Chapter Forty-eight *SPECIAL*

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Redstar's body was laid out in the center of the clearing, his pelt drenched in blood and his green eyes foggy. It was Swiftpaw and Webshine who found him and dragged his lifeless body to the clearing. The leader accompanied Alderstalk, Minnowstream, Thrush-heart, Crowbite, Heronflight, and Splashfur. Whitefish, who is heavily pregnant, crawled out from the nursery to mourn for her mate, Splashfur. Bloompelt was laying with Minnowstream's cold body, her much warmer body shaking uncontrollably from the death of her mate. Blizzardtail drew a tongue over Minnowstream's forehead lovingly before using a paw to close his eyes. Tawnynose was grooming Thrush-heart's pelt one last time, making her seem as if she was just sleeping. Baydawn laid the petals of rosemary to hide Crowbite's eyes, the small tom not wanting to witness his brother's death look. Chivewhisker placed Heronflight and Alderstalk together; it seemed that the two brothers never separated from each other, so death will not part them. Tortoisetail was mourning over her brother, her snout constantly pressing against his.

Swiftpaw only sat next to Tortoisetail, staring painfully at Redstar's mangled body. She suspected that he overworked himself once again. Lichenface laid beside Redstar, her green eyes were dark. Flaxkit was with her, but he soon sat with Swiftpaw; the calico pulled him close to her with her tail. Pricklepelt was with her as well, silent, but his morality was fading. His chin was resting on Swiftpaw's shoulder.

Lionstripe stood in the shadow of the Clanrock. The snow made TideClan seem ancient, almost solemn. I can't believe we suffered such a great loss. Those rogues...they were really tough. Took our warriors... But Swiftpaw's heart skipped a beat and she stood up. Where's Wolfpaw?! She immediately began to search for her lover, scared that he was taken, too. But to her relief, he was in the nursery, reassuring the kits.

"Wolfpaw..!" Swiftpaw's voice broke as she rushed over to him, almost hitting her head at the entrance of the nursery. Briarkit, Russetkit, and Lilykit lifted their eyes to see a bloody calico she-cat but they were relieved she was alive. Dovefeather was with them but her blue eyes widened in shock.

The black tom was sitting down but he stood up to greet her. She covered his face with licks and he did so, too. But Swiftpaw buried her face into his chest, panting heavily. He's alive! He's alright...thank StarClan... She didn't know what she would do if he was dead...

"Swiftpaw, look at you..!" Dovefeather gasped. But the calico ignored the queen, too absorbed with her lover. Wolfpaw's tongue ran over her ears, "I'm glad you're alright. But you need to get checked on--"

"Then come with me. Please," she begged, looking up at him. His green eyes stared down into hers; his handsome eyes were filled with worry. "Alright, I will." he agreed, walking out of the nursery with her. He stayed in the nursery, guarding the entrance... seeing that no one in the nursery was harmed, he must've been a dangerous warrior. she thought tenderly of him. 

When they exited the nursery, the whole clan was mourning over their losses. Wolfpaw brushed his lips by Swiftpaw's ear, "I'm sorry for your loss," he whispered. She lowered her head. After she would be treated, she wanted to mourn for Redstar. Soon, Blizzardtail and Pricklepelt were walking beside them, the two older toms quiet. But Blizzardtail asked, "Are you two alright?"

"We're fine," Wolfpaw meowed, "But what about you?"

Blizzardtail's fur was matted with blood and scratches. His worse injury was his leg, as he limped slightly. "I'm fine, son. You both fought bravely. But, you, Swiftpaw," the mottled tom huffed to the calico. Swiftpaw flinched slightly; she was sure he was going to scold her for leaping into battle. But the senior warrior blinked slowly, "I have never seen such bravery in my life. Yes, it was stupid, but the fact you did it for Pricklepelt shows you are truly a TideClan warrior in my eyes."

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