Chapter Fifty-three

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The Grand River's currents engulfed Swiftblossom's body as she dove into the water. She exhaled calmly, feeling as tranquil as the river. But the calico she-cat's legs moved as if she was running and she lifted her chin, letting the water carry her up. Emerging from underneath, Swiftblossom inhaled through her mouth and kept her head high as she swam to the other side. She swam slightly right, going against the current towards the Shiny Shore. The river was much calmer, unlike the day the kits were nearly taken by the river. Since that day, for five sunhighs, the river was flooded and dangerous. The waters were brown and the tides were unforgiving. Lionstar banned the clan from entering the Grand River, for she didn't want any more casualties to occur. To measure the height of the flooded river, Blazestripe stabbed a reed stalk into the mud to study the lowering of the river.

Because no one could fish in the Grand River, all warriors and apprentices resorted to the other streams and creeks to find prey within the territory. DriftClan took advantage of the flooded river and claimed the Shiny Shore as theirs. When Lionstar was given the report of the stolen territory, she was furious. "I want Swiftblossom and Tawnynose to find out the DriftClan border patrols that set their paws on the Shiny Shore," Lionstar declared, calling upon the two best scouts in the clan. 

Tawnynose was known to be one of TideClan's best trackers; not only could he detect specific scents, but he could also predict where they have traveled to and from. Swiftblossom was the best observer (excluding Blizzardtail) and she could predict DriftClan's next movements and possible tactics. To train herself more for this, she usually sat in a quiet spot in the camp and observed her clanmates, predicting their next actions or what they could try to say. On patrols, she mapped out where warriors would step depending on their knowledge of the land around them. 

For five days straight, Tawnynose and Swiftblossom would hide in the reeds that hid the camp and wait for the north wind to blow to them. Tawnynose would sniff the air of DriftClan warriors and explain to Swiftblossom what was on their pelt. Hickory, rye, heather, sand, and mostly gravel. The calico she-cat predicted that the DriftClan patrols travel to the Shiny Shore on a gravel pathway, so it would be simple for them to run and get reinforcements when Lionstar would attack. They also noted that the patrols come in groups of four to five around sunrise and sunset. 

"From my experience of fighting DriftClan, I know that they would retreat but then come back, like a cycle," Tawnynose informed Swiftblossom. It's possible they'll do their cycle again, but I highly doubt it. They know we're weak and small so they'll push forth warriors to take us down. The patrol would search the Shiny Shore, making sure to inspect every bush of grass to detect any TideClan scent; going over to inspect would immediately let the cats scent Tawnynose and Swiftblossom's scents.

Reporting back to Lionstar, the leader began to make battle arrangements with the assistance of Blazestripe, Tawnynose, and Swiftblossom. To attack, there will be two parties, one will approach the sunset patrol while the second party will hide in the reeds. Once DriftClan would retreat to get more reinforcements, the second party will emerge to join the fight. 

Today was the day of the battle. Lionstar will lead the first party, which consisted of Chivewhisker, Sparkclaw, Tawnynose, Brackenstalk, and Swiftblossom. The second party was led by Blazestripe and consisted of Blizzardtail, Pricklepelt, Mothnose, Mosspelt, Wolfspirit, Mistfur, and Tortoisetail. No apprentices were to join the battle, and some warriors were left at camp to ensure safety. Once the sun touched the horizon, the plan was set into action.

Swiftblossom felt her paws touch the sand, she tensed up her body and pulled herself out of the river. Her pelt was sleek and wet, the colors of the sky reflecting on her fur. Lionstar turned to her party and told them, "Be prepared for a bloody battle. Elmstar desperately wants this piece of beautiful land." The golden leader shook her fur dry and made her way towards the center of the shore. Everyone had to get into their positions that were mapped out by Blazestripe.

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