Chapter Forty-six

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Swiftpaw crouched down and with her powerful hind legs, she shot herself at Wolfpaw. She twirled her body and extended her paws to attack. He scooted out of her way before he struck a paw at her flank. When she landed on the damp sand, to dodge his paw, she rolled towards him and used her legs to push him up.

He got pushed up and he sidestepped. Swiftpaw got unto her paws, her fur bristling up and her tail spiking. Wolfpaw puffed out his fur, making himself look bigger than before; he was intimidating. He charged at her and stood on his hind legs to battle her. His swift paw movements were slightly slowed enough for Swiftpaw to dodge them but when she braced herself to tackle him down, he took advantage of her body. With a strong paw, he knocked her down with a blow to her shoulder.

He pinned her down but she wrapped her two front paws around his neck. Swiftpaw hoisted herself up and bashed his forehead into hers. It stunned him for a split second, enough for Swiftpaw to wiggle out from his grasp. 

She went at him, skidding side to side. Wolfpaw then dove for her side but she had another trick up her sleeve. When he went for her side, she reared up on her front paws and spun out of the way. He stared up at her in surprise and with an extended paw, he knocked her front paws down. A single flaw that Swiftpaw did NOT think of. "KYAHHH!" she yelled as he pinned her down again.

"Alright, stop," Blizzardtail meowed. Wolfpaw gave his lover a gentle lick on her forehead before he got off of her. Swiftpaw's pelt was slightly hotter when he did so but she only purred slightly. She sat up, shaking the clumps of sand from her long pelt. Wolfpaw had sand in his pelt as well but he was still handsome in her eyes.

Pricklepelt stood beside Blizzardtail and had watched Swiftpaw defend herself; he was proud. Blizzardtail's tail lashed and he meowed, "Good job you both. Swiftpaw, you used your speed and... quick thinking to get out from his grasp. Wolfpaw, you asserted your strength and mobility. Soon, you two would be fine warriors--"

Blizzardtail looked at Swiftpaw, a hint of sadness in his blue eyes. The calico she-cat paused slightly, staring back at her mentor. He let out a sigh and looked at Pricklepelt, "She grew up too fast, hm?" The brown tom nodded his head, his yellow eyes filled with emotion. Wolfpaw brushed his pelt against Swiftpaw's in comfort as she was filled with emotion as well. Pricklepelt touched his nose with hers, "You're like my own daughter to me, Swiftpaw. And seeing that you'll be a warrior soon touches my heart."

Swiftpaw purred. Blizzardtail and Pricklepelt are just like my family, she thought tenderly, also Dovefeather, Sparkclaw, and Dapplefur. Oh, how thankful I am for them! They raised me very well. "Does that mean Wolfpaw will be a warrior with me, too? He's learning as quick as I am," Swiftpaw spoke for her lover. The black tabby tom looked at her in surprise before he faced the two older toms.

Blizzardtail blinked slowly, "I'm sure Redstar or Lionstripe will let you be a warrior as well. But we need more apprentices."

"Lilykit, Russetkit, and Briarkit are old enough to be apprentices. So are Beetlekit, Brinekit, and Poolkit," Swiftpaw budded in.

"True. But something tells me that things will be postponed," When Pricklepelt spoke, he suddenly sounded much older than he should be. For once, Swiftpaw noticed how worried he is. She could see his tired eyes and his slightly graying muzzle. Somethings will be postponed? He's getting bad vibes that things will go south... 

Wolfpaw meowed in a cheerful tone, "I'm sure that your kits will be great warriors, Pricklepelt. How about we all head back to camp?" Swiftpaw felt her lover trembling slightly and her tail entwined with his. He feels it, too. I suspect something will happen. To check, Swiftpaw eyed Blizzardtail. The mottled tom's tail was spiked and he looked tense as well. Suddenly, her spine was touched with unbelievably cold chills. Something was wrong.

As if on instinct, she reared around and began to sprint back to camp, taking the shortcut through the reeds. Wolfpaw, Blizzardtail, and Pricklepelt followed in pursuit. Swiftpaw's blood was as cold as ice as adrenaline pumped through her body. Something was definitely wrong.

