Chapter 26: Grayson

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  • Dedicated to Shawn Sedgwick

-Grayson's Point of View-

I walked down the stairs and into the empty bar. But the bar was not in fact empty, Jake Barlowe stood there. He looked at me and his eyes widened. I saw his jaw drop and then he looked back at Jennica, who was standing behind the bar.

I walked up to him calmly. I'll admit that I am amazing at hiding things that I am thinking.

"Jake?" I smiled coolly at him and then I looked at Jennica who was busying herself with some dishes, her face flushed, "What are you doing here?"

"I just came by to get a drink, see if Carl was around." He said looking at me, his face slightly scrunched as if he was trying to solve a riddle.

"Look I've been meaning to talk to you." I said sitting down on one of the stools and gesturing to the seat next to me. I grinned to myself realizing that Taylor hadn't told him about Trevor yet. Jake sat down next to me and looked over at Jennica. "Could I get a water?" He asked, clearing his throat.

She looked at him confused and then pulled out a water bottle. She slid it across the counter and then looked at me as if we had never met before. I ordered a beer and she brought it to me and then walked away to help some guy who was laying on the floor, passed out.

"So what is this about?" Jake asked looking over at me. I looked him over, I could take him if he tried to punch me. I've fought bigger guys and won.

"Trevor." He sat back a bit in his chair as I said this.


I smirked and took a gulp of my beer. "What? She hasn't told you yet." He looked down at the counter as if he was ashamed that he didn't know. I smirked and let the cold liquid run down my throat. "Well this is going to be fun then isn't it."

He looked up at me as his knuckles started to turn white. "Look, Grayson, I just want to go home. So please just tell me what you want to tell me."

My jaw clenched a bit. Jake wasn't really the playing games type. "Fine. Trevor is Taylor and I's son."

"What!?" He demanded, his bottle slamming hard down onto the counter as he stood up from his stool.

I stood up in response and I looked back at him, there was a fire burning in his eyes and he looked like he could kill. "Taylor has a child?!" He was still yelling.

"Had. She had a child." I corrected, I looked down. I admit was was still a bit sad about the whole thing, though I would have been more upset if I had known him or if Taylor and I had stayed together.

"What do you mean had?!" He yelled at me and grabbed me by the shirt collar. "I swear to god, if you did anything to hurt her I will kill you."

"Get off of me!" I said as I pushed him back, Then I looked at him. "I didn't hurt her or Trevor! He was a still born!"

Jake looked back at me, obviously still angry. "Why didn't she tell me?" He asked quietly.

"Maybe she doesn't love you as much as you think she does." I said taking a sip of my beer. I left the empty bottle and started to walk towards the door when I received a hard blow to my right eye.

"What the hell?" I yelled, turning back around to see Jake putting his jacket back on.

"Don't make me do it again." He said as he stormed towards the stairs.

"You're just mad that I can get Taylor into bed and you can't!" I yelled as Jennica walked over to me with a bag of ice. The door slammed and Jake was gone.

"Give me that."  I grumbled, snatching the bag away from Jennica and pushed it against my eye. Wincing a bit as the cold plastic met my face. She didn't say a word and went back to cleaning off the counter. I sat there silently, just thinking.

Jake didn't react as badly as I had expected him to. Maybe he didn't know that I had cheated on Taylor with her best friend while she was pregnant. If he knew that he would have hit me much harder. As much as I hated to admit it, Jake was a good guy for Taylor. They needed to be together. But I was going to get her back, one way or another.

While I was thinking I went back to Josh. Taylor definitely hadn't told Jake about that because he would have called the police as soon as he had found out. That made me feel a but better and I relaxed in my seat. My eyes trailed up to Jennica and then it hit me.

"You told him." I said setting the bag of ice on the counter, my jaw clenched and anger boiling inside me.

"Told him what?" She asked innocently, turning towards me. Her blue eyes were filled with fear.

"You told him about your brother!" I said calmly, my hands slowly crunching pieces of ice.

"No I didn't, I swear I didn't." She backed away from me and I could see her hand curl around the bar's phone.

I looked back at her and tried to breathe, thinking. "What did you tell him then? He obviously wasn't here by coincidence, considering Taylor doesn't work here anymore."

"I told him-" her works cut off and became much quieter as she looked down at the floor. "I told him I was kidnapped."

"Did you tell him I did it?" I asked hopefully.

"No." I sighed in relief and then stood up, taking the bag of ice with me.

"We have to go right now." I said as I walked towards the door.

"But my shift isn't done!" She called to me as I walked away.

'I don't care!" I yelled back at her, "Get over here."

She looked at me with scared eyes, set down her cleaning rag, and followed after me with hurried steps.

As we walked out the door into the cold air she looked up at me and whispered, "Where are we going?"

I didn't respond at first. I walked around the corner and found a black car sitting in the alleyway. I smiled to myself as I saw that the owner had left the window down. I slipped my arm inside and unlocked the car. Then I walked Jennica over to the passenger's side and pushed her in.

then I got into the driver's side and found that the keys were right there. These people really were stupid. I put the keys in and then turned to her as I started to drive away. "I don't know yet, but I can tell you that it is going to be way the hell away from Jake Barlowe."


Hello there! I can't believe this is already Chapter 26! Crazy!

So this chapter is dedicated to my Faja (That's what I call my dad. My mom is Maja.) ((Don't ask me why, I'm just crazy like that.)) But I would like to dedicate this to him, because he is always there to critique my stories and essays. And he is teaching me how to drive! So that's cool. I love you Faja.

SO everyone else. Thank you, thank you, thank you so so so much for reading my story(ies). It really does mean so much to me. I'm sorry I am so slow at updating them! Feel free to tell me what a bad person I am for it :)


~Do you want the next chapter to be from JAKE or TAYLOR's Pov?~

Comment below! I need 5 to start writing the next chapter!!

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