Chapter 23: Taylor

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  • Opgedragen aan Alison Benson

-Taylor's Point of View-

"And then after you add 4 to both sides you come out with X= 12. Does that make sense to everyone? Are there any questions on how we got to that?" There was no response so I nod and turn back to the board, writing down that nights assignment.

There are a few groans from some of the football players in the back when they realized they would have homework to do after practice. Other than that the room was quiet and the only sound was pens and pencils writing vigorously on sheets of lined notebook paper.

I finished writing and then walked back over to my desk setting down the Algebra book. My desk. Those words will never totally sink in. I have a desk, in my classroom. I am a teacher.

There was a good 10 minutes left of class and most of the students weren't even trying to work on their assignments. There was that one girl who is always in the class who does the whole assignment in 5 minutes, no matter the difficultly of problems.

From what I could tell each class was still like my classes were in high school. There were still the groups of girls who sit together, the jocks that sit in the back corner, and the random kids who grouped together.

The loudest of them all was a group of four girls. A blond girl with pale blue eyes who went by the name of Scarlett, a brunette who was obnoxiously loud named Kaylee, An extremely smily girl named Emily, and a quiet girl named Bree. For the most part, from what I could tell, was that Bree just took whatever Scarlett and Kaylee threw at her. She was a positive person even though they were awful to her.

But I knew her type, I was a Kaylee in high school and I had a friend who was Bree. We were awful to her because she just took it. She was so much stronger than any of us, we just didn't realize that.

Mixed in with the group of girls was a group of three guys. One of which, I learned from a student in my 1st hour class, was classified as a pot head. He seemed really nice though and all of the girls were laughing at his jokes. There were two other guys with them. One named Michael and the other named Austin. This whole group just seemed to get along pretty well.

In high school I was that group and watching them I remembered how much I missed that. Then there was the football players who sat in the back.

The leader of them all, from what I could tell, was a boy named Ben. He was what high school girls would find attractive. He was really quiet in class though, which was nice.

At about 5 minutes left of class Scarlett turned to me and looked up and down at my outfit. She cleared her throat and raised her hand, "Ms. Loyn, I have a question."

"Alright." I was a bit worried about what it might be, but on the other hand I didn't mind. I mean that's what teachers do.

"Were you in Times Square last week?"

"I was actually." I say smiling a bit, remembering my date with Jake.

"I think I saw you! Were you with a taller guy, dark hair? In Ray's Pizza, right on that corner?"

"Yep that was me."

"Who was that guy you were with?" She asked leaning forward in her seat. It made me think of when I was in high school and we would try to get all the gossip out of the teachers. For some reason their personal lives were very important to us.

"That's my boyfriend, Jake."

"That's your boyfriend?" Scarlett almost screamed, leaning forward even more and drawing the attention of most of the class.

"Yes, that's my boyfriend." I say nodding and smiling at her.

"Wow," She says and then looks over at Kaylee, "Remember that guy I told you I saw at Ray's. That's her boyfriend."

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