Chapter Sixty-three

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"Are you going to see your friend?" Wolfspirit yawned gently, causing Swiftblossom to halt in her steps. She was at the entrance of the medicine cat den, the mask of night covering her tricolored pelt. But she turned around to face her mate, who just lifted his head. It was only them in the medicine cat corner; a half-moon hung above, so Baydawn and Brookpelt were gone. Before the two medicine cats left, Brookpelt tasked Swiftblossom with some herbs for Wolfspirit. 

"Celadine is for his eye, dandelion leaf is for pain, and thyme here is for shock," Brookpelt had meowed to Swiftblossom when the sun was setting. The brown tabby was pointing to each herb and the calico warrior studied each herb carefully. "Shock? I'm not surprised," Swiftblossom murmured, glancing back into the medicine cat clearing. There, Baydawn was checking on Wolfspirit. 

Swiftblossom blinked slowly and told him, "I have to. We need these cats. I'll be back in no time, trust me," His eyes narrowed slightly before he romantically meowed, "May I have a lick before you go?" The calico she-cat exhaled and she chuckled lightly. Making her way over, she gently licked his lips. The black tom then pressed his face into her chest affectionately. He ordered, "Come back, or I'll come to get you yourself." 

"I will," she reassured him. Her tail stroked underneath her chin before she hurried out of the den. Her mate watched, a bit hopelessly. His mind ran with all of the dangers she could face, but he knew he couldn't tell her no. 

The she-cat narrowed her eyes at the cat on night patrol, Dovefeather. The soft-furred molly was perched just outside of the stone arch entrance, her back turned to Swiftblossom. Easily, the calico slid into the Dirtplace and exited there her pawsteps light and silent. Once the warrior was out of the camp, she broke out into a sprint. The cool grass welcomed her paws as she passed through a small clearing before entering the willow forest. Underneath the half-moon, the moonlight shone down unto her pelt, illuminating her amber eyes and her white pelt. She kept an ear out for any sudden sounds as she made her way.

The forest is beautiful at night, she thought as she skipped over twigs and stones. An owl called softly to her left, a stream gurgled to her right. But what she really admired was how the plant life around her shimmered in the moonlight. It gave the night more life, a hidden lifestyle under the moon. As Swiftblossom brushed past a patch of wildflowers, she breathed in their sweet scents. 

The field broke out and she halted at the start of it. Her eyes rested on the border between TideClan and the Northern Forest, ominous darkness emitting from it. The shadows were something that was unfamiliar to her but she swallowed back her fear and pressed forward, this time, her paws carried on in a jog. The tall grass brushed her shoulders and it soothed her slightly. Her eyes anxiously followed the shadows of the unfamiliar forest, her ears picking up the swaying of leaves, her legs growing shaky with every fox-length closer. 

Her nervousness was almost the same as earlier before with nearly drowning. Redstar had sent her a warning and it spooked her overtime. She was scared of making the wrong choice and eventually everything raining down unto her. The fall of the clans stained her mind and she paused before the border to think over what she was about to do.

Was it the right thing to do? 

She inhaled, her anxiety clawing at her heart. Closing her eyes, Swiftblossom thought of how everything would go tomorrow when Swiftblossom would bring in Nectar and her group. Of course, TideClan would be angry. But Woflspirit is on my side. She reassured herself and to calm down, she counted to three.



Swiftblossom's eyes opened wide and she nearly yelped when she saw Nectar standing in front of her. "Gah! Nectar, don't sneak up on me like that!" Swiftblossom whimpered, her tail now hiding between her legs. Nectar lightly chuckled, her yellow tail lashing in amusement. "Aha, sorry. You were just so in the moment. I wanted to snap you out of it in the right way," Nectar purred. The calico's ears flattened against her head before sighing, "Anyway... Nectar, what does your group say?"

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