Chapter Twenty-six

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Author's Note:

THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1K READS!!!! *insert a ton of confetti* Thank you for supporting this story so much! I know that I don't update a lot, but all this support makes me want to write more and more! I love you all!

Leaf-fall wind blew into Swiftpaw's face, and the she-cat closed her eyes to prevent them from tearing up. She sat next to Blizzardtail, who eclipsed her by his large shade. The cold sun was just rising, but most of the clan was awake. The two sat in front of the large crowd of cats, all below the Clanrock, where Redstar stood. His green eyes were glaring down at them, a scowl on his face. I want to go back to sleep, Swiftpaw thought, a bit tired from last night with Stonepaw. Sleepiness still made her eyelids droop, but the calico cat remained awake; Redstar had called a clan meeting, and something was going to happen to her and Blizzardtail.

Last night, Stonepaw had successfully taught her how to do a hunter's crouch in exchange to learn how to hunt fish. Of course, they would have to do it the next night, and today, it was the only thing that was inspiring Swiftpaw to move forward. But what does Redstar want? 

"Yesterday, we lost the Shiny Shore to these two disloyal cats, and it is time to pay the price for disloyalty." Redstar's growl rang out through the clearing, his eyes narrowing. TideClan wavered uncomfortably, and murmured among themselves. It was the clan leader's words that made it law, and those who wanted to speak out were afraid to. But Swiftpaw immediately stood up, her feathery tail bushing. "What? Disloyalty? What in StarClan are you accusing us for?" she yowled, her claws unsheathing, "We've done nothing wrong and we tried our best to do what we could!"

Surprisingly, Blizzardtail didn't shush her. He remained sitting, but his shredded tail was lashing wildly, and his lips pulled back slightly in a snarl. Redstar's tail stood up and spiked, "Silence, or your punishment will be even more extreme!" 

Snaketail leaped up unto the Clanrock, whispering into the red tabby's ear, her whiskers twitching in pure annoyance. Swiftpaw could hear Fogstorm rasp, "Redstar is completely fish-brained..." Dovefeather and Dapplefur were hushing their upset kits, and some of the warriors were hissing in disapproval of Redstar. 

Baydawn emerged from the crowd of cats, and stood beside Blizzardtail. "Redstar, please, reconsider your decision. These two cats have done nothing against the code," the medicine cat pleaded, but the leader lashed out, "Baydawn! Keep your yap shut, or else you'll also be temporarily kicked out of camp along with these traitors!" The tom then shrunk back, his blue eyes filling with fear. Blizzardtail's tail tip rested on the tabby's shoulders in comfort, before the senior warrior spoke, "Punishing your fellow warriors and your medicine cat will do nothing to reclaim back the Shiny Shore. Right now, you're just doing nothing and hiding behind hateful words towards your clan."

"Get out! Out of my clan! I don't need worthless cats! Let alone my lazy daughter!" Redstar roared, and his eyes grew wide with anger. Swiftpaw froze in fear; Redstar wasn't himself anymore. The red tom was bushed fur, teeth sharp, a crazy look in his eyes, and his ears folding back. He looked vicious and ugly. But his words cut deep into Swiftpaw like claws, and it made her heart ache. Why do I feel this way towards Redstar? I don't even care about him.

"No," Both Blizzardtail and Swiftpaw meowed in unison, but the leader was already jumping off the rock and retreating into his den, his drool dripping from his mouth. TideClan then worriedly chattered, all the cats looking at each other in confusion and fear. Swiftpaw heard Alderstalk growl, "What a terrible leader! We need a new one, quick, before he begins killing us!"

Snaketail remained atop of the rock, and her brown eyes flooded with emotions. "Everyone, calm down! Redstar is just disoriented, that's all!"

"He's being a huge fish gut, that's what!" Chivewhisker yowled, followed with Tawnynose's remark, "He's as crazy as a badger!" Swiftpaw saw Lichenface hurrying into the Leader's Den, and the apprentice growled at her, "Scram!"

"TideClan, we must continue on with our duties. Baydawn, please, take care of Redstar. I need to sort out patrols," Snaketail stepped down from the rock, her long tail snaking behind her. Baydawn nodded his head, but he turned to Heronflight, "Assist me, in case Redstar turns on me."

What will the Clan do now? Swiftpaw wondered, staring around her as slowly, TideClan recomposed itself from this morning's rumble. Blizzardtail turned to his apprentice, his mouth opening to speak, until Snaketail approached them. Her narrow face read regret, and the she-cat meowed, "I sincerely apologize on Redstar's behalf. You both aren't banished--"

"Come on, Swiftpaw, let's go," Blizzardtail was already at the entrance of the camp and called over to his apprentice, not waiting around to listen to Snaketail's apology. Swiftpaw followed, casting a look of apology to the deputy, before she bounded after her mentor. Snaketail is just trying to do her duties... She dodged Acornpaw and Pricklepelt, not feeling up to conversing with them. She only focused on her mentor, who looked rather calm despite his unsheathed claws.

Without words, the two began their quick stride out of the camp, side by side. Their legs barely touched the ground as they ran, running through the reeds, past the Training Clearing, and leaping over the willow logs. Both of them wanted the same thing, to get away from camp for a bit, and they knew just where to go. The feeling of betrayal and anger masked them, and it made Blizzardtail growl and Swiftpaw to run even faster.

The silence filled the air as the two ran towards the farthest, fallen log from the camp. Blizzardtail panted heavily, his quick pace slowing down, but Swiftpaw kept pushing herself, her eyes set upon the mossy log before them. She bore through a large tuft of grass, before diving unto the log, underestimating the actual height of the fallen log. The tree width was tail lengths long, and because of her fatigue, she wasn't able to jump on fully. Her claws unsheathed, and dug into the wood, hoisting her up unto it.

Her mentor then walked behind her, and easily stepped unto it. They both sat down, breathing heavily, and they shared the same defeat; not physical, but mental defeat.

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