Mike shinoda x female reader

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One day mike was out and looking for art supplies for his artwork. As walks to his favorite store as on a nearby building. It was colorful and very well painted.

He thinks to himself self whoever did this is talented. Then leaves for his art supplies. Later that day he starts on his artwork. Mike has an artist block than thinks of the mural.

After an hour he had made one of his best works. Then later that week he sees a different mural but by the same person.

"I got to meet the painter," he said.

He sees the paint was still there. The painter must have just finished as he sees you pop up.

"Hey there," he said sweetly.

"Hello do you like the mural," you asked.

"Yeah, it's unique and special," he replied.

You blush as he stared at the mural.

"Do you know who made the mural," he asked.

"I do it's me," you said shyly.

He looks at you and said you're talented. Which makes you blush even harder.

"Thanks to that a lot coming from the rapper linkin park," you replied.

"Hey have you had lunch, yeah?" he asked.

"No, I'm about to after cleaning up," you explained.

So mike offers to help clean up and take you to lunch. During lunch, you two talking all kinds of art and music. He found out you were big were of linkin park and drawing. Something sparked with you two as he asked you out on a date.

Of course, you said yes as you and he started a two-year relationship. After being together so long he made his mind up about you. One night he made a sign with candles.

He brings you to the backyard with your eyes closed.

"Are ready to see what I made," he asked.

"Yes, I'm I want to see what you made," you replied.

He uncovers your eyes as you see the candles spell out. Will u marry me?
You start to cry and hug him saying yes mike I will marry you.

As you two kissed you never felt happy with anybody else. Mike felt the same because after seeing your first mural his mind kept running.

You were his muse and he didn't what to lose you.

Mike Shinoda is one of my longest rockstar crushes. I have loved him since 2003 if I'm not mistaken he was my first rockstar crush than brad walst of tdg.

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