Chapter 28: Taylor

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-Taylor's Point of View-

I sat in my room, against the door and cried. I couldn't believe how stupid I had been.  I should have just told him. My shaky hands ran through my hair as the tears ran down my face. Just when I thought my life could be perfect it had to change for the worse.

What if Jake never trusted me again? I wouldn't blame him, I had hidden a major secret from him for two years. I tried to push that out of my mind. Telling myself that everything was going to be fine, that Jake really did love me and that he wanted to be part of my life.

I must have sat there and cried for hours, or at least that is what it felt like. I could hear Rex scratching at my door and I wanted to stand up and let him in, but I had no energy to do that. All I wanted was to curl up in a ball and cry, and for Jake to come comfort me.

My eyes started to close and I drifted into sleep. In the dream there was Jake, standing in front of me, smiling at me with his arms open as if expecting a hug. I started to run towards him, but I got nowhere, I tried to call out to him. My voice was gone and all that remained was a small whisper. When he saw that I wasn't going to come to him he started to walk away, looking broken and sad. Then my feet started to work again. I ran to him and grabbed his arm, spinning him around towards me only to find Grayson, a small baby in his arms. Then he smiled at me and whispered, 'Look Trevor, it's mommy.' My breath caught in my throat as I was about to call out to Jake, searching frantically for him. Then a phone started to ring. I looked around as the room started to fade and Jake appeared again. This time he was holding the baby instead of Grayson. 'Taylor?' He asked quietly as the dream faded away completely and I sat up.

I rubbed my eyes as I realized that the phone was actually coming from real life. I stood up and presses the green button, holding it to my ear. "Hello?" I asked, sniffling and wiping away some tears that were still trailing down my face.

"Taylor!" Laurie answered frantically, "Taylor somthing's wrong!"

"It's OK, Laurie. Just breathe. What happened?"

"Taylor. I think Jake got into a car accident." She said quietly before breaking down into tears. This was the first time in the two years that I had known Laurie that I had ever heard her have serious emotion in her voice.

"What!?" I almost yelled, my heart stopping momentarily.

"I called him, because we found out who killed Josh and I was about to tell him and then there was loud noises and glass shattering. Taylor what do we do?"

"Did you call the police?" My hands were shaking again as I started to walk out of my room, grabbing a coat. The tears falling freely again.

"Of course, but I don't know where he is or anything." She at that point was full out crying, not holding it back.

"I'm sure someone will find him, it will be OK." I found it a bit weird that I was the one comforting her, but I didn't mind. It actually helped me. "I'm going to look for him. I'll call you if I hear or find anything."

"OK." She said, trying to calm her breathing.

"I'm going to hang up now." I said as I ran down the stairs towards my car.

"Bye." She hung up the phone and I'm sure she was sitting there crying and looking intently at the phone. Over the years Laurie and Jake had become very close, he was almost like a big brother to her. I headed down the stairs towards my own car. I slowly pulled out of parking lot, and I carefully drove down roads. My only thought being how dramatic would it be if both Jake and I died like this? I quickly pushed that out of my head, not wanting to think about Jake hurt, or worse, dead.

I kept driving, keeping an eye out for anything when  I heard a noise that made my heart stop. The sirens were going off and I turned down a road. There was two cars, one hit only from the front, the hood dented up and the front window shattered. Then there was the other car, the sight of it gave me shivers. The driver's side wheel was turned completely on its side, flattened by the other black car. the whole hood was pushed up into a hep of metal and the front and driver's windows were shattered, glass all around the car. The passenger's door was open and the First Responders and EMTs were trying to pull someone out of the car.

My heart sank as I saw the dark brown hair of the man in the smashed silver car. I stopped my car and looked at the wreak in front of me. My shaking hands, shaking is an understatement, my hands were trembling. My trembling hands picked up the phone from my front seat cup holders. Slowly I dialled the number.

"I found him. Meet me at the hospital." I said and then hung up, I knew if I heard her cry I would break down as well. I put my car into reverse as I started to drive towards the hospital.

Just as I pulled out I saw the people who had been in the black car. There was a girl with blond hair and a pretty face, though it was covered in bruises and she looked sad. After a few glances I realized that it was Josh's sister, Jennica.

My heart stopped and I slammed on the breaks as my eyes trailed over to the man standing next to her. He was tall, with a blond faux hawk. His large eyes watching intently as the EMTs pulled Jake's slumped body out of the car. He wrapped his arm around Jennica and the two of them watched as Jake was carried into an ambulance.

I looked at him and cried. The man I loved, more than anything, had just been hit by the man who I thought I loved.

Go figure.


So this one is a bit shorter, but I hoped you liked it! :)

I'm thinking this book is almost done, don't worry there are at least 4 more chapters, but it is winding down. :/

Well anyways, leave me some comments! I love hearing what you all have to say about this!! I really do, I get emails whenever you comment and it brightens my day so do that! :D

Thanks again!!

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