Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: Entry Seven

December 24-25, 2017

It's been a while since Elijah and I had our first date. Since then, we've been going on dates much more frequently. We haven't made anything official yet, but we have become a lot closer. We even decided to do a conjoined family Christmas together. It is being held at Rose's house since their house is larger than the Sinclair family's home.

Currently, it is December 24th and Raine and I are wrapping the gifts that we got at her house. Raine got Kenneth a new Xbox game. Kenneth got her the expensive flatiron that she has been begging us to buy her.

"Are you sure that you  didn't get me that flatiron?" she asks for the millionth time.

She has been asking me non-stop about the flatiron since she said she had a hunch that I bought it for her. She's going to be pretty disappointed with the gift that I actually got her: a record player. That was the second thing that she's been begging me to buy her.

"I'm sure," I assure her, placing the last piece of tape on the gift for Carmen.

I got Carmen a make-up palette that she mentioned she wanted. I got my Mom some wine (with the help of my dad) and I got my dad an engraved grill set. My gift to Rose is a silk robe that I saw her eyeing when we went shopping a few weeks ago. I got Leanne a signed racket from her idol, Serena Williams. Lola is being gifted a guitar since she said that she wanted to learn to play. Lastly, Lena is getting an appointment for a professional pointe shoe fitting.

"Come on, Dela!" Raine continues to whine. "Don't you love me?"

I place the current gift that I'm wrapping to the side and scoot over to her.

"Of course I do, Raine," I give her a hug. 

I can feel her shoulders lift.

"That doesn't mean that I got you that flatiron."

Just like that, she's back to sulkily wrapping her presents. I let out a chuckle, going back to wrapping gifts. Moments later, Mrs. Briggs brings in a batch of cookies.

She places them on the coffee table, "Here you go, girls."

We eagerly chomp away at the cookies until I get a text. It's from my mom.

Mother Dearest
Are you on your way back?

Laney (Delaney)
Not at the moment. I should be done in about ten minutes.

Mother Dearest
Alright. We're heading over to Rose's house. Meet us there. Don't change into your pajamas until you get there.

I reply with a quick 'ok' before going back to wrapping presents. As expected, I finish ten minutes later and gather them up. Raine's dropping me off and she and Kenneth are coming over tomorrow to open presents with us.

I hop out of the car as soon as we arrive outside our destination. I stack my presents in my arm and shut the door. I mutter a 'bye' to Raine and approach the door.

Lena opens the door and is quick to take some of the presents out of my hands. I take a step through the threshold to be greeted by a bunch of decorations.

"Delaney!" everyone shouts as I enter the living room.

I find everyone sitting on the couch, watching some Hallmark Christmas movie. Even Carmen's boyfriend, Arios, is here. I've met him a couple of times and he is perfect for her. From what I've seen, he treats her well and I'm so excited to see them get married. I pause when I see something glistening on my sister's finger. I quickly yank her up and into the hallway.

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