Chapter Seven

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It has been only three days since Dapplefur kitted, Dovefeather kitted as well. It would be rude to admit, but Dovefeather and Sparkclaw's kits actually looked like their parents. It was just yesterday that Lilykit, Russetkit, and Briarkit, were born; two she-kits and a tom. Swiftkit would occasionally glance over at Dovefeather and Dapplefur's kits, but Dapplefur's kits made Swiftkit's stomach churn. They looked nothing like Pricklepelt.

Dapplefur had two toms and a she-kit, Beetlekit, Brinekit, and Poolkit. They all were healthy, but Brinekit and Poolkit's pelts were blue-gray, but all three of them had facial structures close to Dapplefur's. Even Pricklepelt found it odd, but he still loved his kits anyway. 

"Pass the moss ball, Swiftkit!" Webkit meowed to her older sister, and Swiftkit lashed her paw to hit the moss over to the gray tabby. Webkit easily deflected it over to Maplekit, who used his muzzle to bump it into the air. "Show off!" Ripplekit hissed playfully as his tail tossed the moss back at Swiftkit. 

That was when Redstar's yowl echoed out throughout the clearing. "Let all cats old enough to swim, gather below the Clanrock for a clan meeting!" The sunhigh, green-leaf sun was blazing unto Redstar, and his pelt shone proudly. In the shade of the black rock sat Snaketail, her tail lashing elegantly. Swiftkit missed the moss ball, but the she-kit sprinted towards the front of the crowd of cats. Easily, she dodged her clanmates as they stared at her in surprise. Behind her was Maplekit, Webkit, and Ripplekit, but much slower than Swiftkit.

It was no lie that Swiftkit was the fastest of her littermates, but what stood out from her was her powerful, muscular legs. Some of her clanmates stared at her as she now sat at the front. Echoflower now padded after her daughter, a purr in her throat, "Slow down, little warrior. Or else you'll make Blizzardtail jealous," The joke made Swiftkit's amber eyes carry over to the mottled tom.

He sat beside Mothnose, his littermate, who was accompanied by Fallowpaw, her apprentice. Swiftkit could see his long legs, and she knew he could beat her in a race, but she felt no competition against him. What's the point of being a competitor of who is the fastest? She thought, before Redstar's meow echoed throughout the clearing, "Today, we are gathered to welcome four new warriors. Mudpaw, Hailpaw, Splashpaw, and Carppaw, please step forward."

The four toms soon padded their way to the front, their pelts shiny and glossy. Ripplekit lowered his muzzle and whispered to Webkit, "Oh, look, there's Carppaw now. I wonder what his warrior name will be?"

"Mudpaw, Hailpaw, Splashpaw, and Carppaw, do you promise to adhere to the Warrior Code, and protect TideClan, even at the cost of your lives?" Redstar asked. All four apprentices meowed, "I do." Swiftkit felt excitement fill her chest. I wonder if I'll become a great warrior some day. 

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Mudpaw, from this moment on, you are now known as Mudstrike. StarClan honors your energy and skill in battle. Hailpaw, from this moment on you are now known as Hailfrost. StarClan honors your dedication and patience. Splashpaw, from this moment on, you are known as Splashfur. StarClan honors your independence and bravery. And, Carppaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Carptooth. StarClan honors your spirit and enthusiasm. TideClan honors you four as new warriors."

That's when Echoflower lifted her muzzle, "Mudstrike, Hailfrost, Splashfur, Carptooth!" But she meowed Carptooth's name the loudest, since he was her former apprentice. Soon, everyone else began to cheer in.

"Mudstrike, Hailfrost, Splashfur, Carptooth!"

"Mudstrike, Hailfrost, Splashfur, Carptooth!"

"Mudstrike, Hailfrost, Splashfur, Carptooth!"

Cats began to congratulate the new warriors, and Echoflower purred as she approached Carptooth, "Congratulations on your warrior name, Carptooth!" He gave her a lick on the shoulder and touched her nose, "I wouldn't have been a better warrior without your help." Whitefish bounded over to Splashfur and the two cats licked each other's faces happily. 

Swiftkit beamed up at Redstar, who agilely leapt down from the rock. I want to be a warrior! she thought happily, purring, before a gentle breeze blew in the clearing. But it carried the scent of something.

A yowl broke out near the entrance, before more cats stormed into the TideClan camp. A gray and white she-cat led the group of cats, but the fire in her amber eyes carried hostility. 

"BoulderClan invasion!"

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