Chapter 9: Taylor

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-Taylor's Point of View-

I get Jake's text while I'm sitting on the floor petting Rex as he rolls around on his back. Josh died? As much as I knew that he drove Jake crazy, to the point where he would come home some days and hit his head repeatedly on the wall, but Jake would do whatever it takes to get justice for Josh.

'I'm so sorry! What happened?' I ask petting Rex with one hand. He must have sensed that something was wrong because he started wagging his tail and jumping into my lap. I let him lick my hand as I read the new message.

'He got shot on his way to community service'

'I'm sorry :/' I type back then get up. I stretch and look at the clock. 2pm. 4 more hours until I have to go to work. It would be nice if I could be here when Jake got back home every night. Oh well I am good at my job and it pays a lot better than most people think.

Oh. Well.

I play with Rex for another half an hour then I check my phone as it vibrates. One new message from Andie.

'So first day was good.. Can I call?' I test her back and wait for the response.


"Taylor! OK so I have so much to tell you! So I had my English class today and the teacher is really sweet. She like didn't give us any homework! And I saw Matt. Tay, he got way hotter over the summer. And Ryan is coming to visit me.. I don't know what to do! There is this party tonight and I was invited!"

"Did you not get my text?"

"No, what was it about?"

"Andie, I'm dating Jake."

"WHAT? OH MY F-CKING GOD! TAY!" She said more, but I put the phone in the pillow until it sounded like she stopped talking.

"Calm down spaz!"

"I can't. I'm just so freaking excited!"

"Thanks And, oh also we got a puppy." I said walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge.

"Aw what's it's name?"



"I know, I'm just so happy right now!"

"I am too! That all is just so exciting, Taylor Loyn, your life is starting to go in the right direction. If you would just get a new job everything would be perfect!"

"ha ha. Now what are you going to do about the whole Ryan thing?" I ask taking out an Arizona Tea

"Ugh I don't even know. Did I tell you about my roommate?"

"Quit trying to change the subject Andie."

"Fine, I'm thinking about breaking up with Ryan. I mean he is really cute and sweet and everything, but he is a little old for me." I sighed in relief as I balanced my phone carefully between my shoulder and cheek as I opened the tea.

"Oh thank god" I said quietly taking a sip of the tea.

"Why thank god?"

"Um no offense honey, but I don't like him."

"Well I don't like Jake."

I almost choked on my tea from how much I was laughing "Yes you do!"

"Yeah I know, Why did you have to get the god damn perfect guy?"

"I guess I'm just really lucky. Did I tell you he quoted StarKid today?"

"That is so freakin' cute!" I can hear her almost crying and clasping her hand over her mouth

Jake and Taylor: A Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن