Chapter 7: Taylor

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-Taylor's Point of View-

We just stood there, hugging. It was absolutely perfect. I was crying but he didn't seem to care, he just kept hugging me and rocking us back and forth.

At one point I looked up at him and he was tearing up too, which actually made me cry more. We stood and hugged for almost 15 minutes when he suddenly looked down at me, "Do you still want that puppy."

"Jake, let's just say, I fell asleep dreaming about the puppy..." I say looking up into his emerald eyes filled with joy.

"Well I dreamt about you so now I feel stupid," He says smiling down at me, "Go change." He starts laughing and pulls his arms away and goes back to making his breakfast.

I had to stop myself from skipping to my room. I walk in and take out my phone texting Andie, 'He loves me.'

I spin to my closet taking out a white v-neck shirt splattered with paint from when we decided to paint the apartment. It has every color on it and a couple hand prints. I slip it on with a pair of black skinny jeans and grey Uggs. I look in the mirror taking my hair down and braiding it to the side loosely. I look in the mirror and apply eyeliner to my upper lid with a master hand. Adding some mascara. I take a last look and leave the room grabbing my phone.

I come back out into the kitchen and there stands Jake in his fall jacket holding mine out to me. I take it and slip it on. He grabs his keys from the coffee table and holds out his hand to me. I take it interlocking fingers with him as I step out the door. 

I look up and see Heather and Rachel standing outside their apartment on their phones clicking away. As soon as Rachel hears the door open her head snaps up looking at Jake then down his arm to his fingers locked with mine. I lean up and give him a small kiss as we walk past. I hear the girls gasp as our backs turn to them.

"I owe you one." He whispers to me as we start walking down the stairs.We get outside and the weather is nice and cool. Fall has always been my favorite season, ever since high school when I would go to the football games while the leaves were falling and the air was crisp. Now I can have memories of walking down these streets with Jake.

We kept walking past some of the little shops with their one room apartments above.

"So do you have any ideas for names?" He says still holding my hand in his.

"No, I can never think of good names for animals. Remember my pet fish, Fishy."

He laughs and his face lights up with a smile. A smile that I love, "No you are great with names. I've always wanted a dog named Puppy." He say sarcastically looking down at me

I stick my tongue out at him and squeeze his fingers, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Um well I was thinking Rex, but if you can think of something else I'd rather let you pick."

"Well I really like the name puppy."

He pulls me close to him holding both my hands and kissing me softly, "What was that for?" I can't help but smile and blush.

"Because I love you."

"Aw" I can't help but say, he is just so sweet and romantic.

He lets go of one of my hands as we start to walk again, "Why are you so sweet? Like what happens to guys once they hit 25?"

"We realize what's important."

"Like getting your girlfriends puppies?"

"I'm starting to think you love this puppy idea more than you love me."

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