Chapter 34

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I looked at Mr. Rodriguez who was still bleeding and in very much pain. But he refused to admit it. We were currently tied by the ropes. He and I side by side. He came closer to me and whispered. "Can you reach your dragger where is it?" I looked at my boot, there I hid my dragger. "If I were you, I would have looked at the pretty face of your fiancée because you are not going to live for very long Mr. Rodriguez" I heard Captain William's voice.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. "Simply because I can and I don't like his face. Also, there is money, money that is power in this whole world, or did he never told you that?" He then looked at Christin again. "You never told her how much bounty they have put on your pretty head Rodriguez? What were you afraid of that she too will betray you?" Christin chuckled. "She knows very well that she doesn't have to betray me for anything, what I do, I do for her."

I gasped at his boldness, how can he say what he does, he does for me? I never told him to kill for me. "I never thought I will live to see this day, Rodriguez, it is true what they say that behind every successful man there is a woman, and I can see the beautiful reason, it breaks my heart that your love story will remain unconcluded." I struggled against my hold.

"No, no, no Katherine dear, you have been away from home too long, and this isn't a place for little girls to roam, you know how sensitive your mother is, she is bawling her eyes crying thinking what might have befallen you. And she is pregnant with the heir of Davis family. So, you known how important it is that the child is born into this world. And you my dear shall live so that we can control Rodriguez empire. He is where he shouldn't be. He is what we call an anomaly."

I looked at Mr. Rodriguez, what does he means that needs me to control his empire? What does he know that I don't? was it another one of your puzzles Christin? "Don't tell me he never told you. Aren't you two supposed to be lovers?" I was still very much confused about the lover thing, and the marriage thing. But I don't know why a deranged person thinks that he can control someone's empire by controlling me.

"Have you ever looked at his will? If he dies everything goes to you my dear Katherine, you would be owner of everything he owns now. You can say that this is a tribute of his love for you. He made this empire for you." What? There is no way... but what if he is right? What if all those occurance, his meeting me wasn't just a coincidence? What if Christin planned that encounter, that day? What is it all was his plan? Not the dangerous parts of course but what if...

"You think I will give my empire to someone like her? Someone as naïve as her can never handle something like this, beside she is a girl. She is no fit to rule the business world like I am, there is a reason they call me king because I am the king." Wow, is he insulting me with the saying women is supposed to just do household work that too after all these times? Should I take that as an insult or as a way of him challenging me like most of the time?

"Oh Christin, you are always the one to crack the best jokes, weren't you? How else a boy whom no one knew just few years ago, who was lost in the dark world of the London Slums had raised to status of an elite? An aristocrat?" It made me realize how little I know about him, how much I know about the man I am supposed to marry other than what he showed me. There is just on the surface of water, what hidden underneath, I wasn't supposed to know ever. If I tried, I will drown.

I found him touching my boot while covering my lower half in such a way that no one will notice. He was trying to distract them while reaching for that dragger. "How dare you insult me? You think even after everything we been through, I cannot run your empire because I am a woman?" I asked looking at Christin. "It is my argument against you taking the power and using it wisely because you lack the brain to do so, so here my love your point is?" He asked.

As Warm As Fire (Dangerous Strangers Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora