Epilogue #1

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The baby in my arms was wailing and I did not even know what to do. No one told me that parenthood was so troublesome!!

"YIXING-GE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR BABY!" I yelled covering the ears of his baby.

"Yah, you're going to give my son permanent hearing loss if you scream like that!" Yixing ran into the room, scooping the baby out of my arms.

"I covered his ears, though!"

"Jeez, I'm going to give him to Jackson. He's so much better at handling children than you are." Yixing marched out of the room.

"I'm not bad at taking care of them, I'm just not properly informed on how to take care of them!"

Jackson suddenly walked into the room I was in a minute later with Yixing's baby fast asleep on his hip.

"THAT'S how you take care of a baby."

I scowled, was this man a baby whisperer or something? I would think babies would be scared of his deep, growling voice.

"Whatever, Jackie. I'm going to town, you need anything?"

"Nah, fam."

I rolled my eyes and headed out. Our friend group decided that we all needed a little vacation from our grueling jobs. We decided that a mountain retreat in a cozy traditional styled home was nice, so that's where we were now. I've been dating Xukun for two years and I have to say I'm still just as in love with him since Youth With You. It's crazy to think about since I never dated anyone before him.

"Going somewhere?" I screeched and placed a hand over my racing heart.

"Xukun, you can't just surprise me like that!" I whined as he pulled me into a hug, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"Sorry, Babe. You were just really cute as you were zoning out. Where are you off to?"

I somehow missed Xukun's late arrival as he was off doing some final filming for a drama that he was in.

"I was just going to make myself useful by going into town and buying some food. Especially since I was told that I am not capable of taking care of a baby." I rolled my eyes and Xukun smiled.

"You can't take care of the little sheep? I must admit, you are a baby yourself, so it's understandable that you didn't know how to take care of him."

I scoffed and turned around to walk away, "Whatever you say, baby face!"

I started running as I knew that he would chase me.


We roamed the rows of the small supermarket of the small town about twenty minutes from our house.

"Let's get ice cream."

"KunKun they're gonna melt."

"Not if we just get them for ourselves." He gave me a smirk and snorted, "you sly dog. Fine, we can both get one, but that'll be a secret between us. Especially since Jackson would kill us if he found out."

We pinky promised and bought some ice cream with everything else we got.


"We're home!" I chirped when we got to the house with the groceries.

"We're? Oh hey, Xukun!" Jackson walked into the entrance where we were, taking away some of the load from my arms like a gentleman.

"Hey, Jackson." I looked up at my boyfriend and we shared a little wink, keeping our ice cream consumption a secret.

"Kunnn~~" Yixing's baby crawled into the area we were, cooing Xukun's name.

"Aw you know my name, Sheep? Yixing, has your son ever spoken?!" Xukun called out and Yixing was in the room in an instant with his now wife following behind.


Yixing went over and scooped him up, "What did you say, Duyi?"

"Kkkkkunnnn!" The excited boy squealed and Yixing looked devastated, "my baby son's first word was, Kun?!"

We all laughed, even though Yixing was sad that it wasn't along the lines of dad or mom, it was safe to say that he was super proud of his smart little boy saying his first word, or, name.



I was cutting up some vegetables when I grew intolerant.


He was silently staring at me and I was starting to get creeped out.

"Jackson, what in tarnation are you doing?" I pointed the knife at him and he seemed to snap out of his daze.

"You know, I noticed something was off about you..."

I quirked an eyebrow, seriously considering what kind of drugs he was on.

"Jackson, I don't know-"


My eyes widened when he accusingly pointed at my shirt. I looked down and paled.

"YOU ATE ICE CREAM AND DIDNT GIVE ME ANY. YOU WILL PAY FEI LIHUA!" I settled my knife down and blasted out of the kitchen as fast as I could.

"To be fair, Xukun suggested that we do that!"


I ran into a room to see Xukun reading. He looked up from his book, eyes wide.


"Too late."

Jackson who was hot on my tail jumped on both of us, somehow singlehandedly tickling the both of us until we were literally gasping for air.

"Serves you two right."

Jackson flipped his nonexistent hair over his shoulder, leaving Xukun and I dead.

"We are never getting ice cream again without getting Jackson some."

"That's what this was about?"

I sighed, "did you expect anything better?"




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