Chapter 31: Taylor

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-Taylor's Point of View-

I woke up early this morning and went for a walk with Rex. I think it helped. It took my mind off of Jake. The hospital still hasn't called me which I hope is a good thing.

After my shower I checked my phone. Last night I turned off my cell phone because Andie kept texting me and I wrote down the home phone as the main number that the hospital should call, my cell as the second.

When I turned it back on this morning I had about 20 new messages. I scrolled through them only to find that they were mostly from Andie, except for one. Which was from an unknown number. I didn't really feel like reading it because I thought it was just some spam. So I ignored it.

While I was making my breakfast/ getting ready for work, I turned on the news. The story I found surprised me. It was just a normal morning segment except for the picture of the man in handcuffs. A man I recognized, he looked scared but proud of himself at the same time.

"Last night a man came forward as the murder of Josh Lock, a local man of age 19. Josh was murdered last week while on his way to a meeting with his patrol officer. Josh's lawyer, Jake Barlowe is currently in the hospital after a tragic car accident. We could not get a comment from him, but the man that came forward, Grayson Anderson, had this to say." Then the show switched to a press conference with Grayson, he was wearing an orange jumpsuit and his hands were in chains.

"I did kill Josh Lock. And I am sorry, I know that won't get me out of jail, but I do apologize." Then he started to walk away, but something stopped him and he turned back. "And to Jake Barlowe, I'm sorry. For not only hitting you with my car, but also for hurting you and Taylor. I shouldn't have done that."

As this all unfolded I dropped my bagel on the floor and stared at the screen. Then it hit me. I picked up my phone and scrolled through until I found the unknown message again. Then I opened it.

'I'm turning myself in. For killing Josh, thanks for keeping quiet though. I hope Jake is alright. And I'm sorry for telling him about Trevor. It wasn't my place. I love you, Tay. Have a nice life, maybe someday 30 years from now we will meet again.'  As I read the message I started to tear up, I'm not sure why. I just did.

I cleared my throat and picked up the bagel, I threw it away because I knew for a fact that Rex had peed in that spot 3 days before. I moved to my bedroom and changed into a pair of American Eagle jeans and a simple black blouse. As I walked out the door, still a little stunned I pulled on a pair of boots and petted Rex on the head. He started to bark and I closed the door and locked it. I was sad to leave him, but I needed to go to work.

The car ride to school was quiet. I played the news, but again it was just more news about Grayson and I didn't really want to listen to any of that. I turned it off and stayed quiet the whole way. Lucky for me the school isn't very far from the apartment.


"And then the slope of the line is 5/2." I finished writing the problem on the board and turned back to my students. For the most part they all seemed to understand it, there were a few kids who looked a bit dazed but that was usual. "Any questions?"

There were a few shakes of heads telling me that they all understood. I sighed and then walked through the rows collecting last night's assignment. There were a few people that were quickly writing down the answers and I rolled my eyes.

Once all the assignments were in I turned to the class. "Tonight there won't be any homework, just so you all can get a break for a little while."

The smiles erupted across the room in waves and there was a couple "Thank you Ms. Loyn!" I went back to my desk as they all started to talk quietly among themselves. Then my phone rang.

Jake and Taylor: A Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora