Chapter 38

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December 19th 2019 , 10.30 AM

A few days had passed, Harry had gone to Los Angeles and came back as planned yesterday. His plane had landed in Heathrow late in the evening. Then, his driver took him home so he could rest before his secret show tonight. He had called or at least sent messages to Allison, when this was not possible due to jet lag. Allison was eager to see him again. Indeed, a few days ago, Harry had offered to her to come see him at his private concert tonight with the person of her choice. Of course, Allison had already an idea of who she wanted: Mary. Allison began to smile at the memory of when she had announced the great news to her best friend.

Throwback, 5 days ago.

Allison and Mary were having lunch together at Burger King, Mary had a disappointed and sad face from the beginning of their meet-up. So, Allison had to squeeze the facts out of Mary. Then, she learned that unfortunately, Mary had not been able to get tickets to the private concert of Harry Styles. Allison tried to make her best friend feel better by saying that she will surely see him on tour in a few months and even if it was possible to ask Harry for extras tickets or at least allow Mary to come backstage with her. It had lifted spirits of Mary, but Allison had not even had to ask Harry this because it was himself, without knowing it which would make Mary’s day. Indeed, about twenty minutes later, when both of them were tasting their desserts, Allison received a message from Harry, coincidentally offering her two free tickets to his secret show in London. Then, a smile appeared on Allison's face who did not think twice before typing a positive answer. Mary gave Allison a questioning look so the brunette asked her: "Guess what?".

Mary: I don’t know, but I’ll find out soon.

Allison: Promise me you won’t scream.

Mary: Why?

Allison: Promise it.

Mary: Alright promise.

Allison smiled before announcing:

"Then it may be that .. Harry have just suggested me to come see him at his private show in London and I might have or might not have two tickets for myself and a person of my choice....".

Mary had no reaction for a few seconds before she jumped out of her chair, screaming her happiness, she was euphoric, she took her best friend Allison in her arms and said:

"Thank you so much! You are the best! I love you so much, I owe you one! Oh my God that’s fucking amazing!! I am going to see Harry again! I am going to see Harry again!", she sang while jumping around their table.

People looked at her, but it was the least of her worries, she did not care about their opinions and their judgments because she was currently the happiest young woman because she would soon see one of her idols again. She was also happy that her best friend would see her lover again. A few minutes later, Mary sat down again at the table, as if nothing had happened and finished eating her dessert.

December 19th 2019,9 PM

The lights had just gone out, the atmosphere of the concert hall was different, there was a special aura in the air, cries were heard. It was not screams like someone was being gutted. No it was teenage girls, young women or adults present in the venue who expressed their excitement, their joy of seeing for the first time or not their favorite singer, Harry Styles. There were also men in the crowd, two types more precisely: the fathers who accompanied their minor daughter in the pit or or men who also appreciated the music that compose and sing Allison's lover. Harry had a power with the music he created, he brought everyone together and for a few hours, we forgot all of our worries. We lived the present moment, we shared this moment of happiness together whatever our gender, our skin color, our sexual orientation, our origins etc are. We were just feeling good, happy, safe, united and most importantly, we could be ourselves and who we really wanted to be. It was like we were in another world, a better world for one night.

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