Chapter 14

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"Nice way to avoid your inspiration for 'Lover.'" I chuckled and Xukun blushed as we left the site where we were interviewed.

"I don't know what you could be talking about. I said my inspiration."

"Nooo, you evaded a question about you being horny about someone."

"Lihua!" He almost screeched and I bursted out laughing.

"What? It's true! Anyways, since we are now not interviewing for a magazine, can you tell me who you were inspired by?"

"It was a feeling based on no one."

"So, you're telling me that you got horny one night and you just thought of those lyrics thinking about an imaginary person?"

"A-Ah, no!"

It felt so nice that I was the one teasing him for once.

"I'll let you off since I'm so nice."

He growled in return, making me brighten even more.


I had to go visit my studio to discuss some things with our song producer, but when I arrived back to the filming site I was pounced upon immediately.

"Mentor Lihua!"

I turned around, surprised as I literally just got out of my car.

"Uh, Esther?" The rich girl ran up to me and grasped my hand, looking panicked.

"What's wrong?"

"A-Are you dating Xukun?"

I felt awkward and my face contorted, "Uh, no?"

"Please tell me a truthful no!"

"Esther, I'm not dating him, okay! I'm coworkers and friends with him."

"I heard some of the girls talking earlier and they said that you were dating him!" She wailed and I was getting tired of this conversation.

"Look, Esther-"

"What's going on here?"

Esther and I looked over at the new voice.

"Xukun, you two aren't dating right?!"

He shot me a confused look and I just rolled my eyes, "No, Esther. I'm not dating Lihua, please leave her alone."

Esther breathed a sigh of relief and ran off somewhere.

"Is there a reasonable explanation for this?" I breathed out, feeling like I just faced a passing tornado.

"I can't say I know..." Xukun pondered, equally confused as I was, but we ultimately gave up and just went to the dining center to have dinner together.


"Yixing?" What the hell was he doing here?

"Lihua! I'm glad I found you! How has mentoring been? I've heard very good things about you."

I ducked his hand that was going to ultimately mess up my hair, "Uh, it's been smooth. Why are you here?"

"Ah did they not tell you?" Why did that phrase sound so familiar? He gave me a smirk and it popped up in my head immediately.

"Yahh, don't mess with me!"

He chuckled and we decided that we should sit down, "I'm going to be a guest for the next episode along with a few others."

"Are you going to tell all the girls that they don't have balance?" (A joke from Idol Producer) I choked on my laugh, trying to contain it.

"What are you talking about?" He looked confused and I could only burst out laughing at his cluelessness.

"Nevermind, Yixing.. Anyways, who are the other guest mentors going to be?"

Suddenly hands enclosed over my eyes and I yelped in surprise.

"Guess who." A grumbly voice said by my ear and it was the most recognizable voice in the world.

"Jackson!" He released his hands and he popped into my sight with a big goofy smile.

"I didn't think all three of us would be on this show together!" I said cheerfully, Jackson squeezed his butt onto Yixing's seat which Yixing only returned with a weird look. These two were like my two older brothers in this industry and it was nice that we were all together after awhile.

"Oh, hello seniors!" Xukun joined in our conversation, seemingly as surprised as I was.

"Ah, Xukun! I see you have been doing very, very well since Idol Producer." Yixing praised and Xukun became very shy. He sat down next to me and I saw how much he respected the two in front of him.

"Yes, thanks to your mentoring of course." Yixing looked very pleased with how Xukun has grown up and Jackson smirked, "You know, I still don't know where I can buy that mesh shirt from." Xukun buried his face in hands, he even spoke about this with the girls.

"Xukun told the girls earlier that they would be wearing outfits that they would regret in the future, I think you made him go through PTSD, Jackson." I chuckled and Jackson looked at him fondly, especially since these two saw Xukun when he was fighting his way through the survival program.

"Oh, actually, can I speak about something with you, Xukun? It'll be really quick." Jackson asked Xukun, the boy was extremely confused. I shot a look at Yixing, but he seemed just as oblivious as me. I shrugged as Jackson wrapped an arm around Xukun, leading him somewhere else.

"So, XingXing." He gave me a look with the mention of that nickname, but he gestured to continue.

"So, when are you gonna get a wifey?" He scoffed and looked away embarrassed.

"No way! There's someone?! Who are they?! A guy or girl? Or neither?" I rapid fired questions, until he slapped a hand over my mouth, with an exasperated look.

"There might be someone, but I promise, when I'm getting married you will be right up front with me, Lihua." I felt so happy being with my friend, though a senior, once again. I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I love you, Yixing-ge."

"Love you too, Lihua."



Xukun felt awkward, why did his senior pull him aside. Did he do something wrong? Was Jackson going to beat him up?



"What are your feelings about her?"

"Well, she's a very nice, hard working girl." Xukun knew that the girl was close with Yixing and Jackson, so it was necessary to not tread on their toes.

Jackson rolled his eyes, "Don't play stupid, Xukun. You know that one night that you were at the bar? She came to me in tears."

Xukun gulped, he effed up.

"Uhh, yeah, I'm so sorry about that. Lihua and I have had a really rocky partnership, but we finally settled things and now we are on much better terms."

Jackson gave Xukun a suspicious look, "Well, whatever you are, coworkers, friends, or more than friends, please treat her well. I know you're a good kid, Xukun. She means a lot to me."

Xukun nodded instantly, he was scared for his life. As the two walked back into the building, he finally made up his mind.

He should just do it.


Kind of a shitty chapter, sorry.


Mr. Wrong [Cai Xukun]✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя