Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Entry Nine

Date: January 1, 2018 

The day into the new year is where things went wrong. You might be wondering how anything could be going wrong with Elijah and I, but that isn't who I'm talking about.

I wake up on January 1st to my phone ringing. Elijah is asleep next to me, so I quickly grab my phone and answer it.

"Hello," my groggy voice answers.

"Delaney, can you come over?"

My sleepiness instantly disappears at the sound of my best friend's voice. Instead of the cheer that I'm used to hearing from Raine, her voice is cracking and quiet, as if she's been crying.

"Raine, what's wrong? What happened?"

I hear shuffling from beside me and find Elijah sitting up. He is raking his hands through his hair, expressing his confusion.

"It's K-Kenneth. He, um...he broke up with me."

"Are you at your house?"


"I'm on my way."

I pull the blankets off of my legs and get out a pair of jeans and a sweater. Forgetting that Elijah is in the room, I strip out of my night gown and pull on the clothes I picked out.

"Buggy, what happened?"

I jump a mile into the air when my boyfriend's voice floats into my ears. Nonetheless, I grab some shoes, ignoring the fact that he probably saw me in my underwear.

"Raine and Kenneth broke up..."

After saying that, I pull on my Converse sneakers.

"Could you drive me to Raine's house?" I ask as I stand at the end of the bed.

Elijah nods and gets ready. I hand him the shirt that he left here and head downstairs. A few moments later, Elijah descends the stairs.

"Ready?" he questions.

In response, I nod. After that, we hop into Elijah's car and head to Raine's house. I look out the window the entire way there.

What happened between them?

As far I had known, their relationship was great. Raine was happy and Kenneth seemed to be happy. They went out a lot and Raine had even planned on telling him that she loved him.

Was I really that blinded by my own life that I didn't notice the signs?

Elijah reaches over and grabs my hand in his. His eyes meet mine for a brief moment before he focuses on the road.

"They will be fine," he assures. "I'll drop you off at Raine's and then I'll go see what happened with Kenneth."

I nod my head, still feeling a bit bad about the whole situation. I'm extremely curious as to what happened. I don't get much more time to ponder on it because we pull up in front of Raine's house a few moments later.

I hop out of the car after giving Elijah a quick kiss goodbye. I walk up the walkway to Raine's porch. I ring the doorbell and wait. I'm prepared to knock again when the door opens.

"Delaney," Raine's mother greets, sighing. "Come in."

She seems conflicted. I brush it off.

It must be about Raine.

"Hello, Mrs. Briggs," I respond, entering the house.

Mrs. Briggs looks tired. She isn't dressed in her usual businesswoman attire. Her mid-length hair isn't pulled into its usual tight bun. Animosity is faintly felt in the air. To avoid that, I inform her that I'm going to go to Raine's room and bolt up the stairs.

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