Chapter Seventy

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Swiftblossom dug her claws into the ground, rooting her body for support. She shook slightly but composed herself, "Lionstar, I present to you more warriors for TideClan, former allies of the same rogue clan that invaded us a moon ago." The calico blinked calmly as her clanmates began yowling and snarling. Nectar turned her head sharply to Swiftblossom, "What are you doing?" The yellow she-cat whispered. Swiftblossom flicked her left ear, silencing her friend in a single gesture. 

TideClan murmured in unease, staring at the group of strange cats. Some couldn't see that they weren't rogues at all but rather just loners. A queen and two kits were enough to show that this group wasn't a threat. But the mere presence of Hawk and Nectar set everyone off; the two cats displayed their fair trade of battle and their eyes carried an eternal strain. Like different sides of a leaf, this group was split. No one knew how to approach them.

Lionstar waved her tail curiously, "Swiftblossom, I know you work in strange ways but bringing these rogues into our camp was fish-brained--"

"They're no longer involved with the rogue clan and they're willing to cooperate--" Swiftblossom interrupted the leader, her eyes swaying from Hawk to Nectar, "--there's a queen expecting kits and my two comrades know information on the rogues and more. I ask that we make this matter more private." Swiftblossom forced her fur to lay flat when she heard a dismayed Blazestripe growl.

Hold your tongue, Swiftblossom, the calico refrained. She blinked slowly up at Lionstar, awaiting her response. The golden tabby stared at Swiftblossom, uncertain of the next move the leader should make. Flaxpaw murmured from behind Swiftblossom, "Why doesn't anyone listen to us?"

The growing crowd of clancats wavered at this predicament. Entering patrols halted at this strange sight and split to different parts of the crowd, watching Swiftblossom carefully. The calico glanced back to her brother, her tail-tip flickering back and forth in a cautious pattern. Flaxpaw swallowed hard and shakily meowed to Lionstar, "I'll take responsibility for the queen and kits..."

Swiftblossom held in a sigh of relief. What Flaxpaw just demonstrated left a good impression on her comrades; of course, having two kits and queen with them was a sign that they mean peace, but also that a loyal apprentice would take care of them contributed to her cause. The crowd shifted but no word was uttered this time. Lionstar's amber eyes scanned the quiet clearing before she leaped off the Clanrock. Blazestripe looked at her in confusion and the leader muttered some words to her deputy then turned her gaze back to Swiftblossom, "Follow me and bring your comrades." The word 'comrades' was spat out like poison, letting some hairs stand up on Swiftblossom's spine. But she prevailed forward, each step quivering. 

Blazestripe made his way to the crowd and addressed the clan calmly, redirecting every cat back to their duties. He particularly focused more on border patrols than hunting, which Swiftblossom found a bit infuriating.

Hawk and Nectar remained at her side. The yellow she-cat whispered to Hawk, "I'm not sure how I feel about this leader..."

"She's noble, that's for sure. I wouldn't put her representation today against her," Hawk replied dryly, an ear twitching. The calico reassured them both, "Everything will work out as planned." I hope it does work. 

Lionstar padded into her den, letting the lichen swing anticipatingly at them. Her pawprints left deep marks in the mud, the leader not even bothering to wipe her paws at the entrance. This set Swiftblossom off and each step wavered and grew cold. The calico could feel Nectar's whiskers brush her tail as all four cats entered the isolated den, barely fitting Hawk. Swiftblossom plopped down unto the cool, gray sand, wrapping her tail around her paws. The golden leader circled her moss nest and set a muddy claw upon a stale fragment.

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