"What is it should I be worried?" Harry joked. "Well I know you like snakes and can talk Paseltounge so I got you this." he says revealing a glass tank from behind him. In it was a gorgeous white snake. "She's a Snow Rosy Boa." Draco tells him.


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"Hi. I'm Sapphire." She hisses. "Her name's Sapphire" Harry tells him smiling. Draco smiles back. Harry takes Sapphire and puts her over his shoulders. "Comfy?" "Yes Thank you."  Harry opens a small hard package from Hagrid, it turned out to be a small wooden flute. He blew into it and it made an owl noise. He than came to Cissa's present. He opened it and found a photo album. Opening it he found loads of picture of him, his parents and their friends. He rushes to Cissa. "Thank you so so much Cissa." he tells her softly crying. "You are more than welcome. Later I can tell you some stories behind them." she tells him hugging him back. Harry goes back over and finds one last package. Opening it he has something something fluid and silvery grey fall to the floor.

"Mother is that." "Yes Draco it is. Harry put it on." Cissa tells him. Harry does so and looks down seeing his body disappear. "It's an invisibility cloak!" Ron exclaims "Is there a note?" Draco asks.

Your Father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well. A very Merry Christmas to you.

There was no signature. "It was my Father's" Harry says. "It would explain why he and his friends would be able to get away with sneaking out." Cissa said laughing. Just the the door bell goes and Cissa goes to get it. While she does everyone goes and takes their presents up stairs and get dressed.

When they come downstairs Harry still has Sapphire round his shoulders softly hissing to her, obviously having a convosation. "What you two hissing about?" Draco asks. "Just where she's from and how old she is." Harry explains. They hear a man's voice from the living room as they walk in. "Ah here they are. Children this is Remus Lupin. Harry he is one of your Father's best friends and your god father's Soulmate." Cissa says as the sandy haired man turns to look at them. "You really do look like your Father Harry. Except your eyes green just like Lily's." he tells Harry who smiles at the man. "I recognise you from some of the pictures Cissa gave me. I'll go get the album." Harry says as he rushes upstairs.

"He been this excitable all day?" Remus asks "Yes as I explained the muggles treated him horribly. He never got anything, he got a coin from them for Christmas." Cissa replies looking angry about the situation. Just then Harry walks back in and sits on the sofa between Remus and Draco. "Can I call you Uncle Remus?" he asks softly. "Of course you can Harry." he tells the boy smiling and giving him a side hug. Harry smiles and hugs back. Draco smiles at his Soulmate happiness. "Do you want me to take Sapphire?" Draco asks. "It's okay Dragon, but thank you." Harry says giving Draco a peck on the lips.

"RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY!" Hermione suddenly shouts as Ron runs in the room. "Hide me!" he exclaims before hiding behind the curtains. Harry and Draco look at each other before looking over to Ron. "Why?" Draco asks. "I kissed Hermione properly and then freaked out and ran. Now she's mad because I ran." this causes the three on the sofa to start laughing.
"You know Harry your James did exactly the same thing after kissing Lily the first time." Remus tells him. Just then Hermione storms in and sees Ron's feet sticking out. She motioned for the three to be quiet. Sneaking up to the curtain she pulls in back suddenly causing Ron to scream like a girl. "Nine, maybe ten years old. I'm seeing pigtails and a frilly skirt." Hermione said causing the boys to laugh. "Hang on, that's Doctor Who." Harry says laughing. "Hush you." Hermione playfully glares.

"One last present. It's for you Remus." Cissa says to him showing them a big present that had appeared in the hallway while they were in the living room. "If this is some prank I'm not opening it. I've had enough to last me a life time from Sirius and James." he says opening it. A mass of Black fur jumps out the box knocking Remus over. Everyone laughs except Cissa who smiles knowingly. "PADFOOT GET OFF!" Remus shouts. "Wait. PADFOOT!" he says again. The big black dog suddenly transforms into a person. "Hello Moony." the man says. Remus slaps him "Not sure I deserved that." he says. Remus pulls him in a kisses him. "But I know I deserved that." "Don't make me slap you again." "Sorry" "Harry come here. This is your Uncle Sirius he's your Godfather and your Dad's best friend." Remus introduces.

"I thought you were in Askaban for a crime you didn't commit?" Harry asks walking over. "I was but Dumbledors FINALLY cleared my name of all charges. Cissa has told me I can stay here aswell as you Moony. The ministry is searching to see if they can find Pettigrew. We don't think he's actually dead." Sirius explains. "I'm glad. My dad wouldn't want you there. You're a good man and and ever better Uncle. Both of you are." Harry says hugging them. They both smile and hug him back.

After a couple of hours everyone has their Christmas Dinner before heading back into the living room. Remus and Sirius are sat together holding hands watching Harry and Draco try and beat Ron at chess. Harry still has Sapphire round his shoulders. "Harry why do you still have Sapphire round your shoulders?" Ron asks. "One she's comfy there. Two I like her there it feels better." Harry explains to him. "Come on Progslette." Sirius cheers as it comes to Harry's go. "Progslette? That's you best one. I have no ideer why you try." Remus responds quickly. "Doe you must admit I'm getting good." Sirius smirks causing Remus to sigh and shake his head. "Bambi! I'm in the dog house come save me." Sirius cries dramatically. "Two in one. Nice. Also I thought Cissa wouldn't allow dogs on the sofas" Harry responds without looking over to his Uncle's who both laugh. "He's definitely a Mauraders child." Sirius laughs.

"Woah what?" Fred exclaims as he and George walk in. "Marauders as in the Marauders map?" George asks. "Yeah why?" Sirius asks. Fred and George quickly run out and come back a few minutes later with an old piece of parchment. "Is that?" Sirius asks looking excited. "Yep we nicked it from Filch's office in our first year." Fred tells them proudly. "Well I'm Padfoot, this is Moony, Harry's Father was Prongs and then Pettigrew was Wormtail." Sirius explains grinning. "Woah!" the twins say at the same time causing Remus and Sirius to laugh. "Well we will teach you our ways. Along with Harry, Draco, Ron and Hermione." Sirius tells them all. "Can you teach us to turn into dogs?" Ron asks. "I can one summer. Though you guys will be different as its different." Sirius tells them all.

"You're an animagus!" Hermione exclaims excitedly. "Yeah I can make to potion but you'll have to keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month and learn the spell." Sirius tells them. "How about we start this summer. Though we'll have to register you as Animagus' with the ministry." Sirius says looking guilty. "Cool can we do it this summer?" Harry asks. "We can try if you want to." Remus says. "Yeah" they all say in unison excitedly, causing the adults to laugh.

In the evening everyone gathers in the living room. The children drinking hot chocolate and the adults drinking eggnog, the Black family recipe. Harry was sat next Draco on the floor by Remus and Sirius talking about the Marauders time at Hogwarts. "One night we levitated and flew our beds round the castle. When Minnie caught us we told her she couldn't do anything because we weren't out of bed." Sirius tells the pair laughing with Remus. "She was furious but didn't know what to say." Remus tells the boys. "The next day everyone in Gryffindor saw us as heroes although Lily gave James a right telling off." Sirius adds. "She did that a lot. Telling him off but she always came round in the end." "I like thessse humansssss they're funny." Sapphire hisses this makes Harry laugh. "She said said she likes you two." Harry tells his uncle's.

Soon everyone decides to go to bed. Harry places Sapphire in her tank. "Goodnight Sapphire." "Goodnight Master." Draco smiles at his Soulmate while he climbs into bed. "Goodnight Baby." "Night my Dragon." the pair cuddle up with each other and fall asleep.

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