Chapter 15

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"Hey, Lihua, can I speak with you?" I was on my way to the cafeteria when Xukun timidly pulled me aside, looking the most stressed I have ever seen him.

"Um, yeah, what's up Xukun?"

"Let's bring this outside..." He grabbed onto my wrist gently, guiding me outside. Everyone looked liked zombies as the final episode was coming up, the one where Jackson and Yixing would guest, along with another that I wasn't aware of yet.

He decided to pull me over to the little hill over the lake near our filming site. It was beautiful as always, the water was rippling with the slightly windy day, the sky was a pure blue. I saw Xukun twiddling his hands from the corner of my eyes. I directed my attention towards him, not understanding why he was so fidgety today.


His head shot up, red clearly tinting his cheeks.

"I wanted to tell you something."

"Of course. Anything!" I encouraged him with a little smile.

"I love-" His phone started buzzing and my heart was racing. 'I love' you? 'I love the way you dance?' What was he going to say?

"Hold on, let me take this real fast."

He turned around and stepped away, I went back to watching the water, but now my mind was filled with so many thoughts.

Was he confessing to any feelings? Is that why he was so nervous? He surely couldn't like me, though...

I blushed at the thought of us being a couple; we would look so good together.

"You're what?" Xukun was frozen when I whipped my head to look at his back. His hand was clenched.

"Why should I do that..."

"Our past? That doesn't mean anything..."

"Fine, I'll come."

Xukun got off the phone and he gave me a hesitant look.

"What were you saying, Xukun?" I gave him a hopeful look.

"Nevermind... I have to go." He threw me an apologetic smile and walked away, leaving my heart and mind more confused than ever.


"Kyulkyung? That name sounds familiar..."

I was sitting with Yixing after I got back from my schedule.

"She was a mentor on Idol Producer. She will be the other guest mentor joining for the final elimination episode."

"Ahh, that's right! I watched a few episodes! She was a dance mentor like Lisa is, right?"

Yixing nodded and a unreadable expression reached his face as he looked behind me. I turned around to see what he was looking at, and my happy mood dropped immediately.

The girl that I saw on Idol Producer was clinging onto Xukun like her life depended on it. I bit my lip, I could taste a little blood as I apparently clenched down a little too hard.


I turned around to see Yixing with a blank expression on his face.

"Yes, Yixing-ge?"

"Don't pay them too much attention." What was he implying...

"Lihua, they may call me dumb sheep and all, but I'm a lot more observant than I am given credit for. Yeah, I'm not always paying attention, but I do for you because I care about you. I know how you feel about him despite the problems you two went through."

I chuckled weakly, I knew the guy was wise. People were always led astray with his whimsical, innocent look.

"Ah, you've always read me like a book, ge. I think it's a lost cause at this point." I finally gave in, not able to convince myself of innocence anymore.

Was Xukun with this girl this whole time? This game was getting too tiring for my delicate heart.

"Don't think like that, Lihua. While I don't know much about it, I see that he cares a lot about you too, okay?" Yixing gave me a little wink before a wild Jackson plopped down at our table, looking pissed.

"What's wrong, Jackson-ge?" I questioned tiredly.

The tough male rolled his eyes and glared behind me. I got the memo immediately.

"I speak with the guy and he goes doing this kind of shit? Imma beat him up if he keeps it up..." He grumbled to himself, I couldn't quite catch everything he said.

"What was that?"

He looked at me gently, "Nothing, Lihua. Don't worry about it. Wanna get some bubble tea? I don't feel like doing anything else today." I laughed, he really was like a sweet older brother.

"Yeah! Let's go!" I gained a lot more energy as I sprung up, quickly pulling Yixing and Jackson out of their seats.

"Why don't you have this energy when you train with me Lihua?" Yixing gave me a scolding look and I threw back a sheepish smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about ge!"


I walked back into the dorms, loneliness kicking in as I wasn't around Yixing or Jackson anymore.

Maybe I'll go see if Xukun is available.

I walked over to his room and knocked on the door. I didn't receive a reply, so I knocked again. No answer.

Curious, I opened the door and my eyes widened, my heart jumping into my throat.

There stood Xukun, tongue tied with Kyulkyung.

I really thought I would reel back at the sight, but am I even surprised anymore?

"O-Oh, I'm so sorry!" I slammed the door, ashamed that I walked into that even though I never gained a sign to actually enter.

Why did this keep happening to me? He was head over heels for Lisa at first, leaving me a helpless like a crushing high school girl. Next was Esther who was rumored to be dating him, hanging out with him all the time. Now, a past flame, which I learned from Jackson, was now passionately making out with him in his room.

It all became too much, so I ran to a place that would clear my mind.

I walked out, the night air wrapping around my body like a blanket, almost stilling my turmoiled thoughts. I walked over to the railing, realizing that this was my third time up here, but this time by myself.

My first time up here, Xukun pulled me up here to apologize for the bar incident. My second time, Xukun brought me here to apologize for the time we argued about our failing ad dance. Now, I'm up here myself, mourning over Xukun's past flame coming back to snatch him.

I sadly laughed at myself. I felt so pathetic for being so emotional for this one stupid man that I will clearly never have. We always fall for the ones that are too complicated to be with or the ones you're not meant to be with, am I right?

You could say that Kun was my extremely wrong, Mr. Wrong.

It was only infatuation in the beginning, but ever since we became good friends, we expressed our deepest thoughts, our dreams, and now I knew that I really did love him. And I knew this because I could only think about being by his side as he achieved his dreams.

I was in love with him and I was running a never ending marathon for reciprocation, and this runner is becoming tired, the finish line never coming in sight.

I shivered, the wind was strong, whisking my hair every direction. My tears were dry, never spilling. For once, I don't want to think about my stupid, dramatic one-sided love.

As if the universe respected my feelings, a saw a light flash in the sky, disappearing as fast as it came. Suddenly, a meteor shower started, displaying the most beautiful sight I have ever seen since the day I was born. Even though I know that it was just a force of nature, I felt like the world was on my side, trying to cheer me up.



Mr. Wrong [Cai Xukun]✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang