Chapter 8: Jake

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-Jake's Point of View-

Why did Josh always have to ruin the perfect moment? I'm finally with Taylor and I finally got to spend the day with her. Whatever, work is work.

I run out the door and I see Heather's friend Grace walking up the stairs, I give her a wave and go out to my car. I put the key in and back out of the parking lot right when Laurie calls me.

"Jake, do you have more tissues in your office?" She asks before I can even manage a hello.

"Yeah they are in the closet by the door."

"Are you on your way to the office yet?" She whispers and I can here crying in the background

"Yes, I'm almost there," then I pause thinking, "Wait, why?" I say turning on to the main stretch of the road.

"No reason, I'll um see you in a bit! Bye!"

"See ya." She hangs up and I toss my phone on to passenger's seat. As I get closer to the office I remember that I am still wearing my Bazinga shirt. Not exactly professional. As I pull up to my law firm building I pop open the trunk and take out my extra shirt I bring in case something like this happens. I slip it over my shirt and then put my coat back on. It's much less noticeable now. I then grab my phone closing and locking the door.

I look over and there is Mrs. Lock's silver Honda sitting in the vistor's section. I tuck in my shirt as I walk into the building.

It's nice and warm inside. The lobby is welcoming with a small water fountain in the center, the walls are made of glass and whole logs of birch trees.

Our receptionist sits at the front desk and looks up at me as I walk in the large glass doors.

"Jake, that lady is crying again." He says looking up at me still typing away at his computer.

"So I've heard," I mutter then say louder, "Thanks Arther." He gives me a little salute sarcastically then looks back down at the screen as I walk to the elevator. Stepping in I take out my phone. One new picture message.

I open it and there is a picture of Taylor holding Rex smiling at the picture. It's captioned, 'You better love this pic because it took me 20 minutes to catch him <3'

I laughing setting it as my background right as the doors open to my floor and I step out.

Everything is straight and even. All the colors are grey running into black or white. Every office and the conference room have glass doors that slide open. All the desks are mahogany with one pencil holder, a name plate, and a legal pad. We are allowed to have more then that but most people don't.

I walk down the hall past Bill's office and into my own. It's spacious and one of the largest in the whole building. In fact the only one that was bigger was my bosses. In the middle my desk sits facing towards the main room, and Laurie's desk, which sits just outside the door. My degree hangs on the only non glass wall in the room. Next to it is a family picture. On the other wall, another glass wall, is a leather couch. Where Mrs. Lock is sitting, her black hair is up in a tight twisted bun. Her make-up is smeared down her puffy, red cheeks.

"Erica has something to tell you." Laurie says, I glance up at her.

Laurie is a short girl with chopped purple hair and a lip ring. She is wearing her normal miss matched outfit of fishnet leggings, black combat boots, and a black dress with a red skull and crossbones on the lower left side. Her version of a poodle skirt.

"What can I do for you Mrs. Lock?" I ask sitting down on the couch next to her putting one hand gently on her shoulder.

"There's, ther- there's nothing really to do.. I ju- just wanted to tell you..." She stammers through her tears while trying to look at me.

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