Chapter 31

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October 10th 2019, 7AM

Allison’s alarm had just rang. It was time for her to get up and get ready to go back to work. She growled before turning off her alarm. She got up to get ready. She thought back in her shower about her date with Harry, a smile appeared on her face by thinking about it without her realizing. About 30 minutes later, she was now ready and was having her breakfast while scrolling through her Instagram. She had received a message from Harry last night, she opened her conversation with him to answer him.

Messages :

Harry❣: Hi, it went quite well thank you, and I enjoyed it as well! No need to thank me,love :)

Would you go on another date with me anytime soon? Xx 💌

She was pleasantly surprised, she had loved this first date, her decision was already taken. So she replied that she would be happy to have another date again. Then, she went to brush her teeth and left to go to the publishing house. As soon as she walked through the door of her office, she was welcomed by Niall who rushed on her to know all the crispy details about her date yesterday with Harry. Then, she told him that she will tell him everything at the lunch break because she had a ton of manuscript to read. 

The day had passed quickly, Allison had spent her lunch break with her faithful friend Niall, as promised she told him her date with Harry while keeping some secret details for her. Then, they were going back to work all afternoon. Allison is now at home, sitting on her couch watching TV while texting Harry. Indeed, they were now fixing a new day and a new hour to meet again. Harry already had a whole plan in his head, but he was uncertain about it.

"Was it too much? Or was it not enough? Is she gonna like it ? " and other questions were in Harry’s mind.

After minutes of debate by message, they had both agreed on a date and an hour for their next date. They both had their Sunday off this week, so Harry will pick up Allison in front of her house at 2PM. Harry did not want to tell Allison where they will be going.
The brunette was more impatient and excited to have another date with Harry. Even though one part of her was dying to know the place, another large part found it even more exciting to be in the mystery to the end. Harry was impatient as well and he was already starting to make some preparations.

October 13rd 2019, 2.PM

Allison’s apartment bell rings.

"Wow, he’s on time. ", she thought.

Harry had sent her a message two days ago asking for her address so he could pick her up today. So Allison went to open the front door and found herself once again facing Harry who was more beautiful than ever. He had loose hair but made a mini bun with a few strands. It cleared his face and she loved it. Regarding his outfit, he had a casual outfit, a flowery shirt tucked into black trousers and Gucci black rainbows moccasins, of course.

His outfit is probably most expensive than her rent, she thought.

She greeted him with a big smile and moved a bit to invite him home.

"Hi, how are you?", she asked.

Harry did not need to be asked twice and came inside while also greeting her and returned the question after that he answered it. Allison was putting on her shoes and her coat. It was then Harry’s turn to take a closer look at Allison and her home. The young woman had opted for a denim jumpsuit with vans and as usual she had left her wavy brown hair in the wind. About her "home" certainly, it was not as big as his home but it was much more welcoming and warm than his. It was obvious that Allison had added "her touch" to the decoration and design.

"Very nice apartment just like you", he said with a smirk.

Allison felt the warmth on her cheeks  and she knew she probably had pinky cheeks right now. Although his smooth talker's sentence was "has been ", it still made her happy. Who doesn’t like to receive compliments ...

She thanked him and changed the subject by saying that she was ready, she went to get her pouch while Harry was waiting for her at the door. A few seconds later, they were in one of the many cars that Harry owned, despite the fact that he had some of the most extravagant ones, he thought his Range Rover will do. He had turned on his radio set at a low volume, so it could create an atmosphere where they could talk calmly or sang at the top of their lungs or humming the words. Of course, during the journey Allison had tried to squeeze out of Harry to know the destination, but without success.
Harry was a tomb and the only answer Allison got from him was:

"You’ll see.." with a smirk.

Allison had rolled her eyes and did not insist anymore during the rest of the journey. Today was a beautiful day for a month of October. It was cool but at least the sky was sunny. Sometimes,
a few small clouds came to hide the sun but a few small rays of sun continued to pierce through them. At least it was not raining like the last few days. Allison decided to be a pain in the ass one last time by asking one of the most annoying questions for a driver...

" When do we get there? "

Harry couldn’t help laughing and joking: "Do you really want me to regret having a new date with you? "

Allison laughed and joked back to him by saying : "Fair enough, I deserved it. Besides, we came out of London and there’s forest around us, do you plan to kill me? "

Harry: I did not plan this but who knows, maybe it can become an option
- he laughed.

About ten minutes later, Harry stopped the vehicle and got out of his car. Allison did the same and observed the surroundings. There was nothing, just a small path to allow the passage of a car and greenery for miles. Harry noticed the confused expression on Allison’s face. So, he told her that they had to walk the rest of the way because it was not accessible by car. Allison trusted him so she did not flinch and followed him. Along the way, they did small talk. Harry knew they will soon arrived so he stopped and blindfolded Allison’s eyes to create a surprise effect when she found out what he had planned.

" It really scares me now, you lead me, right? I don’t want to fall..", she said.

"Yes don’t worry, trust me love ", he answered.

He was behind her and holding her hips so she would not fall if she ever lost her balance at some point despite Harry's instructions. A few minutes later, Harry told her to stop and gently removed the blindfold before standing next to her again.

Harry asked: " So? Does the 'scary' trip was worth it? "

Allison could not believe her eyes when she saw the view.

" Oh my God Harry! Are you kidding me?! That's insane, I love it! "


Hiiii I'm back with a new chapter! Feel free to vote and why not comment , it would make my day!🌷

So what do you think Harry planned for this date ?👀

Are you quarantined? If yes, how are you dealing with it?

This situation is crazy .. please stay at your home to protect yourself and your loved ones 🙏

Stay safe,love you all and see you in the next chapter 💕🥰


~ E

Number Neighbour H.S Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant