Chapter 9

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August 26th 2019

It was August 26, 2019, Allison as usual had her routine which consisted in getting up, working, eating, relaxing and talking with Harry,Mary,Niall,Jack and Zack!
Indeed, Allison had decided to contact the hot bartender of the nightclub where they went last month. A few weeks before Allison had thought about this memorable evening and wanted to send a message to the sexy bartender.
And that is what she did. Zack had not forgotten her but he did not think she'd ever contact him again , due to the time it took her to contact him again.He had been more than surprised ,even pleasantly surprised.
Allison did not have to wait a long time to receive an answer from him. At the beginning, they cleared up things together , for exemple, if she still wanted sex or something else now. Then, they had gotten to know each other etc and finally they agreed on being friends with benefits, in other words, they were "sexfriends" . At the moment, both of them were okay with this.
The surprise birthday party was also in a few days, Allison was finalizing the preparations and the surprise was still well guarded .Mary did not suspect anything for the moment and that’s all Allison wanted so that the party would be successful.
She wanted her best friend’s party to be perfect, 25 years old is a special age and above all it must not be forgotten. It would be her bestfriend's special, it has to be perfect.

However, if everything seemed to be going well for Allison, it's been a week and she still had not decided between her aunt’s birthday or Harry’s secret show.
She really wanted to go with her best friend but she felt bad to miss her auntie’s 40th birthday . That is why she is right now at work with Niall , who accepted to play "heads or tails" with her so chance will decide for her. Allison gave him the coin and asked him to throw it away because:
"you never know if it's me who throws it , it can be distorted or I will be able to change my mind despite the result", she told to her friend. She explained to him that if the coin fell on "heads", she will go to the birthday and if it fell on "tails" , she would go with Mary at the secret show. Niall agreed and started to count to three and threw the coin. Allison closed her eyes and asked him "So, where I have to go?" ,in an anxious tone . Niall laughed and answered her in a playful voice : "Look and you will see" .
Allison insulted him in her mind then verbally and gently removed her hands from her face , lowered her head towards the coin. It had fallen on "heads" , Allison will have to go to her aunt’s birthday in a month at Manchester . She thanked Niall and then started working again.
She had a lot of scripts to read and select the best ones to give to her boss . She loved her work but sometimes it was boring because of the number of potential works that are going to be published someday. Some were very interesting , either the person was talented and Allison finished the script very quickly or it was boring. Whenever she had to "throw away" a book, she felt bad and wanted to return the script to the writer with all her tips so that the person could improve its book.. unfortunately, she had neither the time or the right.

The lunch break arrived very quickly. Exceptionally, Niall will not eat with her this time, he warned her this morning that he had an important appointment. As soon as Allison knew about it, she asked Mary if she could eat with her at midday. Allison was lucky since her best friend had been able to free herself and now she will have to tell Mary that she will not be able to come with her at Harry’s secret show.

About ten minutes later, Allison saw a smiley blonde girl who soon sat down at her table : "Hey babe! How are you?" greeted Mary and kissed Allison on the cheek.

Allison: Great and you, beauty?

Mary: Very good ! So what’s new ? Did you finally decide between the concert or your aunt’s birthday?

Allison decided to ignore the first question and answered directly to the second, it was the one that interested them both: "Hum yes .. you are not gonna love it but I chose, or rather the chance chose for me that I will go to my aunt’s birthday. I am really sorry! Promise we will both go to his next concert in London! "

Mary had a disappointed look on her face but that is quickly fade away for a smile.

Mary: Can we get VIP tickets ?

Allison: Um, I don’t know, we will see, we will have to see Mister Styles' prices.

Mary: Pleeease ...

Allison: But you are going to see him at the secret show, we don't have to take VIP tickets for his future concert in London.

Mary: Yes! And do not pretend you do not want to see Harry close to you , you have been dreaming about this for years, baby.

Allison: We will see , it might be but it might not be.. Now choose what you want to eat ,we do not have all afternoon !.. she replied by laughing.

The girls chose their food etc.. and discussed all along the meal. At the end of the meal, they said "goodbye" to each other and then left to go back to work.

The afternoon had passed as fast as the morning and it was the end of the day. Allison went home. When she was at her home, she did not know why but she wanted to inform Harry, her number neighbor about the decision she took.


Hey, just wanted to let you know that finally I chose and I decided to go to my aunt's birthday instead of going to Harry Styles's secret show :) Have a good evening xx

After sending the message, she thought about her decision, or rather the chance that decided it. And she did not regret anything. After all, she will see all her family after a long time. She will come back to her hometown but above all, she will be present during the 40th birthday of her aunt. It happens only once in a life.
And she thought she would have multiple opportunities to see Harry in concert. Sure, maybe not for free like this time but maybe on his next tour.

If only she knew.. Allison was going to have a lot more than a concert with Harry Styles but she did not know that yet.

Hey sweethearts, did you enjoy that chapter? I know there is not much Harry on this one but the next one, he will be more present :)

Have a good day/night and see you later xx

- Emilie 🎀

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