Chapter Sixty-seven

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The sun sent icy-cold chills down Swiftblossom's body as her amber eyes lifted up to it. The way the light touched her eyes made them blaze like a fire but her mood didn't live up to it. Once she saw how high the sun reached, her anxiety rose slightly with every step the sun climbed. To say that she loathed facing her clan would be an understatement; her anxiety raked her of nearly all her courage. What was she scared of? It was being looked down by her clanmates once again, losing her reputation and her status in her clan, and best of all... would this all break her so much that she can't function properly? 

I can't stop shaking. As much as I try to calm myself down, breathe deeply, or even close my eyes, I can't ever forget the eyes. Swiftblossom remembered the many hateful eyes that burned into her pelt and her heart halted on a beat. Her veins turned icy cold and her tail bushed. No! Swiftblossom, stop thinking like that..! Why do I care what my clanmates think anyway? This is how I'll choose to save the clans... I'd rather suffer now than later. But her past trauma still ate at her. She looked at her trauma and knew that there was no way she would ever get past it. Her trauma pushes her to do her best, but today would be the day where she will ignore it. No matter if it eats me up... I'll get this over with. 

"Swiftblossom, are you alright?" Hawk asked, the brown tom glancing at the calico. Swiftblossom shuffled her paws and stood up, shaking her fur. "I'll be making a run to warm myself up," She excused herself, but Hawk broke her off. "Nectar said that you're extremely quick and intelligent. You could even spot me in the brambles. Swiftblossom, you're quite gifted, and I think you would appreciate it if I taught you how to hide."

She waved her tail at him dismissively, "I appreciate it, but I want to get today over with. One day, you'll teach me. I want to relieve my nerves." I'm sorry, Hawk, but I can't do that now. Swiftblossom crouched down, mentally creating her route before she sped off, the dead leaves drifting up from her start off. Her paws guided her as she made a large circle around the den, her ears pressed down to her head and her eyes narrowed. Energy radiated throughout her body and with every paw set down, Swiftblossom felt more like herself. She grew more confident, clear-headed, and the young warrior felt her heart blossoming with new opportunities. Nectar and Hawk will be able to convince Lionstar that they're innocent. They know secrets that will set us a paw forward in Ash's plans. We'll be alright. 

In what seemed like three heartbeats, Swiftblossom had already made her round. Even though she wanted to run more, Swiftblossom held back and returned to her spot. The sun was three-quarters it's way to its highest point and Swiftblossom brushed off her nervousness. She glanced up at the sky before turning her head back to the den, where she heard some rustling.

"It'll rain today," Nectar meowed as she stepped out, the slender, pale she-cat's pelt sleek and clean. Gold also slid out, making herself look presentable and nice. I can't blame them. You have to look good to give off the right impression, Swiftblossom thought, her tail lashing. Hawk turned his head and asked, "What's the occasion?" The brown tabby's tail-tip flickered and his whiskers twitched in slight annoyance.

"We want to look good when we meet the clan!" Gold reasoned, her tail lifted high. Swiftblossom chuckled, "Well, you both look very pretty today." The calico dipped her head but noticed her ruffled chest fur. With a couple of harsh licks, she smoothed down her chest fur and looked up to witness Gold chuckling at her in amusement. "What?" Swiftblossom inquired, a bit hesitant to ask. Her self esteem went slightly down, Is something wrong? Do I look bad? She didn't know why suddenly she wanted to look good; it must've been influenced by Nectar and Gold. The calico waved her tail a bit impatiently. 

Gold purred, "You're very pretty in the sunlight." Swiftblossom's whole body felt a wave of heat hit her and she quickly stammered, "T-thanks!" Her self esteem rose and Swiftblossom was relieved of minor stress. But the calico felt all eyes on her and Swiftblossom forced herself to remain humble, though inside she shook with shyness and slight excitement. I look pretty, I feel good... I'll get through today! Swiftblossom thought with hope rising in her chest.

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