Chapter Thirty-two

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I hope DriftClan doesn't bother us anymore, Swiftpaw thought as she tiredly strolled into TideClan camp, her shoulders hunched and her eyelids drooping slightly. In her jaws was a distinct, yellow fish; Swiftpaw was barely able to hunt for fresh-kill since she was so worn out from battle training. I got so tired that I almost didn't even notice the border patrol tension at the Shiny Shore... Depositing the yellow fish into the fresh-kill pile, Swiftpaw went to select a meal for herself. Nearby, she could hear the irritating conversation of Redstar and Snaketail, but she didn't pay too much attention to it. Again, Swiftpaw was too exhausted, and she didn't care much about her surroundings.

"I can't fulfill my duties as your deputy," Snaketail shamefully meowed to Redstar. The brown she-cat's voice was broken, and it seemed that she also was tired, maybe even sickly. It was difficult to decipher. Redstar's meow of worry almost made Swiftpaw pause, "Snaketail, don't give up on TideClan, now. My clan needs reliable warriors like you. You don't need to resign from deputy-- i-it could just be a small break for you. Tawnynose will be relived to hear such a thing." Redstar actually cares about some of the warriors? Swiftpaw thought negatively, her tail swaying dismissively. She decided not to listen in anymore, as she snatched a silver minnow and retreated to the shade of the oak trees. Her paws dragged; after eating, Swiftpaw would love a nap. 

She sat down by herself to eat, but her amber eyes narrowed at the sight of Snaketail. Her observation of the deputy made Swiftpaw very suspicious. The deputy was no longer slender, but rather, she showed signs of aging, but also plumpness. Her stomach looked swollen, and she walked slower than ever. The calico apprentice's eyes widened in realization, as her tail wrapped around her paws. Is Snaketail expecting Tawnynose's kits? But the two mates rarely even interact with each other! Swiftpaw was just as astonished as Redstar to find out the news. Never has she ever seen Snaketail and Tawnynose interact in a conversation longer than five heartbeats, but somehow, Snaketail was expecting kits. This made Swiftpaw wonder how long the deputy has until she delivers.

But something clawed at Swiftpaw's heart. It made the apprentice uneasy, and a shadow was downcast unto her face. I find it strange that even I can't even accept that relationship. But what if Stonepaw and I grow to be like that? We barely talk, let alone have any time for each other. Worry scratched at her stomach, and it made Swiftpaw sick. She didn't want to eat anymore.


"You were late, you snail!" Stonepaw teased as Swiftpaw slowly made her way over to him. The handsome tom was positive as ever, his green eyes glinting cutely. It made Swiftpaw forget her previous troubles and her heart lighten. They once again met at the cherry blossom clearing, but the nearly full moon was covered in heavy clouds. Swiftpaw's body was barely illuminated in the moonlight, while Stonepaw was barely visible.

"You're always coming later, so I don't know why you're calling me a snail!" Swiftpaw then gently cuffed his ear, stifling a giggle. The tabby tom let her hit him, before he bashed right into her, making Swiftpaw fall unto the grass. He had playfully pinned her down, the scent of cherry blossoms engulfing them as the two apprentices stared into each other's eyes. 

She admired how strong, yet gentle he was with her. It made Swiftpaw's pelt feel hot, and her amber eyes narrowed slightly. Stonepaw gently chuckled, and his nose touched hers, ever so softly. "What's this for?" she asked. He lashed his tail pridefully, "I won that fight," he mocked her, and Swiftpaw was about to push him off of her, when her ear caught the sound of swaying grass, not caused by the wind. They both halted suddenly, before Stonepaw flattened himself unto her. Swiftpaw was smaller than him, so he covered her well. Because of the lack of moonlight, when Stonepaw hid her, they both would be invisible to a cat's eye.

"Someone's here," Swiftpaw murmured to him, her amber eyes narrowing at where the sound came from. He rested his chin on her shoulder, their faces brushing against each other's as they lay in waiting and in hiding. Adrenaline rushed through her veins. What if someone caught them? How much trouble would they be in? What if I can't see Stonepaw ever again? 

A brown she-cat now entered the cherry blossom clearing, only five fox-lengths away from where they were. Swiftpaw and Stonepaw held their breaths, both terrified of being caught. Swiftpaw knew immediately who that was. Snaketail... The clan deputy's brown eyes were filled with grief, as her swollen stomach swayed as she walked. Her tail was between her legs, and she looked troubled. Snaketail almost made Swiftpaw want to comfort her. 

But the deputy didn't notice them, despite being so close. She couldn't even scent them, because of the cherry blossoms, and so the deputy continued her stroll. But Swiftpaw sensed something else would unfold. In a matter of seconds, Snaketail broke out into a full sprint to the edge of TideClan's territory towards the unmarked territory of tall trees. A wail escaped Snaketail's mouth, a wail of sadness. "I'm sorry, Tawnynose!" she wailed, before her brown body now became one with the unmarked territory, disappearing into its shadows. 

The clues all now came together in Swiftpaw's mind. I never realized how Snaketail's self esteem was so low, to the fact that she left TideClan when she is expecting. Sympathy grew for Snaketail, and Swiftpaw closed her amber eyes. She must've not thought she was good enough to continue her deputy duties after nursing her own kits. Maybe she never wanted any kits. Whatever happened, Snaketail... I'm so sorry you had to make that decision. The fact that Snaketail fled her clan because she thought she wouldn't be able to serve it well made Swiftpaw's heart ache. 

Why do I also feel that sadness? That loneliness, that despair that she felt in her chest? Swiftpaw felt Stonepaw get off of her, but the calico she-cat remained, laying there in the grass. Slowly, she opened her eyes to Stonepaw, and they made eye contact. It made her heart explode with emotions, so much that she couldn't speak to him. When they stared into each other's eyes again, Stonepaw paused, and his eyes filled with worry. Snaketail felt so useless... so do I. What if I should run away, too? Swiftpaw gulped, and she slowly sat up, with petals and blossoms of cherry flowers in her long pelt.


As my new computer died on, I am finally able to update! Yayy! Thank you for your patience!


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