Chapter 2: Jake

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  • Dedicated to Thea Stinson

*Two Years Later*

-Jake's Point of View-

"Case closed!" I heard the Judge say and turned to my client, not even trying to hide my grin. I shook his hand and he smiled at me, "Thank you, I don't know what I would have done if I lost Maya."

"No problem, Darren. It's my pleasure." He thanked me again then turned to his 5 year old daughter, running towards him, smiling. Her brown curls flew out behind her. Seeing her curls made me think of Taylor. Taylor. My hearts skiped a beat at the thought of her name. I picked up my files, straighten my tie, and  shook the hand of Mr. Walker's ex-wife's lawyer. I always play nice, even when they don't. I saw her jaw clench and I smiled, walking away. I took out my phone, ready to call my assistant when I heard, "Hey you! Darren's Lawyer!" The loud, strong, New Jersey accent of Darren's ex-wife echos behind me. I turned on my heels to face her, seeing Becky Walker. I faked a smile, "Hello Becky." I said calmly. She walked up and stood a few inches away from me. She was wearing 4 inch heels, but she still was a good 6 inches shorter than me.

"So there's this bar down the street, wanna get a drink with me?" She asked chewing her gum loudly and puffing out her chest like a penguin.

I looked at her and wanted to say something, but bite my tongue and shook my head. After I had more control over my words, I said in the nicest tone I could, "That's sweet of you but I think I'm just going to go home tonight, I'm quite tired." I gave her a smile and started to walk away, my hand in my pocket the other on my brief case.

"What, are you gay or something?" she asked standing with one hand on her hip.

I had to bite my tongue again and I close my eyes, "Or something." I said as I kept walking.

I heard her turn around and walk away, her heels clicking in time with the sound of her ring tone which went off ringing through the hall. I took out my phone again and dialed Laurie's office number.

"Yes Jake?" she asked and I could hear her typing away.

"Case closed." I said unlocking my car and opening the door.

"Congrats!" She said, the smile is unnoticeable in her voice. She always says this even when it is obvious that I was going to win.

"Thanks. so anyways, do I have anything else today?" I asked hoping there isn't. I wanted to see Taylor that night before she leaves for work.

"Um let me check," She said, clicking the mouse. "OK, so you have to go to a publicity meeting for Josh, then you are free to go see Taylor," she said with a little laugh.

"I wasn't going to see Taylor!" I said, knowing I'm blushing over a phone conversation.

"Yeah, ok, and I wasn't drunk when I came to work this morning."

"You were Drunk?" I asked starting the car

"What? No!" She said a little too quickly, but I ignored it

"Whatever, where is Josh's meeting?"

"On Baltimore and 9th." She said, scrolling the mouse.

"Thanks." I said, hanging up and throwing the phone on the passenger's seat. I turned on the radio and it was that One Direction song. Which I hate, but Taylor loves it so I tried listening to it, sighing and turning up the volume. If you listen to the words, it is a very sweet song and I understand why girls like it, but seriously who smiles at the ground?

I waited for the next song to start, hoping it will be something good, thinking about Taylor. The song came on and I turned up the volume even more, thank god for the Goo Goo Dolls.

"I just want you to know who I am" I sang as I pulled into the parking lot of the press building where Josh's meeting is. I looked in the rear view mirror gritting my teeth and checking for stuck food. Not seeing anything I stepped out of the car and looked over to see Josh in his small black car kissing some girl. I tapped on the window, "Josh, get out of the car now!" I said looking in at him and lowering my eyebrows. I had been his lawyer since he was 15, so almost 5 years. He was always getting into trouble and it's my job to keep him out of jail. I would get a bad rep as a lawyer if my client when to jail every time he gets into trouble. Of course if he was doing something that should land him in jail, I would drag him there myself.

He got out of the car and rolled his eyes, "Jake, sup?" He said, leaning against the closed car door.

"I see you brought the fan club.." I said, gesturing to the girl still sitting in the car. "She a minor?" I asked glaring at him again.

"Why Jake? You interested?" He asked, raising his eyebrows

"Yes. In keeping you out of jail." I said, crossing my arms and tilting my head to look at him.

"She 19, happy?" He asked, standing up straight and walking towards the building.

"Not particularly.." I muttered to myself, then fell instep next to him, looking over his outfit.

"No suit?" I asked looking at his ripped blue jeans and tattered leather jacket.

"Screw that." He said putting his hands in his pockets glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and opened the door for him.

We walked in and 10 reporters came up, taking pictures and asking questions, I just gave them all wide smiles and walked Josh to the small room with 4 rows of chairs set up and podium with a microphone. We stood and I whispered to him, "Let me do the talking, if it comes to a point where I feel comfortable with you talking, I will call you up." He nodded just to get me to shut up.

I walked up the the podium and cleared my throat, placing my hands on the sides.

"Welcome and thank you for coming. To those of you watching at home, my client, Josh Lock, recently stole a bike, TV, and iPad from a neighbors house. And while I do not condone this behavior, Mr. Lock will be serving 200 hours of community service instead of going to jail. All of his charges have been dropped. At this point I will take any questions you might have."

I smiled, pointing to several reporters that were raising their hands, asking questions about the charges and what the service would be. I answered them quickly, to the point, the only thought on my mind: seeing Taylor.

After the interview was done, I left the building, Josh by my side, leading him back to his car.

"Be careful and you better show up at your community service. This is your last chance and they will do anything they can to get you into jail. I will check in." I said, unlocking my car and getting in.

I turned on the music and watched him from the rear view mirror. I saw him flip me off as I pulled out of the parking lot.

I just smiled and put on my sun glasses.


Hello everyone! thanks for reading :) please COMMENT/ VOTE/ FAN.

Also there is a picture of Jake to the side, just for a mental image!

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