Chapter Eleven

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W-what? Swiftkit stared in pure disbelief at her father...or, leader. Her fur stood up and she felt her claws unsheathe. She almost wanted to violently screech. How could he do this to us? How can Redstar just forget his kits, forget Echoflower, and get with Lichenface? It was happening all too quickly. Swiftkit felt dizzy, and she looked down at her paws.

Ripplekit pressed his body against hers for solace, but the she-kit felt nothing. "Yay, more denmates!" Lilykit cheered from behind them, but Russetkit and Briarkit said nothing. The two kits were taken back by Swiftkit's obvious anger. But a fire burned in her heart.

Lichenface looked so happy, and so did Redstar. But in his green eyes held something...foul. Swiftkit let out a growl. Anger boiled inside of her, and her temper began to rise.

"Swiftkit! Swiftkit, calm down!" Ripplekit quietly pleaded, but the calico kit's eyes narrowed. With a screech, she yelled, "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US?!"

She was past her breaking point. Nothing can stop her, not even Ripplekit. Swiftkit got on her paws and sprinted to where her leader stood, and she looked horrid. Back arched, eyes slits, fangs and claws showing...

The clan cats that pooled around Redstar and Lichenface turned to Swiftkit. Panting heavily, she spat, "How? You left us! You have totally forgotten Echoflower! You're own kits!"

"Swiftkit, that is enough!" Redstar now stood up, much larger than the four moon old she-kit. But she lifted her head to the leader, her amber eyes blazing with hatred. "Was losing your mate worth forgetting your kits? How could you just move on?!" Swiftkit asked loudly. There was some murmuring throughout the clan cats, but none of them would want to interfere. "You left me, Maplekit, Ripplekit, and Webkit in the dust! Left us! No comfort! Nothing! Just so you can spoil yourself with Lichenface!"

But all her yelling made no affect on Redstar or Lichenface. They both just glared, and their pelts bristled. Nothing else. Swiftkit's heart now slowed down, realizing how mere she was to them. It was useless to just continue to yell at them when they wouldn't do anything, especially Redstar.

She was panting heavily, and her fur now lay flat. They don't care at all. Swiftkit closed her eyes, trying to control her breathing, until Redstar spoke,

"Get out of my sight."

A thorn stabbed through her heart. But why, out of all the times he ignored her and her littermates, did those words now hurt her? She felt her stomach churning, like she wanted to vomit. But she didn't. Her throat choked with a cry.

Opening her eyes, Swiftkit felt a pain in her chest as she now ran into the nursery. I'm worthless now. I couldn't even make him say sorry or anything. That fox-heart... She crashed into her nest and burrowed her face into the moss. Her heart felt more and more pain as she tightly curled her body into a ball.

What did she feel? Anger? Sadness? She herself didn't know. And from that day forward, Swiftkit felt that her heart was drained from faith.


"Come on, Swiftkit, let's go swim," Maplekit's white paw gently touched her flank, but Swiftkit jumped to her paws, eyes wide. Realizing it was her brother, her heart slowed, and she quietly meowed, "Of course," Maplekit gently licked his sister's shoulder, before leading the way. At the entrance of the nursery stood Ripplekit, Webkit, Brinekit, Beetlekit, and Briarkit. They looked at Swiftkit in concern and confusion, but the calico she-kit meowed, "Let's go!"

It has been two moons since Swiftkit had confronted Redstar with no progress. Although she was a bit downgraded and felt low, she still continued to mask her inner pain. More to make her littermates happy and not concerned with her, and a bit so the other clan cats could leave her alone. Ever since then, some warriors would pad up to her and ask if she was alright, or if she would want some fish. But Swiftkit just wanted to be alone.

Briarkit purred happily, "It's about time you came and played! Beetlekit has been a real bully." She snarled the last part, glancing over at the black tom. Swiftkit rolled her eyes and whispered, "Well, you can show off how much better you swim than him." Briarkit then cackled evilly.

As Maplekit led the kits out, Swiftkit could've sworn she saw Lichenface stir uncomfortably in her nest, asleep, even though it was sunhigh. What's wrong with her? Her negativity lessened a bit towards Lichenface, but knew she held a grudge against the she-cat. Yet, she would still show her some clemency from her outbreak to Redstar. Swiftkit eyed the gray queen's swollen belly of kits. Those are my half siblings... The thought ran across her mind briefly, before she slid out of the nursery.

"All cats old enough to swim, gather below the Clanrock for a clan meeting!" Redstar's yowl erupted from atop of the black rock, and Swiftkit nearly growled. Maplekit lifted his head and agitatedly mumble to his sister, "What does he want?"

Just then, Webkit sprung out of the nursery happily. "Our apprentice ceremony! Come on, Maplekit, Swiftkit!" Her tiny body was glossy, but when Ripplekit padded up beside them, he too looked handsome. Swiftkit then nervously polished her glossy pelt as well, before following a galloping Webkit in the crowd of cats.

Some cats stared at Swiftkit, and she felt her pelt on fire. But she let it lay flat as she took a seat in the front of the crowd next to Webkit. Soon, a handsome Maplekit and Ripplekit followed, and the four were ready.

"Today, we are here to celebrate four new apprentices," his tone was rather sarcastic, and Swiftkit heard Ripplekit let out a soft growl.

"Swiftkit, step forward." She did so. "Until you recieve your warrior name, you will be named Swiftpaw. Your mentor shall be Blizzardtail." He spoke halfheartedly, and it was constant with her other littermates. Swiftpaw felt her heart beat in anger. At least make it seem like you care in front of your clan.

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