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5 years later..

December 24th 2025, 5.30 PM

A lot has happened in 5 years, Harry and Allison got married and they now live together with their daughter named Avery. Harry was playing with Avery while Allison was in the kitchen preparing for Christmas Eve but also the birthday of Louis. They had invited several people including the Birthday boy Louis, his son Freddie, Eleanor, Liam and his girlfriend Maya, his son Bear. Allison’s best friend Mary was in a relationship with another of her best friends, Jack! Crazy right?! But they complete each other. Mary is pregnant with his baby too! Finally Niall who enjoyed his life as a single person, free and without commitment.

December 24th 2025, 8 PM

All the guests had already arrived and were ready to have a good time for this Christmas Eve and also celebrate the birthday of Louis, Avery’s godfather. Allison didn’t drink any alcohol and was mocked by the boys, specifically Louis, Jack and Niall. Harry questioned her with a look and asked her if everything was alright. Allison answered the boys with repartee each time and reassured her husband that everything was fine. While the adults were celebrating among themselves, the children played together and got along pretty well despite some quarrels which is perfectly normal at their age. A few minutes before midnight, the adults had put all the Christmas gifts under the tree discreetly while the kids were playing upstairs.

Midnight arrived which meant it was December 25th and therefore time to open the first gifts!

Allison: Kiddos! Santa Claus is here, he  brought lots of presents!! Come downstairs!

A few seconds later they rushed down the stairs, excited to find out what they got for Christmas. They all opened gifts together and at the end Allison announced that she had one last gift for Harry. He was surprised and gave her a questioning look before a mischievous smile appeared on his face, thinking he was getting a treat tonight. And he was not the only one to think like that because all men made a comment such as "Ohhh someone is going to be spoiled by Mother Christmas tonight.." "Ahhh you’re going to get a blowjob later Styles!" "Oh lucky Harry, he's gonna get a treat!". Allison scolded them directly, especially after Avery asked, "What’s a blowjob, Daddy?".

Everyone laughed except Allison, who took Harry’s hand and put it on her belly over the dress. The girls' mouths opened in the form of an "O" while Harry didn’t understand right away and then said: "Oh my God!! I’m going to be a dad again?!"

Allison nodded, a big smile on her face. Harry took her in his arms and spinning around for a few seconds before kissing her.

Avery: Yesssss I'm gonna have a little brother or a little sister! I’m gonna have a little brother or a little sister neener neener neener! I hope it will be a girl because it’s annoying to be the only girl around boys... - she says with a pout on her face.

Bear, Freddie: Ehhhh! Congratulations Auntie Allison and Uncle Harry! Please we want a boy because sometimes girls are annoying!

Avery: See Daddy, they’re mean to me.. - she says, pouting.

Everyone laughed at this exchange and it was Louis who reacted first.

Louis: Ah I knew it! Everything makes sense now like why you didn’t drink alcohol! I knew there was something going on!

Eleanor: Shut up Lou! Congratulations to you both!

Liam: Congratulations, what a delight!

Maya: Congratulations! Honestly I guessed it but wasn't sure, you were even more radiant than usual!

Niall: I was thinking the same but mostly because she was as mean as she was during her pregnancy for Avery and I didn’t want to get my ass kicked by her.

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