Part 7

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Bella's POV:

We went home and I went straight to my room. I hated needles, I hate doctors and now I have f******* stitches in my head. I hate my life. But jungkook. I can't believe that I cried in front of him and he hugged me and TOUCHED Me. I know that I have a crush on him. Omg why my life is so confusing. A knock on the door inturpted my thoughts.

" hey Bella, we were going to watch a movie. Would you like to watch with us?" suga asked me. " no thank you. I don't wanna do anything tbh. I just wanna go to sleep. Goodnight." " goodnight Bella. Sweet dreams". he left and I changed into pj's and went to sleep.

Namjoon's POV:

When we were at the clinic, I felt bad for Bella. I knew she hated needles. I know that she will not talk to me. But when jungkook told us to leave 2 times, I felt bad for her. I couldn't do anything for her. I can't belive that I didn't know how to calm her down. What kind of uncle am I?

Now after we came home, she went straight to her room. I don't know what to do. " what kind of uncle am I?" I said as I sat on the couch and began to pull my hair out of my head. " hey don't do that. You still don't her well. It is fine. When we have her everything is going to be fine. Just be calm and wait OK. Try to be patient she went through hell."

" what do you want me to do? To sit here and do nothing while I watched her cry because of her fear that I told her it will be fine but it isn't. She went through a lot today and you want me to stay calm. I watched her cry and she didn't ask for my help. Jungkook made us leave so he can calm her. I don't blame him but I should be the one to calm her once at least."

" hey I know that your angry, I know you want to try to calm her down but u can't. I know that you can't handle children nor teenagers. But this is your chance to try and treat her nicely. I will go and see if she wants to watch movie with us. Don't be sad and go pick a movie."

" kamsamida suga. I'll go and ask the rest if they want to watch." I said and and removed all the tears from my face and went and asked them all if they want to watch. All agreed and we prepared food and snacks so we can eat while watching. Suga came down and told me.

" she does not wanna come. She wants to sleep."" oh I guess we will see her another time then. I feel bad for her that I couldn't do anything. I am glad that jungkook can communicate with her. He is the best one in this family." " kamsamida hynug". "hey, what about me? I was going to adopt her because of the family issues. And I don't have a proper thank you.". " thank mama jin. Talking about adoption. What do you mean"

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