Chapter 49

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As usual for a few weeks, Harry was currently refilling a new glass of scotch for himself. He needed something strong to forget, or at least try to forget because the more time passed, the less effect the alcohol had. He was alone again, in this house far too big for one person. When Allison was there, it gave back a little bit of life, a little warmth in this space that wasn’t very cosy. As usual, Harry drank his glass in one go. The first glasses his throat burned but now he doesn’t feel at all the discomfort that can happen when you drink a glass of strong alcohol all at once. He was sad and added to that was the guilt, anger and frustration he felt as Allison was was getting hate from his fans and he was even more powerless than before. Indeed before, he could change her mind by giving her hugs, reassuring her but at the moment he couldn’t, surely her best friend Mary was there for her but Harry thought it wasn’t enough. He knew how it was like and he got used to it and now didn’t pay any attention to it but Allison is at the stage he was years ago at the very beginning of his career.

He felt incomplete without her and as they say, there’s nothing better than a heartbreak to write new songs and that’s what he was doing. He would write on a paper, then rip it and start again. He would play some new chords randomly and write them down  when suddenly he was interrupted by his vibrating phone from afar, he was notified that he had received a new message. He got up and grabbed his phone.

"It was surely Jeff" - he said to himself, but such was his surprise when he saw who had just sent him a message "My love ❤️ " aka Allison. He blinked thinking he was hallucinating, that his brain was too tired and playing tricks on him, but no it was real Allison the love of his life had just contacted him again.

Did she also get tired of the break and wanted to talk again? Or did she want to hurt me because she always got so much hate? Harry was overthinking so he hastened to open the conversation to see what Allison had written to him.


My love ❤️ : Hey Harry, I just wanna thank you for defending me (Mary showed me a screenshot). I'm worried about you, please text me back. I love you Harry, always and forever. ❤️

Harry smiled. Yes, for the first time in weeks a real smile appeared on his lips, not just a grin or a fake smile to make his friends think he was okay when neither he nor his loved ones believed in that lie. No, this time it was different it was a real smile. He was about to talk to Allison again but it is especially the last sentence of the message of the young woman who warmed Harry’s heart: "I love you Harry, always and forever. ❤️ ".
She still loved him and she would love him forever just like he will always love her. Allison is the woman of his life and his feelings for her will not fade, they will only grow with time. It was with her he wanted to settle down, even engage and God knows that for a Aquarius it is not that easy.. But it was the truth he was willing to marry, build his own family with Allison and grow old with her. But before that, he had to get her back and answer her.


My love ❤ : Hey Harry, I just wanna thank you for defending me
(Mary showed me a screenshot). I'm worried about you, please text me back. I love you Harry, always and forever. ❤️

Hi Allison, no problem you know I will always stand for you no matter what. I'm so sorry for what's happening to you, you don't deserve it, do you still receive hate messages? You don't have to worry about me. I love you more Allison, you don't know how much I love you baby ❤

My love ❤ : Yes I know and I'm so thankful for that, I will always have your back and of course I have to worry about you Haz you've been seen drinking all day, go out totally wasted in the streets. I guess Jeff wasn't happy about it but I don't care about that, I am worried about your health Harry, please don't harm you and your body like that, promise me please. The hate messages are less worse than it used to be since your tweet, thank you again. I was thinking maybe we could meet to discuss everything. I feel ready to talk again, I'm sorry that I made you wait so if you're ready to talk too, tell me
when you're free :)

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