Chapter Thirty-three

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The heavy, gray storm clouds blocked out the sunlight. It wavered for rain, and the wind was cold and icy. It was nearly halfway through leaf-fall, orange and brown leaves littered on the grass and the days growing shorter. Swiftpaw held her head high as the wind ruffled through her calico pelt, her amber eyes set upon Lionstripe, the new deputy.

A quarter of a moon has passed ever since Snaketail ran away. The morning that everyone realized her disappearance, Redstar sent out many search patrols to find her, turning over every rock to try to find Snaketail. But Tawnynose was worse than Redstar; the once courageous TideClan warrior was little of the shell he was before; he grew skinnier and his face sagged with sadness and mental illness. He was very unmotivated, and he refused to do his warrior duties besides the search patrols.

Sunrise till sunset, TideClan warriors have tried to find their once studious deputy, but today was the day that the search patrols have stopped.

"I regret to inform TideClan that Snaketail is pronounced missing. We don't know if she is dead, or has just moved on, but I'm sure that where ever she is, she finds peace." Lionstripe meowed from the top of the Clanrock. Redstar was in his den, mourning in there, with Lichenface at his side.

Below Lionstripe, Swiftpaw and her siblings sat at the edge of the crowd. The cats in the front were Snaketail's family, and this included the frail Tawnynose. The sunrise service Lionstripe said made the tension in the clan relax. Swiftpaw couldn't even look at the deputy, as her eyes focused on the grass before her paws. I should probably say something, but it is not my place to assume what is right for Snaketail. She pondered whether if she should do the same herself-- to run away from TideClan. All this time, she has been suffering from the influence of her father and mocked by her clanmates, always seeming to look down upon her. Swiftpaw felt herself slowly sinking into a hole.

The clan meeting was now dismissed, and Lionstripe leapt off the rock to begin sending off patrols. Swiftpaw rose to her paws and padded over to Blizzardtail, who stood beside a quiet Mothnose. Once Swiftpaw reached her mentor, Blizzardtail wavered his tail and ordered, "There will be no more running laps. Today, we battle train and swim in the Grand River." His tone was monotoned, and Swiftpaw knew he too was affected by Snaketail's disappearance.

As Swiftpaw and Blizzardtail now begin to walk out of camp, Swiftpaw finally spoke once they were away from the other cats. "Do you think I'll be able to actually swim the Grand River today? It's been really windy," she meowed to him as they turned to walk the path of wet paws.

Blizzardtail lowered his muzzle to her ear, and in almost a whisper, he said, "If Snaketail could, you can, too."

Swiftpaw felt her fur relax. Finally, it made sense as to why Blizzardtail sat in the front. He mentored Snaketail in the past! No wonder why she is such a great warrior. Her heart felt at ease. I hope I could be like Snaketail one day, but maybe not run away. Hope glimmered in Blizzardtail's blue eyes, and Swiftpaw touched her nose to his shoulder respectfully.

Swiftpaw's paws now felt sand, and the apprentice set her eyes upon the churning tides of the Grand River. It wasn't flooded, but the tides were strong, from the height of the waves and the quick speeds. Somehow, Swiftpaw never felt scared when she leapt into the icy waters. Instead, she felt very determined, as if she was given a push of enlightenment.

"Swim to the other side!" Blizzardtail ordered once Swiftpaw leapt into the waters. She calico apprentice was now submerged in the dark blue waters, her long fur ruffling in the water. Lifting her chin, she now began to move her legs as if she was running.

She was trained well with her legs on land, but how would she do in water? Swiftpaw felt the currents lift her up, and her amber eyes opened to witness her floating up to the surface. Once her head now surfaced, she took in her breath and began to paddle even faster, her eyes searching for currents that could possibly knock her out.

A tall wave made its way over to her, but Swiftpaw dove underneath it. Because of the wave, she was pushed to her left, but she kept working her legs. Now when she surfaced, she was already halfway.

That was when she was struck with a tide that was vertical to her, coming from her right. She didn't see it coming, and accidentally, she inhaled some of the waters into her mouth. Swiftpaw growled and opened her mouth to spit the water out, before she worked her legs even more.

With great stride, her paws now finally felt the wet sand of the Shiny Shore. The calico she-cat now lifted herself out from the water, and shook her fur from the excess water once she was on land. Though her body was cold, her heart was warm. I felt amazing...

"So you do have the spirit of a TideClan cat, the ability to manage the tides," Blizzardtail's voice spoke from behind her. Swiftpaw turned around, witnessing her mentor now stepping out from the waters, his mottled pelt slick with water. Proudness shone in his eyes, and Swiftpaw purred. "Does that mean I'm good at swimming?" She asked.

"You're not good. You're great, Swiftpaw."


Do any of you realize that Blizzardtail acts like a father to Swiftpaw?


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