Chapter 22: Jake

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-Jake's Point of View-

"Well I don't think you should be so worried about it," Laurie paused and looked out the window at the town below us, "I mean if it was really important she would have told you, right?"

"That's what I thought, until last night. We were laying in bed, just talking when her phone rang. Normally she just answers calls in front of me, but this time she went out into the hall. She went into the hall to answer her god damn phone." I mumble the last part as I let my head drop onto my arms again, my nose almost hitting the cold wood of my desk.

"Maybe she didn't want to bother you." Laurie is sitting in front of me in one of the armchairs, casually reading a Rolling Stones magazine and answering me at the same time. Her short hair is up in its usual spiky state with a new tint of red towards the tips.

"I don't think so. I think that she just didn't want me to know who she was talking to."

"Maybe it was Grayson." She says sarcastically then looks up at me with raised eyebrows.

"It probably was." I says then lean back in my chair and run my hands through my newly cut hair.

"Just get over it, Jake." Laurie sets down the magazine and walks forward, placing both hands firmly on the edge of my desk, "If it's really bothering you just confront her about it. Or find Grayson. That is really the only way you will ever know anything for sure."

I stare back at her then push myself away from the desk and spin my chair over to where my laptop sits, "Maybe I will."

I go onto Google and look at the screen for a good 5 minutes. Laurie stands next to me, looking through files and glaring at me. Is this the right thing to do? Just google him?

Finally I just go for it, after typing in the name I watch as the results start to come up slowly. There are facebook accounts, Twitter accounts, Tumblr pages, pictures, addresses, restaurants, a hotel in China, the whole nine yards.

I skim through them as Laurie reads me a list of meetings I have this week. I pick out the most likely candidate. A Facebook profile under the name of Gray Drew.

I click on it and scroll through, then go to the pictures and sure enough it's him. That same tall, blond, buff guy who had shown up at my apartment door.

1,804 friends. Most of which are young girls in skimpy bikinis. He is such a pig. I look through and find that the most recent is from Friday, the night of Josh's death.

'One more night, then I'm out for good. Thank F**king god.' My mind wanders away from me as I go through all the pages until I get to 2009. The most popular status that comes up is a short one, but it seems interesting. Over 200 people liked it.

'R.I.P. Trevor, you weren't here long but you will be greatly missed.'

And there it was again, Trevor. After that I give up and just move on. It has been almost a week since I met Grayson and nothing else has come up. I just need to get over it and get it out of my head. Like Laurie suggested.

I click off and go back to some paperwork, making some calls about Josh's case. The court date is set for Monday at 9 am and the suspect was taken into custody.I have my whole plan figured out.

Around 3:30 I look at my phone. 2 new messages, 1 from Taylor and 1 from an unknown number.

I look at Taylor's first. 'This is so nerve racking! but I love it <3 miss you!'

I smile as I remember that it is Taylor's first day as a teacher. My mom and Carol left last night and my mom never got to tell me what she had wanted to say before Taylor came back in.

I am back in my room now, well I could be if I wanted to. But I love spending time with Taylor. After replying to her I sigh and look nervously at the other message.

'Jake.. It's Jennica. I need your help, don't reply it's too dangerous. Come to William's tonight @ 8. Alone.'

Well this is getting weird.


Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!! I know the chapters are getting shorter and kind of suck.. I have some really interesting stuff planned though!!!

And I think my plan will be to update once a week or so, I have this weird thing with my knee and I can't participate in gym or volleyball :'( 

But on the upside I have ime to write, so sometimes it will be more than once a week but sometimes it will only be on like Saturdays.. It all depends on how busy I am..

So please leave me a comment, or if you are crazy maybe a vote..

Love you all thanks for all the reads!!


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