Chapter 23

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Allison stared at the screen of her phone for several minutes. She was confused and perplexed because of the last clue that she received from her number neighbor. She kept repeating the message in her head, the words got mixed up, Allison got more confused.

"You already know me and mentionned me before in our texts"

She repeated the message in a low voice again."You already know me", she already knew him..what did he mean by that? Had they met before? And in this case, where? When? How?..Still too many questions for no answer.
Perhaps they were in the same high school, university or perhaps same middle school, primary school or kindergarten school. Allison had no idea, how could she know if she did not know how he looked like, if she did not "know" his face. In reality, she knew him and had seen him several times and this, for some years, certainly not face-to-face but on her TV screen or in concert..But Allison was not aware of that. Now, she wondered about the second part of the message:
" mentioned me in our texts", yeah it was obvious that she has to mention his first name since she was talking to him, she thought. It was logical that she had already mentioned him in their conversation..or maybe he meant to say that I "have already mentioned his last name", the true one? That’s all Allison could think about right now, she had no other idea that came to her mind.
Harry was giving her such a hard time that she swore to herself that if she ever met him, she would slap him in the face as a revenge. Plus, her number neighbour had not hesitated to remind her that she had only eight days left so eight clues before the game is over. Eight days and Allison still had no idea who he could be. Eight days before the end of the challenge and she wanted to take it up with brio. Allison did not like to lose but mostly she wanted to meet him. She wanted to meet and get to know better the person who made her smile with a simple message, who made her feel sensations that she had never had. For example, she was surprised to have "butterflies" in her stomach when Harry called her by cute nicknames such as "love","gorgeous","cutie", "darling" and a whole lot more.
She wanted to meet the man who made her laugh with his lame jokes, the man who had devoted a little of his time to listening to her confide about her fears, joys, dreams etc. She just wanted to meet her number neighbor, who had become much more, who made her feel special and unique in this world and restoring her faith in love, the Great Love even though they were just talking to each other for a few months. After a few minutes of thinking, Allison decided to answer to Harry.


Harry❣: Tick Tock,Tick Tock, you have 8 days left, by the way xx .H

Goshhh Harry it still doesnt help me -.- but thank you I guess😂 and no need to reminder me, I didnt forget that I only have 8 days to find who you are..😭 But I wont give up, Hairy and I am gonna win this game :)

Allison was more than determined to find the full identity of the young man she was talking to. She had not had much time to devote to this with Mary’s birthday but now she is planning on making full use of the remaining eight days. That’s why, without waiting another minute, Allison began to search and explore the trail of old schoolmates answering in Harry’s name, and being two promotions over her since he was 25. But she gave up very quickly, it could not be this solution. She had some time to lose and started to read back her entire conversation with her number neighbor, looking for when she could have "mentioned him" in their conversation. He was not the kind of person to answer quickly, Allison thought she could do this task easily but it seems that today Harry had decided otherwise. Indeed, he had just answered to Allison, automatically lowering the conversation to the message he had just sent.

"Geez.. no one wants me to win this game, even him..", she thought.


Goshhh Harry it still doesnt help me -.- but thank you I guess😂 and no need to reminder me, I didnt forget that I only have 8 days to find who you are..😭 But I wont give up, Hairy and I am gonna win this game :)

Harry❣: That's kinda a big tip..use your brain and you will find out 🤪
I believe in you, you can do it I know that you are a clever person, Allison :) but don't call me Hairy again or you'll have only 4 days left instead of 8 and I am not kidding :) .H

Rude😭 apparently not enough to know who you are quickly lmao😂 no no no sorry I wont ever call you Hai**!

Harry❣: Dont say that, you'll do it and even if you dont, I still want to meet you so you'll discover my identity only at the meeting haha.. Glad to hear that,love .H

Harry❣: I have to go now, talk to you later xx .H

Yaayy and see ya later H xx

"Love", a simple word but with multiple meanings and multiple uses. In this case, it was a nickname, not the most original but it was enough to make Allison happy, "butterflies" in the belly as always,it melt her heart. If she was in a cartoon, we would have depicted Allison on the screen as a pretty young woman with a red heart which was pounding in her chest and hearts instead of eyes. This simple nickname gave her the strength, determination and motivation she needed to carry out this challenge in time. Due to the fact that Harry will not be online for a few moments, that gives her ample time to trace their conversation back to their very beginning. Even though she has not gone back to the beginning yet,
she remembered that day as if it were yesterday..Friday July 26th, 2019 was the day she had decided to send a message to her number neighbours.
He had answered her the next day and Allison felt lucky to have met someone like Harry, he was the opposite of her first number neighbor who told her to fuck off. At that moment, Allison realized that time was passing so quickly and that her relationship with Harry had changed in such a short time, in just 2 months, they went from number neighbors/strangers to friends or just something else they could not define or that they did not want to define. They lived one day at a time, they suspected it might be too early but they were willing to give it a try and take the risk. Both could not wait to meet and their wish was about to be fulfilled very soon..


Hii loves! I am back here with a new chapter!❣ Hope you enjoyed it and see ya in the next chapter haha!

Feel free to vote and comment, it would mean a lot👏🥺🙏

Anyway I dont have school from friday to monday,so I will try to post a new chapter there but I dont guarentee it 😅


Love you all❣

~ Emilie xx

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