Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Entry One, Part 2

October 12, 2017

When I woke up this morning, I thought that this day would be the same as any other: boring and filled with lots of work. So, I approached today as I would yesterday or the day before. I get ready for the day by immediately going to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I dress myself in a navy blue, pleated skirt and a creme sweater. Along with that, I pull on my very dirty basic, black converse. I grab a granola bar for breakfast and head out of the door at 6:45.

When I arrive at school, Raine is immediately by my side, chatting away about homework that she didn't finish and what her brothers' latest scheme against her is. She has two brothers, one older and one younger. They're always playing pranks on her. Her parents are divorced and she alternates between staying with her mom and her dad. Her family is dominated by the guys, though.

"They are totally going to get it when I get home," she grumbles.

Her brothers decided that it would be a good idea to dye all of her white clothes orange. Raine wears white almost everyday, so she was pretty peeved.

"Why don't you just get them back?" I ask her, opening my locker. "It's not like you don't have a few tricks up your sleeve."

She nods in agreement, staring at something on the other side of me. Before I could see what she was looking at, she snaps out of her daze.

She continues on the topic, "You'd definitely have to help, though."

"Of course! We're partners in crime," I gather my things and close my locker.

As we're walking down the hall, Raine turns to me, still walking. With her being as klutzy as me, she manages to bump into someone. Not just someone, though; a guy. His name is Kenneth Lowe. He's in our grade, and has most of his classes with us. However, we don't talk to each other much. As luck would have it, Raine has been in love with him all of our high school lives.

"Hey, Kenneth," Raine greets.

Unlike most people, including me, Raine is very good at talking to guys. Conversation just flows well, and she always knows what to say.

"Hi, Raine. I didn't see you," he responds.

"Yeah, I didn't see you either," she chuckles.

"I've actually been meaning to ask you something," Kenneth explains, beginning to walk again.

"About what?" She queries, following him.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime?" he phrases it more as a question than a statement.

"Sure!" she exclaims. "What'd you have in mind?"

At that point, I decide to leave them be. I wouldn't want to end up as a third-wheel. I slowed down and decided to text her later. I had piano practice after school, anyways. 


I start the short venture from my school to Cahliyo Music Studio. Mr. Cahliyo's my piano teacher; he's also like my third parent.

As the door opens, Mr. Cahliyo turns to greet me. "Laney!"

"Hi, Mr. Cahliyo!" I exclaim as he engulfs me in a large bear hug.

Mr. Cahliyo has graying hair and a pretty bulky build. Apparently, he was a wrestler in his younger days. He was pretty popular.

"You're never gonna stop the formalities, are ya?" he asks me.

I simply shake my head before walking into my normal room. Surprisingly enough, there's someone already in there. He's about my age. He had dirty blonde hair. I can't see his eye color because they are closed. He is in his own world. He isn't playing anything that I've heard before, and it doesn't sound familiar.

Too soon, his performance ends. I begin clapping, and he flinches. He mustn't have heard me come in.

"Sorry for coming in, unannounced," I apologize, bowing my head.

The boy stands. "It's no problem. I just didn't notice that anyone had entered."

For the first time, I see his eyes. They are hazel with gray tones. I've never seen eyes like his.

"I'm Delaney Sinclair," I hold my hand out.

"Nice to meet you, Delaney. I'm Elijah Carasca. I just started attending Mr. Cahliyo's piano classes," he says, shaking my hand.  

Now that I'm getting a good look at him, I recall seeing him around school. We never really talked though. 

Mr. Cahliyo interrupts by speaking, "You two will be the first students to try out my new program. Your classes will be conjoined. It's an experiment to see if putting multiple students in one class will improve their progress." 

Both Elijah and I look towards each, before looking back at our piano teacher. After a few seconds, my breathing starts to pick up. Unfortunately, I am powerless to stop the incoming anxiety attack. 

"Delaney, are you okay?" I can hear Elijah ask. I simply nod my head and make an attempt to exit the room. Unfortunately, my plans are thwarted by Elijah and Mr. Cahliyo coming up to me. 

By then, the tears in my eyes are threatening to drop. I look around trying to find someway to get to the bathroom. I push through the two men and try to find the bathroom. Everything is blurred, so I run out the front door and go to the back corner of the building. My senses were all a mess and made me completely oblivious to the fact that one of the men in the piano studio had followed me out here. 

Either way, I was sniffling like crazy and trying to wipe the tears as they streamed down my face. My breathing was coming in an out very short and sounding strangled. I feel a hand touch my arm and quickly scoot away. Through the flood of tears, I can barely make out Elijah's face. 

"It's okay, Delaney. It's just me," he tries to comfort me. "How about we play a game?" 

I nod my head, still wiping my eyes. My breathing has slowed a little bit. We both take a seat on the ground, facing each other. 

"Okay. We'll call it...The Speed Game," he says. "I'll ask you a question, and you answer with the first thing that comes to your mind, okay?" Once again, I nod. "Who's the first fictional character that comes to mind?" 

"Y-Yang Xiao Long from RWBY," I my croaky voice whispers. The tears finally stop, and everything looks clear. 

"Who's that?" he asks, slightly tilting his head. 

I give off a small smile before going into detail of the show. It's one of my favorites, so I have a lot to say. It was the first anime that I had obsessed over. My head was filled to the brim with every detail from Ruby's cape to Pyhrra. For the first time, someone that I'd  just officially met has stopped one of my anxiety attacks. I couldn't help but smile at that thought. 


That is it for Chapter Two. It's been a bit since I updated, but I'm trying to get better with that. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share this story if you like it. If not, leave some feedback in the comments. Stay sweet and have a great day! 

-Rider Mason

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