Chapter 10

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It was time for Allison to prepare her dinner when suddenly the doorbell of her apartment rang . She went to open and Zack was in front of her, very smiling with a bouquet of red roses in his hands. Allison rolled her eyes but could not stop smiling. He was such an idiot but that is what she liked about him, Zack spoke : "Hey gorgeous, surpriiise".
Allison laughed and let him go into her flat before saying : "Hey you idiot , you know that I hate red roses! ". She took the bouquet from his hands and put it on the table in the kitchen. He knew that she hated red roses because she had confessed this to him a few days ago. But he kept giving it to her because he loved pissing off Allison. It was one of his favorite pass-time, of course after having sex with Allison. Speaking of which, he came to her flat unannounced , first to fuck her and second ,to check on his friend.
Allison started the conversation "So why have I the honor of your visit my dear ?" Zack replied : "I came to check on you but also ..". He left his sentence on hold , he got closer to her, holding her by the hips. He leaned forward ,his lips near Allison's ear , he bit her ear a few seconds before whispering with a sensual voice : "and maybe more if you know what I mean..".
Allison's breath became more irregular, she lacked oxygen, the sensations she felt made her lose her mind. His touch gave her shivers down her spine ,his sensual voice made her feel something in her lower belly and let's not talk about when they were both under the sheets.. he just made her feel good. We do not need details of their nightly activity. Allison was in the shower and left Zack in her bedroom alone. Her phone vibrated indicating she had received a new message. Zack was very curious, he wanted to look at his friend's phone. He could not resist and saw the name "Harry❣" on the screen. "So it was her neighbor number that she had told him about.." , he thought.
She had told him that they had become friends and that he was sometimes a weirdo. He glanced at the bathroom adjoining Allison's room, she was still there. He knew that what he was about to do was really wrong but he could not help himself. He took her cellphone, unlocked it by using the code that Allison had told him a few days ago, and then went into her messages to see what Harry had told her.


Hey, just wanted to let you know that finally I chose and I decided to go to my aunt's birthday instead of going to Harry Styles's secret show :)
Have a good evening xx

Harry: Hello and that's amazing. H

Plus Harry Styles sucks . Z

Harry: Who are you?. H

Someone, and you who are you? Do you love Allison? And why do you put "H" at the end ? That is completely stupid,like you HaRrY 😂

Harry: I am Harry and I am not stupid, and what are you doing with Allison's phone? Does she knows this?. H

You didnt answer to the second question. And you dont have to know who I am , just remember that she is mine ,mate :) Bye loser.

Zack heard that Allison had finished her shower , she would come back soon.He quickly deleted the texts exchanged between Harry and him then switched off her phone before putting it back where it was before. Allison appeared a few seconds later wrapped in a white towel: "You can go to the shower if you want" , she said .Zack nodded and got up towards the bathroom. He told her that she had received a message when she was in the shower, before going through the door. Allison was not shy looking at Zack's nice butt. She smiled and decided to get dressed before looking at who had sent her a message. She unlocked her phone and fell right on her conversation with Harry. She frowned at the sight of Harry's message.


Harry: But who the fuck are you?! And why are you on Allison's phone for god sake!

Hum Harry are you okay? It's Allison and no one was on my phone??

Harry: Someone was on your phone and answered to my text. He signed "Z" at the end of his text because I signed H at the end of my text.H

Hum is it normal that I havent this text?

Harry: He probably deleted it from your phone but I still have it.
Here it is. H


Harry: By the way , who is this " Z" ?

Omg!!! I am so sorry Harry! I dont know why he reacted like that, im gonna talk with him about this ! And he is Zack my...friend.

Harry: It's okay.. I know I am not your dad but you should be more careful . You saw what he wrote, he probably wants more than a friendship with you... .H

Alright.. in reality we are sexfriends but maybe he developped feeling for me.. Im gonna talk about it with him and sorry again Harry

Harry: Perhaps.. and it's okay! So you decided to go to your aunt's birthday?.H

Yes! 40 yo happens once while a secret show can happen a few times, sure maybe it wont be free like this time but anyway😂 My bestie already wants VIP tickets to his concert lmao

Harry: yeah you are right.. are you okay with this? Like dont you want to meet him? .H

No It would be great but I dont think that I could afford his M&G tickets ..

Harry: Ohh sorry. I have to go now, goodnight Allison :) .H

Goodnight Harry :))

Zack came back to Allison's room, a towel wrapped around his waist , and the body still a bit wet. Allison was still smiling after her conversation with Harry.
Then, Zack asked her : "Is it me and my body that makes you smile like that?".
She shook her head and lost her smile before lifting her head up, looking at him.
Allison replied, having a serious expression on her face:" We need to talk, Zack".

Zack lost his funny face and take it seriously . He dressed and said: "About what?".

He did not expect this come back and especially not such a serious conversation..


Hey loves! What do you think about this chapter?🎀

Im coming back to school in 2 weeks, so probably I wont post much .. I will try to post one chapter , the week end :)

Have a good day/night ❣

~ Emilie xx

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