THEM!" I bellowed. He gave me a swift kick in the gut, but my body simply stayed as frozen as a statue as I coughed in pain. He waved his wand and my body went limp, and it began to float to my bed. I was once again chained to the bed post. "I will send Beezey up with your food." He said coldly, I heard the door close and knew I was locked in this hell hole all over again.

Roses POV

"What do you mean he seemed different?" I asked in a hushed tone, I felt sick to my stomach. My Uncle Harry had just told me what he found out about Scorpius yesterday. "I mean something is wrong, but he wouldn't tell me anything. He seemed very distant and I can't figure out why." My uncle said heavily, taking a drink of his tea. "Did he say anything- you know? About me?" I asked quietly. My uncle Harry stared at me intently, sighed heavily and shook his head. "No, something is wrong Rosie. And I'm not sure if anything is going to be okay with you two-" he began to say. "Don't say that!" I choked. I stood up, "I need to go." I whispered. "I'm going to try to figure out what's happening Rose, I promise." He said firmly. I turned away, my heart was breaking all over again and I can't breathe! Damn it Scorpius what's wrong! I grabbed some floo powder and threw it into the fire."Ron Weasley Household." I said firmly. I felt the tug at my belly and my lungs being suppressed as I vanished from Godrics Hollow and arrived at my home. I stepped out of the fire place, my legs shaking. "So? Any news on Scorpius?" My mother had been waiting in the living room of our home. I didn't feel like talking about it, what if Uncle Harry was right!? What if everything between us isn't okay? No! Don't think that way! I shook my head, "Nothing new. I think I'm going to go to my room." I said quietly. "Won't you eat something first? I made sandwiches for lunch." She said cheerfully, I shook my head. "I'm not hungry." Trying to ignore her sad expression I went back to my room. It was a pretty big room, the walls were pale blue and had one window, but I always loved that one window. It went from the floor to the ceiling and opened to a small balcony that looked down on the forest next to our house. I had a bed in the corner with a desk right next to the window, and I had about four large book cases filled with books. I walked over to the book case with the most recent books, my mind desiring nothing more than to get my mind off of Scorpius. As I skimmed through the covers, I noticed one book that I hadn't read yet. Mockingjay... Why didn't I read this yet? It's been months! I grabbed the book off its shelf and flipped through the pages, but as I did so, a folded piece of paper fell out of its pages. Hmm... That's odd... I bent down to pick it up, but when I tried to unfold it, I felt a stinging shock run through my fingertips and I dropped the paper. Oh yea... Scorpius gave me this, along with the necklace for Christmas. The only problem is I can't read the dammed thing! But why? I picked the paper up off the ground, and saw familiar words form on the paper.
I will never open, until the day is in need
Where there lacks trust, is when you may read. I hope the day does not come, for when the first sorrow falls. But if it must, rely on me to call"
What does it mean? Where there lacks trust? Ugh, why couldn't you tell me, Scorpius? I took the frustrating, folded piece of paper and put it in my school trunk. I sighed heavily, what could be on that letter that I'm not allowed to read !? "ROOSIEE!" I heard my name being called from down stairs. Reluctantly, I began to make my way down the wooden stairs. My mother was in the kitchen, bouncing with anticipation. "Mom?" I asked, feeling really confused by her cheerful attitude. Her brown eyes were shining bright as she handed me my Hogwarts letter. My heart is in my throat. "Why are they here so early!?They don't usually arrive till the end of summer!" I whispered, staring at the letter in fear and curiosity. "Who cares? Just open it!" She squealed. I took a shallow breath, and tore open the envelope. My heart stopped when I saw the golden badge with the letters "HG" on it drop onto my lap. My mother was clapping her hands and looked on the verge of tears. I pulled out the letter and began to read allowed.
"Rose R. Weasley,
You have received the honor of Head Girl. Your badge is held within this letter, along with your school list and train ticket. You are receiving this letter two months in advance to inform you of your accomplishment, and to inform your parents (and you as well) of the requirements and responsibility the job of Head Girl comes with. First and for most, the HG and HB will be sharing their own common room, this tends to concern most parents. But they do have separate sleeping quarters (which is decorated how the dweller sees fit) and there are spells cast around each room, the HG and HB will not be able to go into the others room. Also, the main common room is left empty, the two must compromise on how it is decorated, a team exorcise almost. The HB and HG will have to schedule meetings, and will have many jobs through the year, further information about said jobs will be given later during the year. On September 1, the HB and HG have a train compartment they must be in to discuss round duties, then they must go to the prefects carriage and discus with prefects. Congratulations
-Headmistresses Minerva Mgonogall"
I sighed in relief, I did it. I made Head Girl. "Oh Rosie this is excellent! I'm so proud!" My mother cheered, hugging me tightly. But a sudden thought came to my mind, "but who's head boy?" I asked, my heart beating a million miles a minute. My mother looked over the letter and shrugged her shoulders, "it doesn't say, I guess you find out on your first day." My mother said, still smiling. But I felt I already knew who the HB was, and it was lifting my mood extremely fast. We will basically be living together. I would get to see him every day, and we wouldn't have to hide everywhere! I felt the first real smile creep on my face all day at the thought. "Now if only your brother paid more attention in school, he would be made a prefect." My mother sighed heavily making me actually laugh.

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