Chapter Fifty-five

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The forest grew silent. Nothing stirred up the fallen leaves. The bushes and the trees didn't rustle. Not a single bird chirped. The haze of the Northern Forest was ominous, and a cloud secreted the sun. The light on Swiftblossom's pelt was gone and it made the calico she-cat look serious. The pale yellow she-cat's yellow eyes softened. Swiftblossom could see that in the rogue's eyes, there were many battles that she fought, all terrifying, more than what Swiftblossom had faced. Whatever motivated this she-cat to approach Swiftblossom, it must've been urgent.

"What is it that you desire with me?" Swiftblossom asked. She brings no harm and she is not wavered by any greed. She's rather calm. Does she not think I pose a threat? The cat replied back to the calico, "I came to warn you about Ash-- the tom who came for his kits and to ask you for help." Swiftblossom's blood turned ice-cold once she envisioned the blue tom once again. She could still feel his bloodlust and how his blue eyes burned into her pelt. It made her slightly enranged but she showed no signs of it. The calico she-cat swallowed and eased up. 

Swiftblossom closed her eyes and meowed, "Are you trying to warn me about Ash's revenge on the clans?" The rogue narrowed her eyes a bit but she affirmed, "Yes. Though, it seems that you already knew. Ironically, we both want the same thing; to stop the bloodshed before it happens. Before a war occurs."

"You sound as if you've abandoned Ash and his petty group of cats. Have you? Can I even trust you?" Swiftblossom opened her eyes, a slight glint of maliciousness showing. Swiftblossom was ready to strike her down if she was to be deceitful. The rogue she-cat stared at her before chuckling lightly, her yellow eyes softening. Swiftblossom blinked in disbelief as the rogue cat bowed her head. "You can trust me, clan cat! My name is Nectar. Let us be allies for now on. I want to help you and your clan. I saw the way you protected that brown tom and I knew that I can trust you. We both want peace, and though it may be in a far stretch, I believe we can find it."

Nectar looked up at Swiftblossom, hope twinkling in her eyes. Swiftblossom's heart felt a bit lighter and it was a small sign that Swiftblossom can trust her. But what else did this rogue want? Swiftblossom opened her mouth to ask before she realized that her fifty heartbeat timer was almost up. "I have to go soon, or else my clanmates will be suspicious. I'll meet you here at night, Nectar." Swiftblossom told the pale yellow cat. The calico stepped back and hunched down, ready to spring up over the bushes that they hid behind.

"W-wait!" Nectar stood up. "What is your name?"

"Call me Swiftblossom," Then the she-cat leaped over the bushes. Until tonight, Nectar. Please wait. Once her paws landed on the grass of TideClan territory, she sprinted through the tall grass before breaking into the field. At the edge of the willows stood the patrol that waited for her and she hurried over to them.

She glanced behind her and barely witnessed Nectar slither back into the shadows of the Northern forest. Swiftblossom turned her head back at the patrol, watching as Pricklepelt's face transitioned from worry to relief. When she reached the group of cats, Briarpaw asked Swiftblossom, "What took you so long?"

The calico reassured Briarpaw and the group of cats, "I was trying to hunt a rabbit in its hole, but that didn't work." Mothnose let out a chuckle before turning around to lead the cats back to camp with their catches. Pricklepelt sidestepped, letting Hailfrost and the apprentices walk in the front, before he walked over to Swiftblossom, carrying five mice. She began to pad, and so did he. "What happened back there?" he asked in a low voice, his yellow eyes narrowing. Swiftblossom replied quietly, "Nothing. Please don't be worried, Pricklepelt."

"How can I not? I lost everything to those rogues... you will not be next." Pricklepelt growled lightly. He pressed his pelt against hers protectively but a flash of sadness washed over his yellow eyes. Swiftblossom gasped lightly and she buried her face into his neck. "I'm sorry," she muttered. 

But he licked her forehead comfortingly. "Let's hurry up. You shouldn't make your clanmates worry anymore." Swiftblossom let out a small sigh, before taking three mice from the tom.


The feasting began once Pricklepelt's patrol came back. Every cat came up to congratulate Pricklepelt then select a fresh-kill to eat. Swiftblossom deposited the three mice unto the large pile and picked a cardinal to share. She held the fresh-kill by the wing and looked around for her mate.

"No running, both of you!" Brookpelt scolded Blizzardtail and Wolfspirit, who were slowly making their ways out of the medicine cat clearing. Swiftblossom chuckled to herself and made her way over to Wolfspirit, a small skip in her step. Brookpelt looked up at the approaching pretty she-cat and purred lightly. Wolfspirit's green eyes lifted to his mate and he let out an affectionate purr. His eyes rested upon Swiftblossom and the she-cat felt herself feel hot and flushed. The look in Wolfspirit's eyes was almost the same as when he first saw her the many gatherings before. It made Swiftblossom feel a bit more youthful and feel beautiful. 

Blizzardtail gave Swiftblossom a nod of approval before he slowly made his way to Bloompelt and her kits. Swiftblossom approached her mate, lovingly rubbing her cheek against his. "I got this cardinal for us," she meowed, "Let us feast together." Her amber eyes glistened happily. He licked her lips and told her, "Yes we shall."

The two made their way towards the entrance of the second warrior den. Wolfspirit laid down and his tail lashed. Swiftblossom laid down beside him and set the cardinal down at his paws. "How have you been? Are you healing well?" she asked him. He carefully tore out the red feathers of the cardinal before he gently replied, "I'm doing well. Brookpelt says that I should be able to return to warrior duties very soon. And you?"

"I'm doing fine as well. Eat up, dear," Swiftblossom buried her face into his neck gently. The only thing she wanted to be his warmth, his love. Nothing more, nothing less. She knew she had to cherish this time with him because soon, there would be a high chance that she wouldn't be able to anymore.


I love you all! Thank you for making this story reach 8k reads! This story has been prospering for a long time and I desperately want to make a comic or an animation of the book! Would you guys want another Hints and Facts to be released? Please let me know!


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