Chapter 3

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"Hey girlie!"

I looked up from my phone and a smile immediately grew on my lips.


The girl ran over and plopped next to me on my bed.

"How have you been?" She chirped. We haven't seen one another for a week with little contact due to our hectic schedules.

"Hmm, not much. Just being a youth representative with dear old KunKun." I chuckled and nudged her. The girl rolled her eyes, "What about you?"

"Just my photoshoot and talking with one of my producers. We are constantly coming up with work, but the boss isn't really lenient with our group. I'm literally a model and a brand representative these days..."

Upset was evident in her voice and eyes, my arm instinctively flopped over her shoulders. I gave her a little reassuring squeeze.

"I'm not going to even try to say that things will get better since I don't know your boss at all, but I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you can do something about it soon. Anyways, anything nice happen on your visit back?"

"Ah! Actually I got to see BamBam." A beautiful smile blossomed on her lips and I could see a little twinkle in her eyes.

"That's awesome! What did you guys do?"

"Ah, we just hung out a little bit. We don't get to see one another for obvious reasons."

"And did things get a little, romantique?" I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively and the girl quickly slapped my arm, disgusted, but mildly amused by my crude question.

"No! I didn't know you were so dirty! Anyways, he did ask if I would be his girlfriend."


I screeched, "that's awesome news! What did you say?"

She blushed, "we are dating..."

I started dancing around the room while the girl rolled her eyes, but she eventually laughed along at my silly behavior, almost tempted to start dancing with me.

Suddenly a knock slightly rattled our door. As I was closer, I went over expecting a crew member to relay a message for tomorrow's filming, but I gasped when I opened to see someone unexpected waiting on the other side.


"Hi Lihua, is Lisa back?" I sighed, quickly masking it. I opened the door wider, revealing the girl.

"Hey, Xukun! Was there anything you needed?" Lisa gave him a big smile and I didn't miss the way his smile brightened.

Man it's depressing when you are just a unseen third wheel...

I excused myself, feeling in the way, so I slipped past Xukun and went to the communal kitchen that was offered to the mentors. I surprisingly found Ella sitting at the table in there, nursing a glass of wine with her eyes closed.

I gave her a little nod, despite her not actually seeing me, before going to get some juice. I went to leave, feeling a bit awkward with the silence over the two of us.


I spun around to see Ella examining me with an unreadable expression.

"Yes, Ma'am?"

She snorted and waved me over.

"Come sit with me for a little. First order of business, please call me Ella, I'm not your superior at this time."

I nodded, still kind of wary about about the drop of formality, but I was grateful for her humility.

"So, tell me Lihua. I've spoken with most of the mentors, but yourself. How have you been doing during the filming so far?"

Mr. Wrong [Cai Xukun]✔️Where stories live. Discover now