Chapter Twenty-four

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"S-Stonepaw?" Swiftpaw's eyes widened at the tabby tom. Her heart raced, her paws felt numb, and her pelt was hot. But her jaws clenched the rabbit's throat, and she backed up a bit. Stonepaw tilted his head, his green eyes filled with concern. "What?" he asked, before Swiftpaw meowed, "You just invaded TideClan territory. Leave, now," Get out of here, Stonepaw! Before the next border patrol finds you!

Stonepaw's green eyes widen, before he stood up, his tail lashing. "N-no, I-I didn't mean to trespass! I just wanted to see you!" he stammered, looking down at Swiftpaw. His muscles relaxed, and his black ears perked up. The calico apprentice slightly dropped her tough act, but something swirled in her stomach. Putting down the rabbit, she opened her mouth, wanting to say for him to leave, but it came out gently, and instead she said, "Stonepaw, please... a patrol may be coming by soon." Her heart ached, and deep down, she knew that she was just pushing him away. I don't want him to leave...but...

He then sighed, before Swiftpaw blurted, "I wanted to see you, too. It was just a surprise to see you here. It may get us both in trouble..." Her amber eyes lowered to the ground, her chin trembling. She shut her eyes. I-I have a crush on you... but it would be forbidden... That was when she inhaled his scent, and her tail lifted to stick up, pointing to the sky. Her paws felt tingly, and her fur felt even more hot, but cold at the same time. "S-stonepaw..?" Swiftpaw opened her eyes, only to see him, face to face with her. His green eyes were soft, and he was sitting down. Swiftpaw stared into his eyes, before an idea popped into her head.

"Stonepaw? This may sound fish-brained, but... can we meet here, tonight? At moonhigh?" she asked, before averting her eyes, shyly. I want to know you more... Swiftpaw thought, Even if we can't be mates... we can be friends. It made her heart ache. But he wouldn't want to love me, anyway. I'm not even pretty.

"That sounds like a...rather dangerous idea--"

"--I'm sorry..." Swiftpaw grew frightened, before her teeth sank into the rabbit and she bolted away, closing her eyes. He won't... oh StarClan, I'm so stupid... Her heart ached even more, it ached so much it hurt.  When she thought she bolted, her paws slowed down to a slow trot. That was when Stonepaw padded in front of her way. "I was going to say yes," he meowed, his green eyes filled with worry, "You didn't have to run away like that."

Swiftpaw slowly opened her eyes, and she apologized, "I'm sorry... I usually run away from my problems..." When she confessed that, she felt as if a burden was liften off from her shoulder. Stonepaw hesitated slightly, before he meowed, "Same here... but... perhaps, with you, as my friend, we can both learn not to run away..." They both looked into each other's eyes, before a gentle breeze blew. Swiftpaw's fur ruffled in the breeze, but she didn't mind. She felt a connection to Stonepaw, and so did he to her.


"Swiftpaw! Swiftpaw! Can you please teach me how to hunt?" Briarkit begged, leaping up and down. Beside her, both Russetkit and Lilykit were excited, too. Swiftpaw chuckled a bit nervously, her eyes glancing over at Dovefeather and Sparkclaw, who were watching. The apprentice looked at the mates for help, but they only nodded their head. "W-well, first thing you need to do is steady yourself, make sure your paws aren't shaking," Swiftpaw then led the kits over towards the small stream that ran by the reed bed. "Be mindful of your shadow, too. Fish don't like shadows that they don't know."

Her eyes set upon a tiny minnow, swimming against the current. She tilted back, making sure the setting sun's rays don't expose her shadow. She lifted her paw, her claws unsheathing. Her amber eyes narrowed, before she struck the minnow. Agilely, she scooped up the minnow into the air with her claw, and it fell beside her, jumping wildly. Mercilessly, she sunk her claw into its head, killing it. 

Russetkit's brown eyes widened in awe, and he chirped, "Wow, you're so fast!" Briarkit wandered over to the fish, her brown and white paw touching the fresh-kill, before she meowed, "That was amazing!" Lilykit only bounced around Swiftpaw, clearly excited that she would want to be like her as well. Swiftpaw giggled lightly, drawing a paw over her ear shyly. "W-well, I am named Swiftpaw for a reason, right?" She found it odd to be complimented, but it made her heart soar slightly.

"You're really good with kits," A voice meowed, and Swiftpaw turned her head, only to see Mudstrike and Acornpaw sitting nearby. Acornpaw spoke to her, but Swiftpaw narrowed her eyes. She still didn't like Acornpaw, ever since when he insulted Maplepaw. She said nothing back to him, and instead picked up the small minnow to give it to Dovefeather, with Lilykit, Russetkit, and Briarkit following behind her.

Swiftpaw felt awkward with Acornpaw. Why was he so nice to me? He has never been that way before, especially with Fallowpaw around him. She stole a sneak peak back at Acornpaw, and a unfamiliar emotion was in his pale eyes. She turned back around, before sitting down with Dovefeather and Sparkclaw. She zoned out Sparkclaw's acknowledgements to her, for she was deep down in thought. What is wrong with Acornpaw? He's being nice to be, even ignored me in the medicine cat clearing. Something is wrong with him...

Dovefeather chuckled lightly at Swiftpaw, "What's the matter, Swiftpaw? Why are you concerned with Acornpaw and Mudstrike?" The pretty pale she-cat asked, her soft tail lashing. Swiftpaw murmured, "Why is Acornpaw being so nice to me? And why does he look at me?" Overall, she was confused. Wrapping her calico tail around her paws, she awaited Dovefeather's response, only for Sparkclaw to meow, "Swiftpaw, don't you know that Acornpaw has a crush on you?"

"A-A what?"


Hey guys! Morgan is here! I'm so sorry for the delays... I feel like I'm on a huge writer's block. But I have a question for you guys...

How would you guys feel if I were to make a comic of a scene from my story? Like, I can make a comic of the Gathering scene, or maybe of when Swiftpaw runs away from the DriftClan warrior. What would you guys prefer?


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