Chapter 11: Taylor

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-Taylor's Point of View-

Only two more hours. I hate my job. Ever night I have to work until around 2 in the morning. Then I have to help all the drunken idiots outside, then I have to mop and wipe out the bathrooms. I don't end up getting home until around 3:30.

Tonight I had not only the regular group of jerks who come and drink, but also a bachelor's and a work party. Around midnight a guy came up to the bar and laid across it towards me. His breath smelled of beer, wine, and a cigar.

"You're really pretty." Well that's what I think he said. All the words were slurred together. But I have learned to deceiver what people say over the years.

"Thank you." I said and walked away. "My name's Jacob." He said following me and stumbling over the stools in front of him.

"Well Jacob can I get you something?" I asked leaning against the back wall, as far away from him as possible.

"A kiss?" He asked leaning forward again and taking a sip from the glass he had been carrying around, spilling it all over himself.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Damn.. Well he doesn't have to know." He said shaking his head and putting the glass down.

"Sweetie, it's not going to happen."

"Come on, my little brother is getting married next week and I haven't gotten any since my wife left."

"Answer is still no." I said walking away to take a group of college girls orders. After getting all of their drinks I leaned forward and whispered to them, "You see that guy over there? His brother is getting married and he doean't have a date to the wedding."

They started giggling and the most wasted of the group stood up and walked over to Jacob. She gave him a kiss right on the lips.

Standing back he fell on to the stool behind him. He spun it around to face me, his jaw dropped and a wide smile spread up his face towards his ears.

"Ha! She kissed me!"

"I know, congrats" I said laughing at him.

He kept smiling and stumbled back to his table to tell the other guys, who all cheering and laughing. So that's how my night went. Almost the same situation over and over again.

It's like that every night. Sometimes Some guy will hit on me for hours on end until he passes out or I kick him out on curb. Tonight I only had to kick out one guy and it was because he tried to start a fight with some other guy, who was on a date.

I hate people.

Now all I have to do is wait for the last few people to leave. All that are left is a regular costumer named Dan, a girl who is sitting at a booth by herself crying, and two college guys who are trying to booty call some girls. I stand at the counter and take out my phone. Normally I don't text at work, but no one is ordering drinks and it can get super boring. No new messages. Jake is probably asleep so it wouldn't be worth texting him.

I sigh and turn around starting to clean up everything so I might be able to go home early.

Humming to myself I start washing the dished when the doorbell rings. I finish drying the cup I am working on then turn around putting on my work smile. But it fades and the cup falls to the ground shattering on the floor next to my feet. It doesn't even effect me. I stand there stunned, my mouth moving but no words coming out.

"Taylor Loyn." He says looking at me, his signature smirk creeping onto his face. Hands on his pockets. And yet I still can't respond. I could have yelled at him or pushed him out the door or anything. But all I could do was stand there.

"I don't even get a hello?" He asks walking forward his grey eyes shining with pride.

"What are you doing here?" I manage to ask looking up at him.

"I came to see my girl." He says still standing in front of the bar.

"I'm not your girl." I say coldly glaring at him.

"Yes you are, Tay. You will always be my girl." He says winking and taking off his black jacket, setting it on the counter. His muscles show nicely through the sleeves of his grey button down shirt, but it's nothing compared to Jake.

"No! Look I don't have anything to say to you. Would you please just leave?"

"You don't even want to talk? Shit Taylor you have changed." He says sitting down and leaning forward on his elbows.

"No!" I say walking down the bar towards Dan.

"Tay! Please! I have something to tell you!" He says crossing him arms.

Dan rolls his eyes as I refill his cup, "Who's the Douche Bag?" He asks and takes a sip.

"Grayson, my Ex."

"Oh?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah." I say looking back at Grayson who is looking at the boys sitting in the back.

"Amateurs." I see him say quietly before turning back to the bar.

"Well go talk to him so he will leave." Dan says smiling. I laugh at him and walk back towards Grayson.

"OK, what do you want?" I ask, my smile gone.

"Well I miss you Taylor."

"I think we covered that/"

"How have you been?" He asks smiling at me with his perfect white teeth.

"I've been good. You?"

"A;right. I work as a news reporter in New York now."

"Sounds great." I say coldly

"But I really miss you."

"Grayson, I get that you miss me, but that doesn't change how I feel about you."

"Taylor I'm sorry. What I did was bad, but you can't stay mad at me forever."

"Yes I can! After everything that happened to us and then you cheated on me. With my best friend!"

"Once, and I was drunk. That isn't an excuse though. I'm sorry."

I roll my eyes and start to walk away.

"Wait Taylor. I miss you. and I still love you. A lot. I shouldn't have slept with Abby. It was just a spur of the moment thing. And you should forgive her. She came to see me about a year ago to apologize for breaking us up. She said you wouldn't even talk to her anymore. I want to be with you. I'm sorry."

"No Grayson. I don't want to be with you. You cheated on me. I'm not going to get back together with you. You broke my heart," I say looking directly at him then up at the clock, "You have to go. We are closing."

He stands up and looks at me seriously, "Please give me another chance."

"No. Especially after Trevor." I say turning to clean the rest of the dishes and pick up the glass from the floor.


After everything is all cleaned up and everyone is out the door, I say good night to Carl and walk outside. I walk towards my car and stop as I see a tall man leaning against the hood. A black jacket flung over his arm. He grins and opens the door for me.


Sorry, kind of a cliffhanger. Thanks for reading! I really appreciate all the comments and votes!

I love you all! <3 So what do you guys think of Grayson? Let me know! He might be important!!

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