Exams and Through the Trapdoor

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Harry crashes onto a sofa next to Draco with a groan. "The classrooms are way too hot for exams." he complains rubbing his forehead. Draco wraps his arms round him and pulls him close, kissing the top of his head "Your scar still hurting?" he asks concerned. Harry nods and nuzzles into him slightly as Ron and Hermione join them. Ron closes his eyes as they sit down "At least most of the exams are over. Although I'm pretty sure Snape made it harder on purpose." he groans. Draco and Harry nod making Hermione chuckle "Come on we need to head to lunch before our History of Magic exam." she smiles pulling Ron up by his arm. The three boys nod and stand up, heading to lunch with her.

After the exam they wander down to the lake and flop down under a tree in the shade. "No more revision and we don't need to worry about our results until next week." Ron says grinning. Harry, Draco and Hermione nod in agreement when Harry suddenly jumps to his feet. "What's the matter?" Hermione asks. "We need to see Hagrid." he responds. "Why?" Draco asks as they all start walking over to Hagrid's hut. "Don't you think that it's weird that what Hagrid wants most is a dragon, and a stranger suddenly has a dragon egg in his pocket? How many people walk round with Dragon eggs if it's against the law? Bit of a coincidence don't you think?" Harry asks. "What are you getting at?" Ron asks as Harry knock on the hut's door.

"Hello you four. Just finished your exams? Want to stop for a drink?" Hagrid asks opening the door. "Sorry Hagrid we're in a bit of a rush. The night you won Norbert, what did the stranger look like?" Harry asks before anyone can respond. "Don't know he wouldn't take his cloak off. Not unusual though, people in the Hog's head can be like that." Hagrid responds as the four friends look at each other. "What did you talk about? Did Hogwarts come up at all?" Draco asks serialising what Harry is getting at. "Maybe, he kept buying me drinks. I told him that after looking after fluffy a dragon would be no trouble." Hagrid explains. "Did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry asks. "Well of course. How many three headed dogs do most people come across? Told him that Fluffy is no trouble, all you have to do is play him a bit of music and he goes right off to sleep." Hagrid tells them before freezing. "I shouldn't have said that." he realises as the four friends head back up to the school.

"We've got to tell Dumbledore. It was either Snape or Voldemort under that cloak and they know how to get past Fluffy. Where's Dumbledore's office?" Harry asks. "What are you three doing indoors?" McGonagall asks appearing suddenly carrying a pile of books. "We need to see Professor Dumbledore." Hermione tells her bravely. "Why do you need to see Professor Dumbledore?" McGonagall asks suspiciously. "It's sort of a secret." Harry responds. "Professor Dumbledore left 10 minutes ago. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic." McGonagall tells them. "He's gone? But this is really important." Harry tells her. "More important than the Ministry?" McGonagall asks. Harry sighs knowing that he needs to tell her "Professor, it's about the Philospher's stone. We know about it being here and we know that someone is going to try and steal it tonight." he explains. McGonagall drops the books she's holding "Potter, I don't know how you know about the stone but no one can steal it. Now I suggest you all go outside and enjoy the sunshine." she tells them before picking up the books and walking off.

The four of them head up to the common room and sit down "I'm going down that trap door tonight." Harry pipes up making the other three look at him astonished. "I'm going with you then." Draco tells him. "Don't forget us. If you know who returns then there won't be a Hogwarts anymore." Ron adds making Hermione nod in agreement. "We'll use the invisibility cloak, we just need to make sure it fits all four of us." Harry tells them.

After dinner they sit in the common room waiting for everyone to go to bed. Soon everyone leaves making Harry stand up "I'll go get three cloak." he tells them. As he walks back down they spot Neville with Trevor, who had been trying to escape again. "What are you four doing?" he asks them. "Nothing Neville just go back up to bed." Harry says hiding the cloak. Neville shakes his head "No you're going out again. You can't, you'll get Gryffindor into even more trouble." he tells them. "Neville, you don't understand. This is really important." Draco tries. "No I won't let you. I'll - I'll fight you." Neville says lifting his fists. "Don't be an idiot Neville." Ron tells him. "Don't call me an idiot, besides you're the one who told me to stand up to people." Neville responds. "I didn't mean us." Ron tells him. Hermione steps forward and sighs "I'm really sorry Neville. Petrificus Totalus." she says pointing her wand at him. Neville freezes and falls to the floor. "What was that?" Harry asks. "The body binding spell. I'm so sorry Neville." Hermione explains before they leave.

As they reach the third floor they notice that the door is slightly ajar "He's already in." Harry whispers to the others. They look at the dogs feet and notice a harp "It must wake up as soon as you stop playing. Well here goes." Harry says before blowing into the flute Hagrid gave him for Christmas. Slowly the dog fell asleep allowing them to get past to the trapdoor. Ron opens it with Draco "There's no way to climb down, we've got to drop." Draco says. Harry motions at himself before handing Hermione the flute. She immediately starts playing "Follow when I call up to you." he tells the others. He drops down and lands on something soft "It's okay!" he shouts up. He hears the flute stop before the other three land near him.  Harry looks around and realises that what they've landed on is a plant of some sort. As he does he feels the plant start wrapping itself round him. "Stop moving! It's Devil's Snare." Hermione tells them. "Oh good we know what it's called." Draco groans as it wraps round his chest. "Shush I'm trying to remember how to kill it." Hermione glares. "Hurry up I can't breathe." Harry tells her. "Likes the damp and dark." Hermione realises. "So light a fire!" Harry shouts. "There's no wood." Hermione responds. "Wood! Are you a witch or not?" Ron exclaims. Hermione grabs her wand and causes a massive burst of light. The Devil's Snare reclines and shrivels away, letting them break free.

Harry stands up and helps Draco up "No wood? Honestly Hermione." Ron smiles helping her to her feet. Draco notices a corridor "This way." he tells them. "Do you hear that?" Harry asks as they walk along the corridor. "It sounds like wings." Draco says as they spot a light at the end of the corridor. As they reach the end of the corridor they come to a room full of shiny birds "You think they'll attack with we try to get past?" Ron asks. Harry shrugs before running across the room to the door opposite expecting to be attacked by the birds. "Harry!" Draco shouts as Harry reaches the door. Harry gets there unscathed making Draco sigh in relief. The other three walk across and meet him at the door, Draco hits Harry's arm "Ow! What was that for?" he asks. "For being stupid." Draco smiles before kissing his cheek. Hermione looks up at the birds "These birds can't be for just decoration." she sighs. Draco frowns and squints at them "They're not birds, they're keys!" he exclaims. Harry looks at the door handle "Look for a big silver ornate one, like the door handle." he tells them. "There!" Ron says pointing at a big one with blue wings. Harry notices a broomstick and picks it up "I'll go and get it." he tells them. Harry shoots up and chases after the key as it tries to fly away from him. He shoves his hand out and manages to trap it between his hand and the stone wall. Draco, Hermione and Ron cheer as he flies down to them. Draco takes the struggling key and puts it in the door, unlocking it.

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