Her paws barely touched the forest floor as she sprinted, dodging thicker reeds and sliding on mud. Blizzardtail was beside her as they both fought the reeds, running right into them. Wolfpaw and Pricklepelt took up the rear, right on their tails. As they neared the camp, Swiftpaw could smell unfamiliar cats. Blizzardtail growled, "Rogues? How did they get to camp?"

Swiftpaw could hear the prophecy pounding in her ears. She flattened her ears against her head as the specific word, illness, repeated. What's wrong with me?! She violently thought. Just as Blizzardtail broke through the reeds, so did Pricklepelt and Wolfpaw. Swiftpaw slowed down to control her hearing as the word grew unbearable. The prophecy... it's calling out to me! The illness 

She was hoisted out of the reeds by Pricklepelt but she broke from him. Swiftpaw ran towards the stone arch as her blood pumped rapidly throughout her body. It drove her crazy as she set her eyes on these strange cats. Her amber eyes widened as her vision sharpened. These's none of these... no... Swiftpaw skidded to a halt just behind these strange cats. 

There were about a good ten of them. Though they weren't hostile, they were ready to fight. They were large, only creating a small gap between the tallest cat and the top of the stone arch. But once Swiftpaw stopped behind the cats, with Blizzardtail, Pricklepelt, and Wolfpaw beside her, a shriek filled the air.

"D-Dapplefur!" Pricklepelt detected the shriek and immediately the rogues turned around. They stared at the four cats in bewilderment and some moved out of the way. Swiftpaw paid no attention to them and her eyes focused on Dapplefur and her kits.

Her heart froze and her pelt bristled with anger. She saw the tortoiseshell queen talking with a much larger rogue. This rogue had the coat of a dark gray but in the light, it was dark blue. His eyes were a piercing blue and he was handsome. This blue rogue looked peaceful but Swiftpaw knew his intent was more than placid. Redstar and Lionstripe were beside Dapplefur, both hostilely talking with this rogue. That was until this peaceful rogue turned around to his cats.

"Attack!" The blue tom yowled. 

The word illness deafened in her ears. Blood pulsated into her ears as rage filled her body. She realized why this rogue and his cats were here. What Dapplefur did caused Swiftpaw to feel even angrier; her blood was boiling. The calico she-cat bunched her leg muscles and she leaped over the crowd of rogue cats. She just made it through the small gap of the entrance as she flew to this rogue tom. Her claws were unsheathed and her amber eyes were wide. 

This whole time... we all should've seen it coming. The similarities between this rogue and Dapplefur's kits told no lie; they were Half-Clan. And this tom was coming back for his kits.

Just as Swiftpaw sailed in the air, she saw her clanmates engage in combat. But they weren't as fast as her. Thanks to her powerful legs, Swiftpaw carried herself over to attack the blue rogue. She saw the horrified expression on Dapplefur's face but what sent chills throughout Swiftpaw's body was the expression on the tom's face.

The blue tom lifted his head and his bared fangs showed that he was ready to fight her. But the malicious glint in his eyes slightly frightened Swiftpaw. To watch someone go from peaceful to bloodthirsty was terrifying.

But Swiftpaw let out a battle cry. Her heart told her not to fear and she wasn't scared anymore. What guided her into battle was her love for Pricklepelt and her clan but also her hatred for abandonment and cheat. 

Dapplefur cheated on Pricklepelt with this rogue. And what he brings is a battle, a deadly one, over his kits. Emotions flooded over Swiftpaw as she stared down at the rogue tom that mated with Dapplefur. Pricklepelt must be in agony, realizing the truth now. I'll make you both pay.


Swiftpaw did just jump over cats to fight. Yes, she did. She legit FLEW.

I mean, we all know that Dapplefur cheated. And who likes cheaters?

I have two questions for you:

1. Would you be scared if Swiftpaw leaped at you like that?

2. How do you feel towards Pricklepelt?


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